Unconfirmed Member
How did she die again? Or has that not been explained yet.Why did she die BibleThump.
edit: New manga by the person who made Koe no Katachi?
How did she die again? Or has that not been explained yet.Why did she die BibleThump.
How did she die again? Or has that not been explained yet.
Perhaps more companies ought to put their manga on comixology
Creators seem happy.
I've always wondered how these sub services are structured given they cost so little. I mean for instance with Crunchyroll is Japan getting anymore than a cent or two of my sub per view? Ditto netflix and music subs.
Is it basically except pennies or get nothing due to piracy.
How did she die again? Or has that not been explained yet.
edit: New manga by the person who made Koe no Katachi?
edit: New manga by the person who made Koe no Katachi?
Picked up manga and LN today, finally having hardcover LN (overlord and Baccano), I hope they do more.
Also finally found a good solution to display some of my manga and LN, too bad I have tons still packed away in a chest and another chest.
Picked up manga and LN today, finally having hardcover LN (overlord and Baccano), I hope they do more.
Also finally found a good solution to display some of my manga and LN, too bad I have tons still packed away in a chest and another chest.
Fuuka 109
Presented without comment. I swear I am not making it up that this was in this chapter.
Is overlord good?
I should get around to order the Devils and Realist American edition, as we're stuck on volume 6 since Feb last year.
ANN translated asHow did she die again? Or has that not been explained yet.
edit: New manga by the person who made Koe no Katachi?
He's terminally ill, isn't he."The knowing look, that passes through his eyes and tells of the world's kindness and severity, will wrench your heart."
Fuuka 109
Presented without comment. I swear I am not making it up that this was in this chapter.
1 said:
2 said:
But griffith did nothing wrong.Yea groundless is amazing. Fantastic art
Berserk 4-8
Whaaaaaat I didn't think Griffith was going to be a bad guy so soon. I thought that was supposed to be a big twist later on.
And lol the count got ntr'd by a goat statue
Also finally found a good solution to display some of my manga and LN, too bad I have tons still packed away in a chest and another chest.
A 'customised' BILLY from Ikea work really well. Mine hold something like 550 volumes and that's without the extension you can add at it's top ( I will need it soon ) which should increase that by 80-100 volumes.woah manga takes up a lot of space.
Only problem is that it doesn't allow bigger books like High School! Kimengumi or Usagi Drop.
Fuuka 109
Presented without comment. I swear I am not making it up that this was in this chapter.
Happy to hear your opinion got turned around!Anyway everybody should read Helck, it's neat and also funny.
Happy to hear your opinion got turned around!