Man, why is this so damn good. Great setup chapter, I really like seeing more of Ging's character. So I guess he's an asshole but a really nice person and yet a horrible father. Keep giving me more Togashi. Kurapika and Leorio are showing up more than Gon, I really hope they have a much bigger focus this arc, and it's looking like I won't be disappointed. Speaking about Gon, looks like he still can't use his nen. Which is great tbh, it really puts more emphasis that how he beat Pitou wasn't a cop-out by Togashi, especially if he's still suffering the consequences.
Also, I still think Killua has a big role in this arc. He's with Alluka right now, who I'm damn sure is related to the Dark Continent. He'll join into the story soon enough.
One Piece
Aww yiss, muther fucking Sabo. Where's that shit's bout to get realer than real pic when you need it. I really hope the pace of this arc speeds up though, These final fight set ups are nice, like Zoro vs Pika and the coliseum crew vs Dofa's family or w/e you call it, but I wanna get this arc moving. The fights are gonna be terrific but I'm more curious as to what effects this battle will have in the new world, which I expect it to be massive.