And then a beautiful babe saves me
The Cat wasn't saved by anyone
Poor Cat ;__;
And then a beautiful babe saves me
Getting drunk on a fucking pirate ship was a whacky experience. Well i reallly didnt get drunk but i was pretty tipsy
At least you are closer to the dream then BakedYams.
I wanna get back on that pirate ship and this time just drink until i pass out
Everywhere i go people were asking me if i wanted tequilla.did you try tequila in mexico?
ill never attain my dream of being the greatest piece of yam the world has ever seen.
id be careful if i were you.
Everywhere i go people were asking me if i wanted tequilla.
I would never go back to poverty tier hotel accomodations. Being a vip was a bliss.
I just noticed your lovely tag
Start of a romance manga right there
Everywhere i go people were asking me if i wanted tequilla.
I would never go back to poverty tier hotel accomodations. Being a vip was a bliss.
Yeah man fuck poverty
Vip was awesome omg
Everywhere i go i had a ride ready
anything i wanted to drink was free. Same with the food.
I rode a jetski (which was fucking awesome because of something. Ill talk about it later), i rode a yacht off to the sunset while drinking, a kyak. ALSO A MOTHERFUCKING PIRATE SHIP PARTY AHOY
rip medschool funds.
well not really the accomodation was a gift to me. Best gift ever.
Damn, tequila is awesome dude, you just gotta go easy on it if you wanna wake up in the morning. I've never gotten drunk before since I can hold my alcohol really well but man have I been close.Whole reason is cause I usually drink and have to take the train back home, don't want to be found sleeping on the streets smelling like booze.
I need a gift like that... my uncle in DR can pretty much do the same, lets see if your voyage can inspire me to do something to this extent.
Yeah the one who gifted to me is a doctor as well lol. I just had like 1 bottle of tequilla every night here and i usually drank a couple of beers when i felt like it.
edit: i meant glass lmao
Being alone is making me remember my 5 cm per second moment
Oh such cruel fate
Everyone needs a 5cm per second moment
Get on and watch this fucking masterpiece of japanese animationPray tell, what the hell is a 5 cm per second moment?
5cm per second has shit pacing.
Not really the best of modern anime, there's too many shots that should be cut, and scenes that could've been added to improve the storytelling.
Godlike visuals and title song though, and the music video is pretty much the best way to enjoy it, or to remember it by.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is the best modern slice of life by far, or Wolf Children.
Boku No Academia
....I think I have a frog girl fetish.
I agree and disagree with your opinions. There was definitely something special about that movie for people like me who was able to relate to it. The pacing, the dialouge and the scenes were all 12/10 cause i genuinely felt what the movie was trying to convey.
I could do a full write up on it but im on my phone.
Basically shinkai is a genius
Nana to Kaoru 123
I dunno. This is kinda sweet, in a lewd way. I wonder how long this arc will last though. The sex and nudity has certainly jumped up since it started.
Man the Bleach OT went to hell. It's not like we want to hate Bleach, it's just Kubo hasn't done anything to make Bleach even okay for the past few years.
Bleach volume 63
I enjoyed it, especially because it focused on Renji and Rukia, but this volume highlights one of the on-going problems with Bleach and its narrative for me: the whole considering the afterlife world as alive. Especially Rukia's battle made me shake my head. That I'm dead just for a little while so I can't get touched by your fear skill... I mean you're a soul, how does lowering the temperature make you dead? You're already dead.
I like Bleach and all, I think it's dumb fun not meant to get taken seriously and yet.
Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There aka Japan Nationalism The Manga is getting an anime
Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There aka Japan Nationalism The Manga is getting an anime
You would think that cricket would be the easiest sport to read manga while watching. Especially test cricket.
You would think wrong.
If people want the short reads list this week I can conjure one up tomorrow...?