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Manga News/Discussion |OTS| Yeah I couldn't come up with a thread title ¯\_()_/¯

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One Piece 5th Official Character Popularity Poll

Better Quality

Law defeats 2 of the 3 kings.

Based Bart, Sabo, and Hancock all made the top ten.

Nice taste, Japan.


Bleach 610

LOL EYEBALLs what the fuck ever.
Stealing nights from the future is kind of cool though, even if it makes zero sense
At least this clown is out of the fucking way after he uses his super ultra mega trump card next chapter.

One Piece 771

I actually liked this chapter, for being focused on the side characters.
Being married to Baby 5 would be NTR-ific.

If Bart doesn't join the crew, we riot.
Oda can't ignore the huge following he has.

replace Nami with Robin and then I would agree

Robin is the best girl on that ship


Robin > Nami all day.


If Bart doesn't join the crew, we riot.
Oda can't ignore the huge following he has.


Robin > Nami all day.

Bart will be part of the Straw Hats fleet, but he won't join the crew himself.

This arc has been bulding up for the Straw Hats fleet.

You're correct on your assessment of Robin being the superior straw hat girl.

Only because Perona isn't a Straw Hat.


Kubera 204

Let me see if I got this straight:
They're going to summon Asha to a place that's hard to get to in order to try her for crimes while the rakhasha invade two towns while they are gone. The evidence in the trial that could convict Asha is destroyed so this is kind of pointless <-- Do I have that right? Hopefully, Kubera's identity comes out and someone can finally answer the question of why her name is important. <--- Seriously, can someone answer that question for me? If she's the last god then does that mean Agni/God Kubera eventually dies? The significance of the name is another lost concept for me as well. Is Kubera really a god? Asha is brutal because she's tried to kill Kubera once already and glared at Agni for reading her future.


Managed to finish my re-reads of Houshin Engi and Ushio&Tora.
I'd say that both of them are still pretty good, overall.

Houshin Engi could probably have cut out some of the middle volumes and there are some characters that show up for one fight then fade into the background which is kind of weird.
I remember some people had problems with the late-game reveals, but I was kind of fine with them.

The main problems I had with Ushio&Tora were some of the lead-up to the final battle where the last boss erased memories of the two from their friends/acquaintances leading to weird decisions. Its actually something I forgot happened.
At the same time, it is nice that all(?) the named(and some unnamed) characters showed up in the last volume, from friends, family, monks, priests, demons, spirits, the military, etc.
Even some ghost ship and captain(that was laid to rest) re-appeared to smash into the final boss and buy some time.

Now to finish re-reading Konjiki no Gash.
3x3 Eyes, too, though I'm not sure I ever finished that in the first place.

Despite, being lazy and just linking anime OP of the series...probably don't watch the anime versions. Houshin Engi is 20+ volumes in 20+ episodes, Konjiki no Gash has a number of filler arcs and anime-only ending, Ushio&Tora and 3x3 Eyes are technically okay, but as OAVs they only cover a few of the volumes and so don't really have any ending to them.

Also, I keep getting some virus warning whenever I hit Preview Post.
Bart will be part of the Straw Hats fleet, but he won't join the crew himself.

This arc has been bulding up for the Straw Hats fleet.

You're correct on your assessment of Robin being the superior straw hat girl.

Only because Perona isn't a Straw Hat.

yup I also believe that this arc and its many new characters are there as the founding blocks of the Straw Hat Fleet

Bart rules over some Mafia crews..... there is two different countries Navies that will side with Luffy too


Spider-Man by Hirai Kazumasa, Stan Lee, and Ikegami Ryoichi

I'm not really well-versed in the Spider-Man lore, nor do I have any particular appreciation for the franchise, but the one thing that surprised me the most was how dark and dour the whole thing is. The protagonists has probably the shittiest luck possible with how things go around him, and there are constantly depictions of gore and rape. It's definitely been mislabelled as a shonen. The art is nothing to write home about, looking dully similar to the standard 70s manga style, though it is pretty good at conveying the glum tone of the series.

Looking past the overall gloomy atmosphere, there isn't really much going for it, with the plot quickly becoming a mess past the first volume, with no overarching plot in favor of short story arcs, with pretty much every story arc ending abruptly and in an unsatisfactory way, with its bizarre need to keep harping on the harshness of living, with the protagonist being a pretty inconsistent character that keeps hesitating and making awful decisions, with little to no development for the characters nor for the world.

Fights? What fights?

A forgettable mess of interesting ideas and bad execution. I'd say it tries too hard at being edgy and preachy.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Spider-Man by Hirai Kazumasa, Stan Lee, and Ikegami Ryoichi

I'm not really well-versed in the Spider-Man lore, nor do I have any particular appreciation for the franchise, but the one thing that surprised me the most was how dark and dour the whole thing is. The protagonists has probably the shittiest luck possible with how things go around him, and there are constantly depictions of gore and rape. It's definitely been mislabelled as a shonen. The art is nothing to write home about, looking dully similar to the standard 70s manga style, though it is pretty good at conveying the glum tone of the series.

Looking past the overall gloomy atmosphere, there isn't really much going for it, with the plot quickly becoming a mess past the first volume, with no overarching plot in favor of short story arcs, with pretty much every story arc ending abruptly and in an unsatisfactory way, with its bizarre need to keep harping on the harshness of living, with the protagonist being a pretty inconsistent character that keeps hesitating and making awful decisions, with little to no development for the characters nor for the world.

Fights? What fights?

A forgettable mess of interesting ideas and bad execution. I'd say it tries too hard at being edgy and preachy.

The Spider-Man manga is one of the things fans like to forget, along with the Clone Saga and One More Day.
"Bad luck" sounds like the only thing it has in common with normal Spider-Man. Peter Parker has the worst luck.


One Piece 771

No really who the hell are these people?

Garp's old enemy and his grandson. I think Oda try to establish some of the pirates for future events when they got involved too. Remember at Marineford War Arc where bunch of pirates introduce? We don't know why they were great besides Oda told us so and they able to match up fairly against Vice Admirals that Luffy couldn't even scratch. I guess when other big war happened later in the story, at least we know what makes the involved pirates are great.

So I'm still in the early chapters, but I think the title needs to change.

Something more along the lines of Too Much Boobies

Because while it still would be highly inaccurate.

This manga has been more of a tits display vs an ass one.

Also, the twins are great.


The Spider-Man manga is one of the things fans like to forget, along with the Clone Saga and One More Day.
"Bad luck" sounds like the only thing it has in common with normal Spider-Man. Peter Parker has the worst luck.

In the manga's case (no idea about how it goes for the comics), a lot of the bad luck is also partially the protagonist's fault, with him pretty much aware there's something wrong/that might go wrong, and just moping around for several days instead of taking action, or just standing there looking at things go awry.

Garp's old enemy and his grandson. I think Oda try to establish some of the pirates for future events when they got involved too. Remember at Marineford War Arc where bunch of pirates introduce? We don't know why they were great besides Oda told us so and they able to match up fairly against Vice Admirals that Luffy couldn't even scratch. I guess when other big war happened later in the story, at least we know what makes the involved pirates are great.

I think dakku was being facetious.

Bleach 610

LOL EYEBALLs what the fuck ever.
Stealing nights from the future is kind of cool though, even if it makes zero sense
At least this clown is out of the fucking way after he uses his super ultra mega trump card next chapter.

Probably a variation on Rachel Summers ninjalooting lifeforce from the future to bruteforce galactus. Also made zero sense then. Had gravitas, tho.

also better art. and writing. and purple prose.

Any other author? Eh, coincidence. Kubo? lol.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
In the manga's case (no idea about how it goes for the comics), a lot of the bad luck is also partially the protagonist's fault, with him pretty much aware there's something wrong/that might go wrong, and just moping around for several days instead of taking action, or just standing there looking at things go awry.

It varies from case to case.
Peter never mopes though, he takes action.
The catalyst for One More Day is his aunt dying in the hospital, which he partially caused by revealing his identity to the world, causing assassins to target his family.
And because of shitty writing, NOBODY IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE COULD HEAL A GUNSHOT WOUND! Not Tony Stark, not Dr. Strange, not Reed Richards, not Black Panther, not fucking Dr. Doom, not even Doc Ock. No, the only way he could heal Aunt May was to sell his marriage to Mephisto, the Marvel Universe analogue of the devil.

I know this story is years old, but like the Clone Saga, its rancidness lives on.

*sees above post* Are we turning into ComicGAF?


It varies from case to case.
Peter never mopes though, he takes action.

Well, that sounds better than the manga version already!

The catalyst for One More Day is his aunt dying in the hospital, which he partially caused by revealing his identity to the world, causing assassins to target his family.
And because of shitty writing, NOBODY IN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE COULD HEAL A GUNSHOT WOUND! Not Tony Stark, not Dr. Strange, not Reed Richards, not Black Panther, not fucking Dr. Doom, not even Doc Ock. No, the only way he could heal Aunt May was to sell his marriage to Mephisto, the Marvel Universe analogue of the devil.

I know this story is years old, but like the Clone Saga, its rancidness lives on.

Hahahahahaha. I take that back. What were the editors thinking?

*sees above post* Are we turning into ComicGAF?

More like ComicGAF is joining the Manga Side.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Well, that sounds better than the manga version already!

Hahahahahaha. I take that back. What were the editors thinking?

Basically, the editor-in-chief at the time, Joe Quesada, HATED that Peter Parker was married. Something something nostalgia.
So he did this entire plotline to end their marriage. Because apparently divorce was "too adult" or "made too much sense".

There are way better Spider-Man stories out there. Hundreds. He's been around for 50+ years.
Of course, there's a lot of shit too.


Basically, the editor-in-chief at the time, Joe Quesada, HATED that Peter Parker was married. Something something nostalgia.
So he did this entire plotline to end their marriage. Because apparently divorce was "too adult" or "made too much sense".

Well that sounds as dumb of a reason as the whole plotline that ensued. Kinda glad that stupid editors aren't limited to any medium, at least.
Long overdue MangaGAF short read impressions because I'm a lazy asshole who keeps playing video games instead of reading (God fucking help me)!

Sora no Shita Yane no Naka
As a person that struggled to find a job during the summer after graduating from high school, Kanae's struggle to find a job and lack of motivation hit pretty close to home. Though I wish my mom was about as lenient during that situation as Kanae's is.

Job hunting sucks ass.
Long overdue MangaGAF short read impressions because I'm a lazy asshole who keeps playing video games instead of reading (God fucking help me)!

Sora no Shita Yane no Naka
As a person that struggled to find a job during the summer after graduating from high school, Kanae's struggle to find a job and lack of motivation hit pretty close to home. Though I wish my mom was about as lenient during that situation as Kanae's is.

Job hunting sucks ass.

Alright, just looked into this. Don't think I can actually read it. Hits waaaay to close to home.
Finished Worlds and Helter Skelter. The former was kinda weird, not many of the different "worlds" portrayed in each chapter seemed like something I would've wanted fleshed out. Maybe Tight Rope, that seemed to have some interesting background stuff behind it.
Helter Skelter felt pretty disgusting reading through it, though those last few chapters really brought it all together with Mr. Asada.

...oh god, I still have two weeks worth of short manga to catch up on now. Gotta motivate myself. Motivate!
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