Juri Yukawa lives with her NEET father and brother, her retired grandfather, her sister (a single mother) and her young nephew. One day, her nephew and brother are kidnapped for ransom. Having only 30 minutes to meet the demands of the kidnappers, Juri, who realizes there is not enough time to prepare the money, decides to head for their rescue by herself with knife in hand when her grandfather uses a mysterious stone passed on in the Yukawa family to stop time. In a world where everyone and everything are inert, Juri and her father and grandfather run to rescue the two. But at the kidnappers' hideout, they soon realize they are not the only ones who can move about in this still world.
Shiba Occhan
A SoL story about a society where father turn into a Shiba Inu after marriage
After demon lord was defeated, the demon world decide to do a competition to decide who will be the next demon lord. Comes Helck, a macho half naked human who enter the competition for an unknown reason. At first it looks like just another gag manga, but then it turn into a great fantasy adventure manga.
Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"
About Japanese restaurant that somehow connected to a fantasy world. Watch as the human from fantasy world enjoying a new kind of food.