One spinoff manga for every crewOne Piece 799
Yeah, this entire arc was building up to this, I don't think anyone is surprised.
I'm curious to see what kind of repercussions this will have in future arcs.
Jitsu wa Watashi wa 89-90
Please do not
One Piece 799
And here I was just hoping for one more crew member at the most
Uh, context?
Depends how much they interact in the future, though.
if they basically sail with them they're basically crew
I really don't see them sailing together in the same way as the Strawhats proper. I could see one or two members being prominent in any given arc, but still less screentime than the main crew. Like with the battle with Kaidou, they'll probably be taking on Kaidou's fleet, largely off screen while the strawhats and heart pirates deal with Kaidou's inner circle (and Drake as well if he's not technically included in that circle). We'll get some scenes of them starting to engage the Kaidou fleet, and a few where they're fighting, and one where they've triumphed, but I expect less screentime than they got in Dressrosa by far
But Mask de Masculine was a QuincyOP
Suleiman and Cavendish look like a good combo
Chapter 700 next week I wonder what Oda will do
Assistant is going to get huirt next chapter and Mr. Science is going to show his true emotions
I am enjoying this bloody hand more then all the other Quincies
Toriko 337
Crazy Shit....
But Mask de Masculine was a Quincy
Alright you manga experts...
for the below two manga series, are they still ongoing with any end in sight?
- Ore Monogatari
- Jitsu wa Watashi wa
Alright you manga experts...
for the below two manga series, are they still ongoing with any end in sight?
- Ore Monogatari
- Jitsu wa Watashi wa
Pretty sure Ore Monogatari is ongoing
Don't know about the other one, but my gut says yes as well
It's pretty rare for an anime adaptation of a finished manga to be announced (Stuff like Ushio and Tora are anomalies). Anime that cover a manga to the end generally are announced before the manga ended
Wondering what the gap is between adapted material and unadapted material for a potential 3rd season of Ore Monogatari and a possible continuation of Actually, I Am. (probably not with this one, since I've been told the adaptation has jumped through and mixed up multiple chapters to make each episode...
Damn Saitama just staright up acquaintance-zoned Fubuki...
Still no chapter 42 of Tokyo Ghoul:Re.😒
Oh well at least I'll have more time to read some other series.
I think this status is reserved to people who aren't that strong. Hancock is one of the strongest in the manga and Law is close to Luffy's level, so I don't think that'll happen.One Piece
Lots of us knew it was coming, but there it is. This might make Dressrosa retroactively better when the characters are further utilized later. Hancock and Jinbei will assuredly be part of this, unsure about Law but probably.
Wonder what's in store for 800!
Toriko finally back to its prime with these 2 past chapters. It really sucks, but the main gang just really isn't interesting anymore. The expanded cast is where it is at. Super excited for some time with Jirou and Setsuno (is that tiny Nitro someone we know?).
I think this status is reserved to people who aren't that strong. Hancock is one of the strongest in the manga and Law is close to Luffy's level, so I don't think that'll happen.
I'm not even sure if Jinbei has a crew to join with. I think he'll just join the crew proper.
It is ChiChi the nitro they met in the OctoMelon before the went to the Gourmet World
DDDD is on Volume 3!? We're super behind. Pls bring it over someone (is there a single company that normally brings over Asano's works? I only have Solanin).
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa is on-going, no idea if there's an end in sight though, english translations are behind the Japanese releases.
No idea on Ore Monogatari, since scans aren't up to date. I think the anime has surpassed what's available in english for the manga. At least in terms of fan stuff, since I'm not sure how far Viz's official translations have gotten
There's still hope brah, the series got better and only two new series are starting this round. Too bad there are no more buffers.JUMP fans dont like Best BLue sad news to wake up too.
So there is no real way to know right now. Good deal. I guess we'll have to sit and wait it out like everything else, lol.
Thank you both!
If you like Nichijou and Azumanga Daioh, be sure to read Hinamatsuri.
If you like Nichijou and Azumanga Daioh, be sure to read Hinamatsuri.
So there is no real way to know right now. Good deal. I guess we'll have to sit and wait it out like everything else, lol.
Thank you both!
Maybe, but he'll come around quickly. Same thing as Jinbe telling him to be a hero on FIone piece 799
luffy will refuse