Warms my heart to see posts about Wombs.
im sure it does lain
Warms my heart to see posts about Wombs.
9 hours between posts
quick someone talk about bleach
So My Hero Academia is in Year of Sanji too, huh?
It's all your fault (one-shot)[/B]
So there's this young man. He has GF and childhood friend. Said childhood friend manipulate this young man into cheating with her. So what i'm saying is, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR, NTR
Better savor it while it lasts.Nana to kaoru 1-25
Better savor it while it lasts.
This picture is a gift that is going to keep on giving.
Yeah, Battle Royale with Food was definitely more entertaining than whatever this is. But there is merit in having the school itself antagonise from time to time.Soma's problem is that the Evil Authority angle is far less interesting than character drama between the students, and the Evil Authority angle repurposes almost every student vs. student angle as an Evil Authority angle.
It sucks for all of the same reasons it sucked having Stephanie McMahon and Triple H taking a shit on Daniel Bryan every week to put themselves over, completely with moronic, nonsensical speeches about how the Evil Authority always wins and with no explanation for why they're generically evil. I fully expect Azami to be facing off against Hayama, Kurokiba and Soma by the end of this arc, and then Azami tells them there's always a Plan B. Then Hayama hits Kurokiba in the back with a steel chair.
The only good thing that's come of this arc is Erina's face turn into a likable character. But even that had the side effect of pretty much relegating all of the other characters into warm bodies who just stand around gawking at Soma and Erina doing everything important.
Yeah, Battle Royale with Food was definitely more entertaining than whatever this is. But there is merit in having the school itself antagonise from time to time.
I'd say the reason we're here is because the author swerved too hard trying to avoid Ambition is Evil whiplash. Look at all the hoops Oda jumps through to make sure Luffy doesn't venture into that territory.
Just caught up with the latest chapter. Can say that my jimmies are rustled.
Amnesia is the worst plot device of ALL TIME
We won't be able to shit on Bleach/Nisekoi for much longer.
You said Soma is bad now right?
Soma? More meh.
YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTHNope. Deus Ex Machina. You can build up from amnesia and have a decent tale. A DEM will shit on anything that you've built up to that point, making the journey worthless.
We could keep this thread going pretty much forever by hating on terraformars, shitting on ippo, and complaining that One Piece aint as good as it used to be.
We could keep this thread going pretty much forever by hating on terraformars, shitting on ippo, and complaining that One Piece aint as good as it used to be.
AWW IT'S ON NOWOne Piece has been some weak ass shit for years.
During Soul Society. I decided to watch the anime to refresh my memory and realised that Bleach turned to trash earlier than I remember.Been reading through Bleach again to catch up on the sure to be train wreck of an ending...and man, this series was really good early on. Likable cast, cool powers and fights and the right mix of humor and cool ass shit. Can't wait to see where all of that died lol.
During Soul Society. I decided to watch the anime to refresh my memory and realised that Bleach turned to trash earlier than I remember.
Hey guys are you talking about Toriko by any chance?
Okay, Bye!
Mother Snake next chapter:
Fishman Island isn't bad when read in bulk, though even I have to admit it was a nightmare to read week by week. Dressrosa was LONG, but each part was enjoyable if you can look past the Namek fatigue.One Piece has been slipping for going on 5 years now. Fishman Island was trash, everything after that has been getting progressively better.
Bleach was never good.Been reading through Bleach again to catch up on the sure to be train wreck of an ending...and man, this series was really good early on. Likable cast, cool powers and fights and the right mix of humor and cool ass shit. Can't wait to see where all of that died lol.