are we really going to go back to image reviews guys
I really don't want to see the anime girl rating system again
I really don't want to see the anime girl rating system again
Phoenician Viking basically treated Bleach like high art and was always arguing about the series. I think that's what they're talking about?
Big One was a diehard One Piece guy.
Phoenician_Viking (formerly Beam) was a diehard Bleach guy.
They did not get along and they argued about everything from characters, fights, power levels, developments, story, Naruto, etc.
Plus One Piece on a whole.
Beam was basically triggered once any type of praise for One Piece came up.
Wow, that's a really interesting theme. Reading a bit about whaling, it's pretty concerning that Japan does scientific research that requires killing the whales in order to study them, and being labeled as hunting for the purposes of research gives them more relaxed regulations than if they were downright hunting them for their meat... even though they then go and sell the sampled whales' meat to fund themselves.
While I hope the series isn't simply carrying out an agenda, it sounds interesting enough to at least give it a try, and could really go places if it happens to present multiple points of view on the subject.
On March 31, 2014 the ICJ ruled that Japan's whaling program was not for scientific purposes. The Court ordered that "Japan revoke any extant authorization, permit or licence to kill, take or treat whales" and refrain from granting any further permits.[135] The court's judges agreed with Australia that the number of Japanese scientific research publications were not proportionate to the number of animals killed.[149] Two former Australian Environment ministers applauded the decision and stated their hopes that Japan will respect it.[202] The decision of the ICJ is final and the right of appeal does not apply in this context.[196]
h-history lessonah yeah, i can see how that would be amusing at first, but get tiring rite fucking quick. thanks for the history lesson, folks.
New Game 38-39
Was that a vending machine-like interface for... ordering in a restaurant? That's so weird. What if they want to make order adjustments or whatever, who brings them the food when it's done? Where is the waiter? How does this work.
Also holy crap those crunches. They just got the development approval + Aoba just got a deadline extension, and she still goes home at 10:30! (before her coworker!)
Japan you are scary
It's Aqours' turn to get the HAPPY ENDING treatment, though unfortunately this is just the opening act with a zero death count. While I'm generally pretty positive about the new idols, the 2nd years are currently the least appealing of the three groups, so I'm less hyped for the continuation than I typically would be. Still, my relative apathy towards them probably makes me more receptive to seeing one of them get skewered in the future. So long as it's not Riko.
I heard the horror stories but the thing that gets me is that they're literally at the calmest time of development. I'm definitely never getting into game development (or any software development hopefully).I've been to a couple ramen shops that are like that: You insert your money into the machine, pick the item you want, and get a ticket that you then hand over to the person on the other side of the counter, who in turn relays your order to the cooks. It's kind of weird at first, but I guess it makes things easier when the place is packed, since it saves them time having to write orders down and stuff.
I also remember a friend of mine who works at a Japanese company trying to find a day to hang out with me, only to have to work overtime the whole week. One day she even left the office not because she was done, but because she'd have lost the last train if she had staid at the company any longer!
And in the games industry, an Argentine fellow programmer of mine posted a couple of tweets of being still hard at work on a build for a big gaming event even past 1 AM... for multiple days in a row. (I think he did get a week off after that, but still, man!).
I thought Koe no Katachi's end was perfect even if a bit too open. Yoshitoki Oima knew what she wanted to convey and she managed it well and concisely.
I'm still here! I just haven't been reading a whole lot of manga lately (mainly cause I don't want to build up a collection like I usually do weekly since I'm moving soon). He started most of it if you can't tell, hence why it doesn't exist anymore. The last manga binge I went on was weeks ago and that was me reading the latest official releases of Seven Deadly Sins, but I was so disappointed by the direction that the series was taking I really didn't feel like posting about it.well, now i'm feeling left out. deets, mangs, deets.
It got licenced, so the group dropped it. The official releases haven't quite caught up yet either, so it's in this odd place.
That explains it. I remember it even got an anime as well
Also i checked amazon and it seems to be at vol 8 currently with vol 9 coming out in May 2017.
New Game 38-39
Was that a vending machine-like interface for... ordering in a restaurant? That's so weird. What if they want to make order adjustments or whatever, who brings them the food when it's done? Where is the waiter? How does this work.
Also holy crap those crunches. They just got the development approval + Aoba just got a deadline extension, and she still goes home at 10:30! (before her coworker!)
Japan you are scary
I wasn't sure about which it is, but if it's that then her reaction was suspiciously subdued considering someone just surprised her with a face rubI don't think glasses girl is working for Khrone it looks more like Khrone intercepted her before she was going to talk to mom.
I don't think glasses girl is working for Khrone it looks more like Khrone intercepted her before she was going to talk to mom.
I heard the horror stories but the thing that gets me is that they're literally at the calmest time of development. I'm definitely never getting into game development (or any software development hopefully).
About the restaurant, I mean why not just tell the counter guy what you want. Seems weird. What if I want it without the chilis or ask for details about a dish. Industrializing the process seems like it's missing a lot of important details.
I'm actually doing some job-hunting in Japan's games industry, and I remember reading about a position that listed the working hours as 10 AM to 7 PM (with a 1-hour break in-between, so eight hours of work in total), but then had a separate field in the listing that read "overtime: Yes (20 hour monthly average)"... Months having about 20 work-able days means you'll actually be working an extra hour every day in average, resulting in ten-hour shifts on average instead!
But of course that's just an average, but even then that means for every day you get home on time you're probably going to get back two hours late sometime later instead to offset that difference. That's... kind of scary, to say the least.
Kuutei Dragon
That aside, let's talk on the whale hunting parallel that been brought up by dani_dc. It's undeniable that the manga have a lot of similarities with our own 18th century whale hunting from the method of hunting, to oil extract as an expensive commodity. There are worry and uneasiness that the manga romanticize dragon hunting, which in turn somehow endorse the current Japanese continual whale hunting for various purpose. Such worry is not unwarranted, though for me it's to early to draw anything between the manga and the real world phenomenon. Sure the manga seems glorified dragon hunting, but the author have thrown a lot of hint that could be said otherwise (like dragon hunter as a job being frowned upon). Not to mention that unlike whale that relatively harmless towards the majority of human population, such is not the case for dragon so far shown on those two chapters (these might change in the future, so we'll see) where they're a real threat. Also author just can't keep regular hunting as the main plot for the manga forever, so things must changed either for the better of thearorse.
Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! ch444
Bold choice Tomo, I approve!
I can't wait to read more.
Good luck both of you, sheesh. It depends though dani if you can land a game design job wouldn't you enjoy the overtime, it might be worth looking.Overtime is unfortunately culturally expected in Japan, it's part of the reason why I'm not really job-hunting despite disliking my work place, for how much I dislike it at least I don't really do overtime (just the regular 9 hour day with 1 hour lunch break).
Chances are the "20 hours monthly average" isn't accurate either, in fact it might mean that 20 hours of overtime are included in your salary already (mine has something like 20-40 hours of overtime included, so I won't get paid extra unless I go over threshold, what a great way to motivate people).
I've read reports indicating that Abe wants to reform the current work culture force ( but let's see how it goes.
Fairy Tail 506
What was even the point and how does this still make a lick of sense?
Overtime is unfortunately culturally expected in Japan, it's part of the reason why I'm not really job-hunting despite disliking my work place, for how much I dislike it at least I don't really do overtime (just the regular 9 hour day with 1 hour lunch break).
Chances are the "20 hours monthly average" isn't accurate either, in fact it might mean that 20 hours of overtime are included in your salary already (mine has something like 20-40 hours of overtime included, so I won't get paid extra unless I go over threshold, what a great way to motivate people).
I've read reports indicating that Abe wants to reform the current work culture force ( but let's see how it goes.
Good luck both of you, sheesh. It depends though dani if you can land a game design job wouldn't you enjoy the overtime, it might be worth looking.
There are times when we should all embrace our inner naked mole rat. She made a convincing speech, though I'm curious about who her election opponents were.
Her reaction to Carol was greatTomo-chan 445
Even Misuzu got shook.