Some Thoughts on Toriko (I know always this series :/ )
Reading HXH again I've released that they need to spice up the Goverment atmosphere in Toriko
They had some stuff with the IGO, the World War, the Revisit, the corrupt officials that go to the Casino and illegal fighting events, etc... but after Neo massacred the main IGO directors it fell semi flat
What would be interesting is if the illegal food items from places like the Gourmet Casino became rampant seeing as law and order vanished after Midora's Meteor spice
Also some civil wars breaking out in some regions especially since we've been told that around 6 nations collapsed
A new organization that may compete against IGO would be cool in a political sense
Anything would be better then the Billion Bird just making everything become cherry
Most of the food tasters went to Neo as well as one of the world most richest man and his organization
Also my Fav characters are dead