Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! 1-134
So short but funny. Plot moving pretty nicely. Needs more Carol-chan.
This guy.
Knows what's up.
Espirit 27
Wow, a lot happened in this chapter. Cage got a lot of really good development and dropped death flags all over himself. I'm still super curious what they mean when they're talking about Mio being "a doll" though. I also enjoy that this manga isn't afraid of killing characters, despite my love for them.
What I really enjoy about this manga is the sense of threat and danger that exists in it. So many manga are incapable of making you care about the consequences of things that happen. So many times we see someone get stabbed or an arm blown off or crippled and then through manga magic they missed all the organs and are back to normal, or get their arm regenerated and are back to normal, or regain the use of their legs and are back to normal. Manga authors are so afraid of advancing their characters or changing anything drastically that isn't designed towards popularity rankings instead of what tells the stronger and better story. This manga might still pull some garbage like that but at the moment it's avoiding it incredibly. The artist girl losing her arm and the scene after where she wakes up and sees it? Holy shit. That's the kind of emotional lurch in your stomach that comes with having permanent, life-affecting consequences to events.
Maybe I have a taste or fetish or something but I love it when people lose limbs in manga and it's PERMANENT and they don't get a robot one and have to live with what happened to them instead of not developing or growing as a character due to this shit that happened to them. Obviously most mangas run with the status quo, I mean Nisekoi still exists, so very few get these kind of developments but when they happen oh boy.
Enough about that.
Yandere Kanojo 65.5
...who dis bitch?
Yuusha Ga Shinda! Blah blah blah my title is too long 30-31
This is entertaining as hell but I still don't get why they're "totes zombies but not really" After the last arc which was really goddam good this one is kinda puttering along with more amusing bodyswitching and ecchi antics (though the introduction of that red head demon should speed things along). What was incredibly amusing though was the backstory of that dude following around Blake, Rob Barbarin. The whole following him just to get his spears for horns on his helmet when he eventually dies was hilarious.
Gamble Fish 149
Why do I read this?
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa
Why in the nine hells did I never hear of this? This is awesome. Gonna marathon this. I already love Mikan
Now, to look around and catch up on Douman Seiman works and Nana to Kaoru...