she's a childhood friend. come on.
that'll never happen :lol
Thats the plan... To make you think that
And talking about tsunderes, Ikumi is better than erina
she's a childhood friend. come on.
that'll never happen :lol
Guys... guys....
What if she wins?
Pretty interesting. Very interested in seeing how this world will lead to the world we know in Ar Tonelico. Our hero is very dumb but that's what we like about jRPG heroes.
It's a requirement to be a jRPG hero.
Yeah, that's my face whenever Lala shows up as well. She was probably one of the main reasons I dropped TLR in retrospect.
Jrpg heroes should just choose dialog from the games
I like Alice but my heart in Soma's universe is elsewhere.ARE YOU ON MY CAMP OR WHAT?
A good tsundere is a tsundere that knows she is a tsundere and everyone in the manga knows that she's a tsundere and she knows that everyone knows that she's a tsundere.I don't know, maybe. The only way I can imagine one being good is if they stray away from the formula somewhat. They're mostly interchangeable.
Even worse she's not even a real ojou-sama. She's barely a character at this point.
Yeah, that's my face whenever Lala shows up as well. She was probably one of the main reasons I dropped TLR in retrospect.
Tsundere tsundere Tsun tsundere?
They're pokemon now!
Why do you always have to hate second best girl AHB?
am i gonna have to read this so i can join in the shipping wars?
And one literally wants the mc to have a harem!am i gonna have to read this so i can join in the shipping wars?
I-It's not like I wanted you to capture me or anything!
Yeah, that's my face whenever Lala shows up as well. She was probably one of the main reasons I dropped TLR in retrospect. I did not know about this at all.
What if all that is true, except she isn't actually a tsundere?A good tsundere is a tsundere that knows she is a tsundere and everyone in the manga knows that she's a tsundere and she knows that everyone knows that she's a tsundere.
I made a childhood promise with [BEST GIRL] that I would always hate [2ND BEST GIRL].Why do you always have to hate second best girl AHB?
Haven't really thought enough about TLR/D to have a clear favourite, but if you held a tentacle to my head I'd probably say Momo.But Lala's the 2nd best girl. Please tell me you at least have Yui as best girl.
Guys... guys....
What if she wins?
Erina will win anyway
...unless a advent fanbase makes the author do otherwise
....and by advent I mean really, REALLY desperate
The good thing is that tosh afterwards could always do doujins with different ending making everyone happy.
The good thing is that tosh afterwards could always do doujins with different ending making everyone happy.
Hahaha. They'll be like half-canon.
Soma to pioneer the omnibus format harem endings in shonen manga.
e: this would be really cruel:
"At least we have each other, right, Soma?"
"Wait, who were you again?"
What's Erina supposed to even think? That everyone on every judging panel is actually an idiot for not noticing Soma sucks at cooking?
What's Erina supposed to even think? That everyone on every judging panel is actually an idiot for not noticing Soma sucks at cooking?
Guys... guys....
What if she wins?
They're all still in high school.
"It was a fluke"
I don't really know why anyone would freak out over this chapter. Yui is by far my favorite husbando, but I knew there was a 0% chance of any goddess host other than Tenri winning. It would've made zero sense for him to choose one of them over the others, given his perspective. My odds were:
65%: Nobody. He just plays Firetruck Simulator 2000 with Elsie/Eri forever.
25%: Chihiro
10%: Some sort of trolling/meta harem end
5%: Tenri
-5%: Haqua
You are now in my "don't like what he likes" list.TWGOK 267
I don't really know why anyone would freak out over this chapter. Yui is by far my favorite husbando, but I knew there was a 0% chance of any goddess host other than Tenri winning. It would've made zero sense for him to choose one of them over the others, given his perspective. My odds were:
65%: Nobody. He just plays Firetruck Simulator 2000 with Elsie/Eri forever.
25%: Chihiro
10%: Some sort of trolling/meta harem end
5%: Tenri
-5%: Haqua
Is dreads the big guy who just showed up then disappeared?
Just wondering. Stealth Symphony is like 3rd at the bottom in the popularity polls, right?
Baby Steps 1
It's probably about time I started reading this. Natsu's pretty cute.