NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Dont forget the weird sequel thing.It's a thousand times better than SAO, I'll tell you that much.
Dont forget the weird sequel thing.It's a thousand times better than SAO, I'll tell you that much.
So Demi-chan is getting an anime and I vomited in my mouth at the fucking art for it.
Jesus Christ, way to take a great and unique art style and butcher it to look as generic as possible.
If it actually stays not fan service that could be fairly interesting
whoa, this is ending? Does that leave Golgo as the longest-running manga now?
Dokaben's still above Golgo 13.
Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary is very fanservice laden, but the way it used monster abilities/transformation as an allegory to puberty is much more interesting.
(This reply directed to anyone who had interest in Demi-chan, but haven't read it yet. I recommend both of them for different reason despite the thematic similarity).
oh, you're rightDokaben started in 1972, didn't it? That's 4 years later than Golgo 13.
Seraph of the End 49
First the cover of WSJ for Seraph is just amazing
Fairy Tail 500
I thought Grey already knew? Oh well.
Juvia not dead? SHOCKING!
Promised Neverland 5
My guess stays what it always was, their only real way out of this is killing Mama. I'm guessing the other adult is a demon? Either way, they still have a chance of outwitting them, but they'll probably have to physically do something to Mama eventually.
Also gonna have to say that if the other adult is a demon, then I wouldn't be surprised if the baby is too. Considering the brought the baby before schedule, I doubt she has that kind of influence. If she did, she'd ship the kids before schedule instead.
Maybe I'm wrong but something is off about the baby I think.
Curious to see where this goes now that it's 100% confirmed that the setting is our real world. I feel like mystery manga (especially Jump ones) tend to fall apart when they try to connect to reality, versus a fantasy setting, around when the mysteries start getting solved and they don't live up to expectations. It needs really good writing to pull off, so it's kinda ballsy of the writer to "announce" that it's the real world straight from the start, heh.
You could say he isn't meeting any...Red Sprite 02 - I didn't mind this chapter - though it seems like things are a little bit too easy for him. It'll be interesting if the tables get turned next chapter. I think this will get picked up thought.
The constant character development is great, especially Deku.My Hero Academia 105 - More character development from Deku - I like that he is continually introspective about how to get better, and this was a nice callback to where the series has been so far.
The second they're going to escape everyone will know about it anyways regardless of whether they outwitted Mama or done anything to her. And even if not, I'm guessing the demons will kill Mama instead, either way she's not making it out of this alive. I admit I'm kind of relying on the trope of these sorts of series killing a character with a lot of background early on but only revealing the background much later, and Mama's sort of setup for that.I don't think it's possible to do anything physical to Mama at this stage, since 1) the demons in charge of shipment and managing the merch will figure out something having gone wrong eventually, if not very quickly and 2) I feel that Mama being possibly a former child means she's also gotten the same level of "training" the 3 did, if not more so to manage and watch over different generations of children for possibly over 2 decades. Outsmarting her is one thing, but killing her is another.
The point about the new arrivals being demons is interesting, but I feel the kid is human, if only because it would be odd to have a young demon disguised and expecting them to remain in control and not eat the kids, especially after seeing the few demons we meet already.
The new sister is probably also a grown up child working for the demons, like Mama is. I wouldn't be surprised to learn this is a wide scale operation with a lot of "farms" across the country. Wherever they are.
You could say he isn't meeting any...
You could say he isn't meeting any...
Fairy Tail 500
and what we have here,juvia is not dead after all,we some people still fall for it?
cool new power up for grey.
I tried to think of a manga with a mono-eye that I haven't enjoyed to refute your point, then I realised there weren't any.Plus it's got a cyclop! That automatically nets it AHB's approval seal.
Promised Neverland: I think the other adult is human rather than a demon in disguise. I highly doubt this is the only farm in the world. It makes you wonder if the ending to this manga is that Emma eventually becomes a "mom" for the next generation because she survived the game.
Oh wow, in regards to Kochikame ending. That certainly is one hell of a run. Wonder if any of the other super long running series will overtake that 200 volume mark before they finally end as well?
Actually, on that topic, how is Kochikame? It's a gag manga, right? So that should at least help a lot with keeping things fresh, since it's probably the best genre in terms of running forever. But yeah, I don't think I've ever really heard anyone actually discuss it. But for it to run THAT long, I'd have to imagine there's at least something there, yeah?
And similarly, how is the actual manga for Golgo 13? I really liked the anime from the late 2000s, and felt like it did a really good job of mixing things up throughout. There is of course the James Bond style super machismo, but a lot of the time it's also about how he'll actually pull it off, or seeing a police officer realize he's fallen into his trap when trying to nail him, etc. Does that apply to the manga as well, or is it more like a good chunk of the older movie, where he's just gunning down people left and right and having stoic sex with busty women, etc? And for that matter, since it had a lot of source material to pull from, did the anime (series) pull a kind of "best of" thing, or is there still a lot of great stuff throughout? It's a series I've been curious about (largely because of the anime), but the length of the thing is certainly intimidating.
I severely doubt there are any ongoing or complete translations for Kochikame and Golgo 13.
Dokaben or Golgo 13 will lap Kochikame in a few years.
Jojo could possibly get there as well if Araki keeps going past part 9.
Jojo could possibly get there as well if Araki keeps going past part 9.
120 volumes right now yeah, rougly 25 volumes per part.Not at this rate. JoJo is like 120 volumes? Unless Araki is actually immortal.
Uuuugh. I dislike A1 pictures and their signature visual style. It's some weird blobby look reminiscent of KyoAni.
A1 doesn't have a "signature visual style".
Look at the character designs for Working, Gate, SAO, Magi, and so on.
The characters all share this distinct round facial design that I dislike. I prefer something sharper and more real-to-life.
Look at the character designs for Working, Gate, SAO, Magi, and so on.
The characters all share this distinct round facial design that I dislike. I prefer something sharper and more real-to-life.
Promised Neverland
The second they're going to escape everyone will know about it anyways regardless of whether they outwitted Mama or done anything to her. And even if not, I'm guessing the demons will kill Mama instead, either way she's not making it out of this alive. I admit I'm kind of relying on the trope of these sorts of series killing a character with a lot of background early on but only revealing the background much later, and Mama's sort of setup for that.
Dunno about the demons, I just feel like Mama would probably have an easier time enlisting a lowly demon than getting another baby on short notice, for an internal issue. I guess both the sister and the baby could be from another farm and not true new stock.
World Trigger 156
I guess that's another on the list of Osamu deaths. This is definitely the key match that will make them realize why Hyuse is necessary for their team.