listen to the mad man
Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
Yes, surely voting in the presidential election in California is going to make a world of difference.
Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
Horrible example. To allow the Trump star vandalization would create a bad standard going into the future. Trump will probably lose the election, but the right populism movement is not dead. I guarantee you that they will win elections in the future, just like they have here in the EU. Please don't give them the idea that it is okay to cleanse society of what they hate outside the parameters of the law.
who is cleansing society? some dude destroyed a worthless object out of anger. we have no reason to be tolerant of trumps intolerance by showing any kind of reverence to him.
It is a slippery slope. A lot of right wing populists probably have creative ideas about the "worthless objects" in society they want to remove. What do we do if they end up in power and they stop to show "reverence"?
OMG! Someone did as;ldka;slkda;slkda
This is the funniest thing I see this week.
vandalism is not slippery slope to genocide. and the people you're talking about are fucking white supremacists who already have a template for that.
That'll show him!
Probably don't need to bother voting now.
Yep, this is how you make people support the anti-Trump agenda.
You know what's going to happen? The idiot at work who supports Trump, will send me this story and tell me that history is just repeating itself, with the "violent left attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them".
I will never be able to convince him anything else, but he talks to people, and he spreads this concept.
Yeah, youd think a guy driven to destruction because of Trump would understand the effect galvanization can have.
Best way to further entrench someone else's views is to attack them.
That's not how that works...Every star is paid for by the artist who deems him/herself worthy of one. Donald had to petition, pay, and likely bribe the city to get that star..."awarded" is not how I would describe it's existence.
Yeah, youd think a guy driven to destruction because of Trump would understand the effect galvanization can have.
Best way to further entrench someone else's views is to attack them.
I was going to say just take a shit on it but on Hollywood Blvd I'm not sure anyone would even notice.
At this point its a toss-up whether the vandal is a democrat or a republican.
lol is it really that bad?
Unless you really, really need to buy 3 suits for $100 or a bootleg 2pac/Bob Marley t-shirt, I would avoid it. It's a dump.
So tolerant.
Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
How? The star would still be there if he just voted. I think this is super cool if the guy was aware of and okay with the consequences. I'd probably hire him once he gets out of jail too.Was this really worth going to jail over? You know what would be more effective than this? Voting.
lol is it really that bad?
That's not how that works...Every star is paid for by the artist who deems him/herself worthy of one. Donald had to petition, pay, and likely bribe the city to get that star..."awarded" is not how I would describe it's existence.
YES! Generally don't like being the after dark, Specially don't like taking the train out of the after 10 pm cause all the crazies flood the train going into downtown.
Well yeah, somebody had to pay. But it wasn't the Donald:
idk after dark the tourists and most of the spangers are gone. Maybe it's because I live in the area but I'd rather be there at midnight when it's largely people out drinking than midday flooded with tourists
lol is it really that bad?
That'll show him!
Probably don't need to bother voting now.
You leave Peter out of this. We know who really did it.