Otoyomegatari 10
Ridiculously beautiful and detailed art. Like wow.
One page of Otoyomegatari > One chapter of Bleach.
One page of Otoyomegatari > One volume of Bleach.
One page of Otoyomegatari > One chapter of Bleach.
I approve
That pretty much sounds like all the hints the anime and the parts of the manga I read so far
Guess I'll keep an eye out to watch this~
Wrote a Prison School post on my facebook but it was probably mostly wasted since I doubt anyone read it, so I'll just repost it here.
I almost thought I was seeing pages of Berserk. This is awesome.For some two page spreads that is not even an overstatement.
Creep alert. Such a weird chapter that was. The author really stopped giving a shit about the backgrounds for a few chapters.
Yeah the art is really amazing, I like the story on its own too actually thoughFor some two page spreads that is not even an overstatement.
Speaking of Assassination Classroom I watched the live-action movie in the plane a few days ago. And it was... not that bad actually. Koro-sensei can look a bit cheap at times but he has a great voice. It's pretty rushed though (Karma, the robot student and Koro's "brother" are introduced right after the other) and some stuff is just weird. Karma and Nagisa fight Itona on top of a radio tower or something...
The ending was erm, well, they "kill" Koro-sensei with the aid of the military but he's actually not dead and just reappears behind the students while they're crying. It will obviously get a sequel. I'm not caught up to the manga so I don't know if there's a backstory for Koro-sensei in the manga. In the movie we learn that he was involved in a disaster where his lover, Class-E's former teacher, dies and tells him to become their teacher. Is this what happens in the manga?
how does Itona look, did he get a good actor?
Also that is what happened in the manga.
Wedgied so hard it made the T/N page disappearKeijo ch47
Who knew giving yourself a wedgie makes you faster?
I would put quite a number of mangaka over Miura too.
I'd hate to be seen as HnG defence force because I do feel the ending was a bit rushed too. Reading your thoughts seem like we have a little different in expectations.
The highschool club was supposed to be fade away once Hikaru became a insei, that's understandable. I think the only part where I felt the same as you was the missing 'divine move' in action. The International arc, as in the last one, is pretty important foreshadowing Hikaru's potential and is implying he will be the one playing that move in future. During the entire serialization, Korea has dominated Go for the past few decades, China was distance runner up and in fact a Jubango ( ten-game match ) was held in 2014 for two of the most prominent Go players in the last decade and the korean player came up winning 6-2 against the chinese. Hikaru, a Japanese player, barely losing to the uprising, all-conquering Korean star despite picking up the sports late. That was probably the significant of the arc.
I had a feeling you'd like it.Great writeup. You should share it around as much as possible~
Facebook would be a pretty nice place if more people would post great stuff like you.
Wedgied so hard it made the T/N page disappear
I had a feeling you'd like it.
For some reason my family and friends didn't seem to take much interest on my Prison School write up![]()
You should show them the goods. Specifically, the life and hometown displayed. That'd be certain to catch their attention#
Sorry for the late response. Thanks. I might just jump in, and look up wikis if I get lost.Having WSJ on comixology is a pretty great step, especially if Viz continues with migrating more of their manga's to the store to make it easier for people to get them.
The fact it's still limited to the same regions as th iOS Newstand/Android app is pretty disappointing though. Baby steps I guess, but if they lifted those restrictions it would go a long way to helping the magazine.
How caught up are you on the manga in WSJ?
vol 176 (issue 27) should be a good point to start with most manga since its some one-off stories and some of the manag are are starting new storylines. The following issue is also good I think.
I'd say get them all, but the tricky thing about anthology magazines is that there really isn't a great jumping in point for all the series (since some are in the middle of a story arc while others are just starting/finishing them) in a single issue. You could just start reading and go along with each issue since most manga are easy to follow what's going in them.
Was wondering what an afghan rug was doing in a manga, googled the manga and it started to make sense.Otoyomegatari 10
Ridiculously beautiful and detailed art. Like wow.
I don't think anyone even got to the pictures section =(
Also I like to keep things a bit classy on facebook, out of respect for others.
Should've posted a pic of Vice-prez at the top of the writeup!
And this is how I know you're an old man that's disconnected from the world!
You can't post pictures in a body of a text in facebook, they always come at the end of the write up!
Keijo ch47
Who knew giving yourself a wedgie makes you faster?
Shokugeki no Soma 132
tosh too gud 4 me.
Blame me for not caring about Facebook ~( ´~` )~
That reminded me of my childhood, where wedgies were commonly used to be faster on the waterslide.
Keijo 47
Wedgies and stiff nips signalling rage mode.
Shokugeki no Soma ch 132
Cat Senpai has a great personality... what would be nice is if Erina's Dad knew who Soma was due to his Father
Also lol at that shocked Megumi face when she took a bite of the 1st seats dish
Only cause you don't have cool kids like me on your Facebook you pervy old man~
Having more cool guys like you would indeed convince me to get there~
But then, I already have you on Twitter~
You should have me in all aspects of your life!
Looking at this latest trailer for the live action adaption of Heroine Shikkaku makes me believe even more that it's gonna be an awesome transposition. It also makes me pissed off that the manga hasn't released any volumes past 5 here still. I like to be hopeful but...
Obviously we should get married~
I'm sorry, my heart belongs to Shokotan.
Blame Striferser.
I feel like that's possible, but I imagine that reveal probably occurs the same way it did for the Dorm Members: Joichirou shows up to something, Erina freaks out, Soma starts bickering with his dad, she freaks out for a different reason.
An offhand comment: "You're Jouchirou's kid right? I expelled your father muahahaha" probably just wouldn't have the same level of amusing Erina reaction faces.
Jump is still locked to me even on Comixology it seems. All the links go to an error page and I don't see it on their site.Comixology adds some kodansha manga and shonen jump.
Nice to see. Especially that they are not US exclusive.
Where do you live? It's still only offered in the same countries as before (US, UK, Australia, South Africa)Jump is still locked to me even on Comixology it seems. All the links go to an error page and I don't see it on their site.
Yeah, figures. I was wondering if this is gonna expand their regions finally but of course notWhere do you live? It's still only offered in the same countries as before (US, UK, Australia, South Africa)