Prison School ch1-113
At first glance one might think Prison School is nothing more than your average fanservice-laden romance comedy. However, this couldn't be any further than the truth, as Prison School is actually a philosophical fanservice-laden romance comedy, and when one takes a closer look, one will realize that the various situations are actually social commentary about this world, and lessons about how to overcome one's weaknesses.
Because Prison School tells us not the story of a small group of frustrated virgins, but the records of a band of brothers facing untold hardships for the sake of their own betterment, and finally reaching the climax of their lives, even if it costs them everything. A true tale of unlimited courage and determination against impossible odds.
That is not to say they are flawless beings, on the contrary, as they each have their own flaws and moments of weakness, but witnessing them overcoming their shortcomings and growing stronger is one of the central themes of this masterpiece.
To conclude, Prison School is nothing less than a social commentary about the wonders of one's own desires and the challenges one has to overcome to fulfill them. Truly a perfect allegory of the realities of one's life.