Eroge no Taiyou 10
The boss continues to be an ass.
I really liked the section about dreams being used to take advantage of people, manly because it's true and it's, unfortunately, an accepted part or the gaming industry in general.
Fuuka 37
Some further thoughts. This chapter was supposed to be a sad and depressing chapter but the only feeling I got from it was of shock and surprise, is what I came to realize later on. Was this the case for anyone else? I mean, Seo has done some sad moments pretty well in his other works so I wonder why it didn't occur here -- in what should be the most depressing chapter. It's not like we don't know anything about Fuuka. Her personality is a bit strange but there is a lot of backstory for her character that we can infer through the extra chapters as well as via Suzuka and her cameo appearance in KNIM.
I think the reason why I didn't feel sad was because her death kind of felt forced and perhaps because of the time skip. He's already done this jump to funeral thing once before but the time he did it then I felt had much more of an emotional impact even though I genuinely did not give a crap about that character in KNIM. Seo has been known to whore out his characters for sales so I wonder if this death was planned from the onset or if he just decided to kill her off to get people talking.
I mean when it comes to other works like Cross Game, you manage to feel sad for a character's death just 1 volume in. This is already 37 chapters and there was no emotional impact at all. For 37 chapters I expect to be bawling in tears.
It was a mix of situations, partly due to the lack or build up, partly due to last week preparing us for this. You either make it clear she was dead last week for full shock value, or you have an ambulance scene-hospital scene culminating with Yuu finding out about Fuuka death.
It was instead an odd midst of somewhat-shock with little build up.
Personally I felt mostly shocked, and it wasn't until I tried to put myself on the characters place and reading earlier chapters that I started getting sad.
I'm pretty sure it was planned, you don't just kill your main female character less than a year into serialization on a whim or as a reaction for low popularity (unless she's that bad, which I doubt was the case with Fuuka)
Nah, the Tokyo is unsafe bit is just his asspull to get her to stay in the town. We are coming to the point where he realises his feelings for her and moves to Tokyo to be with her.
I'm sure we'll see him come around and move with her to Tokyo, but I think he really believed what he was saying.
Fuuka stuff into Soma anime into possible terrible studio for Soma anime into learning that info is false
It's been quite the ups and downs for mangagaf this week
at least suzuka is ending this week
I wonder what we have left for this week.
Need to be up in 2 hours, slept 5. Wonder if I should try to take a nap or not.