Fanservice of original Fuuka is weird to see because in a 180 from his normal MO, Seo hardly pimped her out at all. Unlike say, Sara who's naked all the damn time.
No Guns Life
Neo too stronk
NEO is fucking insane. He's power creep given flesh.
8 kings got toyed with
makes sense that some needed to die so the younger guys can take there place
too bad we won't really see further then that since you know no Space arc
It ends next week.Sorry if it's been asked or talked about but can't find a definite answer online but is Nesekoi officially over at chapter 228? Or are there more on the way? It's not a Manga I've read before but am very interested and would like to start buying the manga.
It ends next week.
Started reading Tokyo Ghoul: RE, but there's something about the art I don't like.
I don't get what's happening on the panels most of the time.
Don't remember Tokyo Ghoul being this messy, but been a while since I read that.
Fuuka is a lot better than either Suzuka or Rage Town because Fuuka doesn't feature a completely hateable cast you're supposed to like for some reason. I mean, the protag is kind of a doofus who is too stupid to notice his harem of sexy pop stars, but at the least you can hand wave that pointing that the protag, is, in fact, an actual rock star.
That's pretty hot. And by hot, I mean icy cold. Unjustified leniency/restraint in deathmatches often annoys me, so I'd rather this dilemma be settled violently than by other means. Also I like the "somewhat" qualifier when she refers to her as "pretty". It's shorthand for 'not as attractive as my waifu'.
u fokkin w0t?
Iris Zero 34
What kind of sorcery is this? It's finally back?!
Iris Zero 34
What kind of sorcery is this? It's finally back?!
omg mitsuru finally animated, if only the manga remembered him
9 hours between posts
quick someone talk about bleach
9 hours between posts
quick someone talk about bleach
Bleach? More like...
Wombs 1-5
Wow. This is...a really unique and interesting manga. The basic premise is that a colony ship left Earth a long time ago and settled on this planet and everything was going fine for years. Then a second colony ship arrived much later and decided that they had more right to the planet then the first immigrants and thus start a war with them. So it's the First vs the Second. The thing is the Second seem to have significantly stronger technology so they regularly trounce and shit all over the First. What the First have discovered is that by using a creature native to the planet called the Niebass they are able to give their soldiers translocation abilities, basically teleportation of a sort. There's a catch however; it can only be female soldiers because in order to gain Teleportation powers they need to be implanted with a "transplant organ" (read: alien fetus) into their womb. This follows the story of a batch of new recruits, and one Mana Oga, who leaves her small town and boyfriend to fight for her planet despite his reservations about letting an alien inside her womb.
The art for this manga is very good but very loose and almost...water-colory in shading. It's a style that works though some might not like it due to the linework being so soft that sometimes more detailed images make it hard to discern things. I think it works very well, personally.
You will not find doe-eyed tsunderes or dense MCs or any tropes or archetypes really (well, so far and also not normal manga ones. This is a military manga so there's the hard-ass sergeant who actually cares and yada yada). The characters haven't fully fleshed out in 5 chapters but they seem to have the start of personalities and such.
It's basically a space military manga about bad-ass pregnant lady soldiers who can teleport. Worth a read.