akame ga kill -
lol @This feels worse than death; good job, Takahiro.Mine ending up in a vegetative state.
Should have labeled that with a chapter number. I assumed it was an old chapter.
akame ga kill -
lol @This feels worse than death; good job, Takahiro.Mine ending up in a vegetative state.
Just have to rub them every day!
And drink all the milk!
Where there's a will, there's a way!
You can't make me click that spoiler
Should have labeled that with a chapter number. I assumed it was an old chapter.![]()
I wish I could trade it for Me and the Devil Blues.Some weirdo that doesn't read Prison School.
I wish I could trade it for Me and the Devil Blues.
akame ga kill -
lol @This feels worse than death; good job, Takahiro.Mine ending up in a vegetative state.
I wish I could trade it for Me and the Devil Blues.
But we don't have both, that's the problem.Why trade when you can have both?
Dang, the switch.
But we don't have both, that's the problem.
Still holding out hope for Doumei Ningen no Tsukurikata getting picked up.Sakura Discord 1
So this is Jitsu wa Watashi wa author's earlier manga? I wasn't instantly enamored with this like I was with JwWw, mostly because the protagonist was such a moody bitch.
Still, Masuda Eiji's humor is noticeable and it's probably a safe bet that it'll soon overtake the "we couldn't win a single baseball game no matter how we tried" angst
To be fair, Blazblue is one of the only fighting games to have a story that is pretty much the center of the games. Whether or not it's good however...
I believe we're finally crossing the waters where everyone whose reading this and hasn't read Negima! yet, needs to do so now.
Because Life-Maker showing up is a big deal.
And I mean big.
He's not talented as
Seriously, show me when Soma has been the type to suddenly pull shit out of his ass when he has been consistently portrayed as hard working for the last 102 chapters of the manga.
Hell the best part about the soy soup is that it's pretty much inspired from his father's recipe, when he lost that battle.
akame ga kill -
lol @This feels worse than death; good job, Takahiro.Mine ending up in a vegetative state.
I read some of Negmia, but really don't feel like reading more.
Has Bleach been taking a break? Doesn't seem like there been a new chapter since the end of last year.
There was the New Years break, and Kubo was sick last week, so there has not.
akame ga kill -
lol @This feels worse than death; good job, Takahiro.Mine ending up in a vegetative state.
It drastically changes genres about half-way through. It goes from harem comedy to bonkers-over-the-top shounen fight series. If I remember right originally he wanted to do what it turned into but his editors wanted another harem comedy.
I notice that a new volume of D.Gray-man came out in USA not too long ago. Man I miss that series.![]()
I read up till Rakan returned or something.
Did not like much of the cast.
Well it seems like Hoshino is working on a sequel to D-Gray Man. She wrote it on her Instagram and even showed some pics but it hasn't been officially confirmed when it will happen.
So I have faith that just maybe maybe it will happen sometime 2015.
Korea and Japan yeah.Koe no Katachi chapter 32
Please tell me that this is not even remotely reflective of how the Japanese view deafness and other birth defects. This is evil for the sake of being evil level shit.
Well it seems like Hoshino is working on a sequel to D-Gray Man. She wrote it on her Instagram and even showed some pics but it hasn't been officially confirmed when it will happen.
So I have faith that just maybe maybe it will happen sometime 2015.
Wha wha wha WHAT?!
Wait doesn't a sequel imply that the first series ended.
...did it end?
Thank you a lot of comments. D.Gray-man sequel is in writing. But, it is when to posted is that decide the people who support me, you can not announcement from me. The Instagram is the venue of my personal private. Please pardon.