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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.




I don't understand how Goyer is so well respected in Hollywood. Dude is gonna ride his TDK rep until he's raw.

He has his name on a few really successful movies. It's the same reason why Orci and Kurtzman have been able to write half the stuff coming out of Hollywood. It's got nothing to do with skill and everything to do with ability to bring in the money, which Goyer can do.
I loved this movie. I liked the sci-fi designs, the fine acting, the powerful soundtrack, the little easter eggs and the relentless action. It definitely met my expectations.


Bond shills luxury cars and watches, high end tailors and booze.

Superman shills for pancakes, big box stores and cell phones.


- I've always considered Superman to be a colorful franchise, and with that in mind, I wasn't a fan of Syder's mute palette in terms of the visual fidelity of the film.

- I thought the introduction of the film on Krypton was fantastic. The jump from Superman's pod crash landing on Earth, to him grown up was extremely jarring though, and I wasn't the biggest fan of the transitions between modern times and the past. They didn't come off as seamless, both from a cinematographic point of view, as well as narratively speaking. The middle of the film overstayed its welcome by about 10-20 minutes, but the film had an extremely satisfying 3rd act.

- I know what the filmmakers were trying to accomplish, but they should have chosen between
the school bus in Superman's childhood or oil tanker crash in his adulthood.
Ham fisting both within the narrative simply came off as unnatural, and an overtly forceful and lazy means of exposing Superman's morality.

- I know people love their dogs,
but I couldn't help but laugh when Costner fucking ran into a tornado to save a dog. The scene would have had a hell of a lot more impact had he gone back for a baby or small child,
and while that's a tad bit cliche, it's better than the alternative present within the film Lol.

- I wasn't a fan of Zod as a villain. He definitely had the motivations, but his character had too much of a passive role within a lot of the scenes, and for much of the film, Faora actually seemed more like the main villain. Michael Shannon did fine with what he was given, but was ultimately failed by so-so writing. He didn't have any memorable moments, he was sort of just "there" if that makes any sense.

- I really enjoyed the action within the film. Some of it was kind of cheesy, particularly the closeups of Superman's flight, but everything else was top notch. The sense of speed and impact of the Kryptonian's powers on Earth was well realized, and a lot of the set pieces and scale of destruction was extremely impressive. I actually preferred the action of this film over that of the Avengers.

So basically: Strong introduction, so-so middle portion and satisfying 3rd act with an average script and entertaining action. Basically your average Summer Blockbuster, nothing more and nothing less. I think the negative reviews are a tad bit too damning, but that may be a result of misplaced expectations, due in great part to the advertisements which pushed the film as significantly deeper than it actually is.

I'd give the film a 7.5 to 8 out of 10.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Just got back, and I was really fine with nearly everything in the film. For the moment, just one remark.

Tonally, I can see what the problem is some have, and agree with their perspective. On the other hand, about halfway through the movie I began to feel approaching it as a popcorn superhero movie (like the avengers) was maybe not quite right. In the same way Nolan tried to make his Batman films vigilante crime dramas, Man of Steel strikes me as going for being a straight up science fiction space opera in which one character may be seen as a "super hero" by people on Earth. The cosmic and alien nature of Superman is really played up here.

Taking itself a bit too seriously, trying hard to be bombastic in that regard, supports the space opera angle IMO.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Some of the scenes would've benefited more if the film followed a linear structure instead of using flashbacks. I think that was my biggest annoyance with the movie.

scenes like
Pa Kent showing Clark the ship and Pa Kent's death for instance
the impact of these scenes was lessened because they had no build up, they came out of nowhere.
So the next film should be called DOOMSDAY.

Cuz he's the villain. Maybe not THE villain, Lex can be introduced and built up here but the next balls to the wall battle should be against Doomsday.

Yay or Nay?


So the next film should be called DOOMSDAY.

Cuz he's the villain. Maybe not THE villain, Lex can be introduced and built up here but the next balls to the wall battle should be against Doomsday.

Yay or Nay?
Doomsday is kinda lame, if they go that route I prefer Darkseid.
So the next film should be called DOOMSDAY.

Cuz he's the villain. Maybe not THE villain, Lex can be introduced and built up here but the next balls to the wall battle should be against Doomsday.

Yay or Nay?

So your idea for a sequel is based on more alien battles?


Btw, just out of interest, and this question goes to all reading this: which is your favourite comic book movie of the past decade? Mine is Singer's X-Men.


I wonder who they'll get to play Lex in the sequel. I really hope it's not Kevin Spacey, because his lackey in House of Cards is already working at the Daily Planet. That was so weird for me. Kept waiting for him to betray everyone and make a call to Lex going "It's done." Lolololol.
Doomsday is kinda lame, if they go that route I prefer Darkseid.
I get that. Though Darkseid is just some next level stuff, he's a despot from another world with his own army and shit. He should be saved for JLA or barring that wait a few movies cuz im not feeling two straight movies of invading alien armies.

I just kinda dig the idea of Doomsday as a force of nature that Superman has to deal with. A monster that can't be talked to or reasoned with and can push Superman to him absolute physical limits.

Also, i dont think he should be the whole film, lex should play a big role here. I don't know what but a movie with him being fleshed out and superman having to deal with the rampaging monster would be pretty cool.

I feel like Doomsday is inevitable for this movie series, since its one of, if not the, most famous Superman story. I just wonder what it would be like if that actually turned out to be the next step here.
So your idea for a sequel is based on more alien battles?


Btw, just out of interest, and this question goes to all reading this: which is your favourite comic book movie of the past decade? Mine is Singer's X-Men.

Why not? It seems like that what the people who enjoy this movie the most seem to really love. If it's successful I'm willing to bet Snyder and co double down on it and offer even more in the sequel.

As for your question, its Spider-man 2.
- I've always considered Superman to be a colorful franchise, and with that in mind, I wasn't a fan of Syder's mute palette in terms of the visual fidelity of the film.

- I thought the introduction of the film on Krypton was fantastic. The jump from Superman's pod crash landing on Earth, to him grown up was extremely jarring though, and I wasn't the biggest fan of the transitions between modern times and the past. They didn't come off as seamless, both from a cinematographic point of view, as well as narratively speaking. The middle of the film overstayed its welcome by about 10-20 minutes, but the film had an extremely satisfying 3rd act.

- I know what the filmmakers were trying to accomplish, but they should have chosen between
the school bus in Superman's childhood or oil tanker crash in his adulthood.
Ham fisting both within the narrative simply came off as unnatural, and an overtly forceful and lazy means of exposing Superman's morality.

- I know people love their dogs,
but I couldn't help but laugh when Costner fucking ran into a tornado to save a dog. The scene would have had a hell of a lot more impact had he gone back for a baby or small child,
and while that's a tad bit cliche, it's better than the alternative present within the film Lol.

- I wasn't a fan of Zod as a villain. He definitely had the motivations, but his character had too much of a passive role within a lot of the scenes, and for much of the film, Faora actually seemed more like the main villain. Michael Shannon did fine with what he was given, but was ultimately failed by so-so writing. He didn't have any memorable moments, he was sort of just "there" if that makes any sense.

- I really enjoyed the action within the film. Some of it was kind of cheesy, particularly the closeups of Superman's flight, but everything else was top notch. The sense of speed and impact of the Kryptonian's powers on Earth was well realized, and a lot of the set pieces and scale of destruction was extremely impressive. I actually preferred the action of this film over that of the Avengers.

So basically: Strong introduction, so-so middle portion and satisfying 3rd act with an average script and entertaining action. Basically your average Summer Blockbuster, nothing more and nothing less. I think the negative reviews are a tad bit too damning, but that may be a result of misplaced expectations, due in great part to the advertisements which pushed the film as significantly deeper than it actually is.

I'd give the film a 7.5 to 8 out of 10.

This sums up my feelings for this movie as well. The biggest problem for me was the editing it had a great pace in the first half of the movie then when Zod comes it gets wonky it doesn't find it's way until the third act.


The scene in Penn Station was ridiculous.
They weren't pinned against a wall! They could have, like, run around when Superman was holding Zod's head. The whole thing was absurd and unnecessary.

I agree with whomever said the film suffered from tonal problems. Was it an artsy, serious examination of Superman's origin? A pulpy action flick? It wavered between those two poles without the confidence to pull off either.
Scene was in Union Station in Chicago, jerk!


The movie was pretty good. Not the bees knees. I did like the score even though it wax overbearing. Sadly Michael Shannon wasn't that great. Not a whole lot of characterization of a bunch of people. It was serviceable and the action was great. 7/10
Watched it today.

They didn't explain the codex thing very well, and what good it does being in Supe's body. They kept saying Supe's is the hope of Krypton but they're not immortal so unless he reproduces asexually their race is still dead.

Didn't like Lois at all, and she somehow turns up everywhere like a cancer. they did an incredibly horrible job showing why Clark would like her, it's like an entire section was cut out from when he meets Lois at the graveyard.

Some of the one-liners were hilariously bad. The whole "morality" one was supremely stupid. I don't think the person who wrote it knows what morality is.

Action was good except for the last fight where it is 2 seemingly immortal people punching each other. It was like something from a typical shounen anime, where people get punched and fly through building but show little to no affect. There was no sense of damage or getting hurt by anything which made it silly and boring.

I felt like they should've spent more time with Clark on the road trying to find himself. I thought that was a majour theme of the movie, but the trailers seemed to have lied profusely. I don't think I really knew Clark well enough as an adult.

The dad dying to save a dog was just.....wow. Makes him seem extremely stupid rather than brave and inspiring if you ask me.

Ending was bad. I thought the whole point of Lois knowing Supe's identity was that we would cut out this I don't wear a disguise daily planet nonsense. Several people working at the company saw him kissing Lois, the military knows who he is (I assume so from UAV scene) and yet we are to believe he is able to put up a façade by wearing glasses?

Still a decent action movie with impressive CGI effects.

The choice was made early to make this Superman less inspirational and more relatable. You can either aspire to be like Superman, or you can try to make Superman seem more like someone you can identify with.

Goyer/Nolan went with the latter, likely because writing inspiration/idealism is really, really hard, as some people don't respond to it well if you don't nail it perfectly. Some people see an ideal realized, and see that as something they could strive towards. Others see that, and see a preachy figure, judging you for not having gotten to where they are yet.

Some people dislike Superman because writers will reach for inspirational but readers will feel like they're being judged, and the words that seem like they're uplifiting come across as boring.

So Goyer/Nolan chose to go with relatable, because that gives someone an in. They consciously decided to make "inspirational" secondary to "relatable," and the hope is that the next movie starts delivering on the promise of hope that we were only told about in this movie.


I'm giving the characterization of the ancillary characters a pass because it was an origin story.

I'm surprised by people giving Zod downgrades, though. That
last rant really encapsulates him. A justified monster, at least in his eyes. His whole existence was for one thing.

Let's ignore the insanity of a super advanced race pulling a China and completely secluding itself after being millennia ahead of other worlds/centuries ahead of the rest of the world.


Still i think no one has answered my question about the in the middle of the movie, why Zod asked for Amy Adams to go ith them on the ship.
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