Zai x 10 33
Is this love...!?!
Is this love...!?!
Amazing as usual but its still going to take him like 2-3 years to get through this current arc.
Self 6
Is it happening?
Told you it was a secret!
I need to get myself back into the IRC chatroom.
Boku Girl 35-36
7 Seeds 141
Pls save them Natsu.
I'd even choose Onodera Kosaki over her. MC needs to get real.
Terra Formars Vol. 11
...Did that dude just take a Fa Jin to the nuts? By someone named Chun Li?
I cannot keep track of this shit at all. There's too many characters and the three month wait between volumes being translated wipes my memory. I don't think I can even remember half of what I just read.
Honto no Kanojo 11
The hugggggggggs
Not like any character is developed enough to cheer for. Just look at all the retardo-awesome stuff and have fun. I even forget who has which power most of the time, and i refer to all the characters by animal power. (but i do that to most manga nowadays, so whatevs)
Terra Formars Vol. 11
...Did that dude just take a Fa Jin to the nuts? By someone named Chun Li?
This is pushing HxH territory where 8 chapters = five minutes.
There are Honey Badger Terraformars now? Those fuckers are mean. Just need Goose and Moose varieties and the humans are screwed.
How the fuck are they getting these Earth animal powers anyway? We've gone from insects to honey badgers. I thought they got powers from the Bugs I crew, I don't remember any honey badgers on that. Are they just Cars and carry all life's DNA in them?
I cannot keep track of this shit at all. There's too many characters and the three month wait between volumes being translated wipes my memory. I don't think I can even remember half of what I just read.
Honey Badger WTF I thought this series was mostly about insects, that's news to me :0
It was, but they started using Crustaceans a while ago and now it's just anything goes. I'm not sure if there's a reason that I missed (I think the surgery got better, more complex as time went on) but there was a Narwhal person this volume.
Me after reading this
He's also attacked by a bad sense of head... headphone-picking... sense!Battle Rabbits 01
Your regular protagonist is attacked by onis and helped out by rabbits.
pretty sure they already show one with peregrine falcon
He's also attacked by a bad sense of head... headphone-picking... sense!
heh heh heh. heh heh heh heh.
Serious panels are amazing yet again
Murata draws the best boobs.OPM Fubuki Pic By Murata
Glorious 😍😍😍
The only character name I can remember is Michelle.
Please do not check my post history because it will look like I have short term memory loss.
Well, you can't argue it didn't deliver as advertised.Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo 1-6 End
What the fuck did I just read?
Y'mean Musclesglasses?
Kuroko no Basket - Extra Game 1
As expected, they're all pieces of shit.
Hopefully this at least manages to stay at a level above what the final game was at. Although probably won't be too enjoyable as all their evilness will have to be shown during the match as well.
OPM Fubuki Pic By Murata
Glorious 😍😍😍
Honto no Kanojo 1-11
Uh oh, I think I'm developing an appreciation for Yuri.