its threes, that shit gets boring after half an hour
I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post because even though I disagree with most of it, it's your opinion & that's fine. What I will say though is that just because something happened that you don't like doesn't make it non-canon. I've seen you say this multiple times about different series and it's something that annoys me to no end. Hayama winning is canon whether you like it or not. Your bizzaro definiton of canon is wrong & I wish you would stop using it.
So guys is Sakamoto desu ga a good series.
Also is there a good reason on why he's called Swagamoto.
onani master kurosawa had the best ending
Is Domestic na Kanojo better than Good Ending? Keep in mind that I will have you destroyed if you mislead me.
Tokyo Ghoul:Re Chapter 14
Is it me or does Akira look beautiful, like holy shit. Now that I think about it her character design is brilliant, it just looks so good. God I can't wait when she meets Amon, tears will be flowing.
Reading Eden: It's an Endless World whilst listening to Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions...
Domestic no Kanojo RAW
Huh..................... those of you that cannot handle NTR must STAY AWAY.
Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Rachirareta Ken 24
Future telling never lies.
But then maid-sama blows everyone out of the park.
Chinggis Khan
Prison School
Koukoku no Shugosha
Mill 16
It was too little too late, Mill
Sudden arrival of ex-girlfriend at the end! Interesting
My new avatar. Been out of the loop for a week since life started kicking in. What else have I missed?
My anger towards the Patriots winning the Super Bowl.
Seahawks literally fucking threw the gameYou have my condolences. Its beyond me how they let the ref make that call. Moneyhat gonna moneyhat.
Seahawks literally fucking threw the game
I aint even mad even tho i hate the pats and their annoying fans
That last play was moronic beyond belief
I know the are quite a few series with a character with a mom who is a Loli, but are there any with a Shota dad?
So guys is Sakamoto desu ga a good series.
Also is there a good reason on why he's called Swagamoto.
Spirit Circle 32
Woo exposition life!
Would that really be considered exposition? I honestly feel like there wasn't that much new info. But whateve's one more life down.
Yeah, I catched the reference quite fast. Actually I felt that the manga already had some social commentary (not political) in, for me it was clear the author intent of commenting about capitalism and individualism. So the ending, though had several references to the chinese actual goverment (which also is the perfect example of a new born capitalism king except in name), felt more a commentary over the actual status quo in our world, where an elite seems to govern and decide what goverments should do, is not the illuminati theory, but you may remember what happened in Europe, where the speculation of the debt in some countries had devastating effects in our economy.
Given the recent popular movements in differen parts of the earth, and how it questioned the actual status quo (we just had the greece case, in which a new political party won the elections debanking the 2 major parties for like 30 years and with promises to fight the dictamens and decisions of this elite), I feel that was the intention.
The problem is not the message but the delivery, the whole documentary thing was almost laughable, it was played as some sort of very clever plot twist but it ended as was one of the worst Shyamalan-like twist I saw.
Thanks for the post. Yes, while i can appreciate author intent, i still think the execution is very lacking. The setup for the whole reveal, and the fact that the game not as intriguing as the previous game. If the author put the foreshadow or hint throughout the game, instead of just putting in a latest chapter, i think the ending will be perceived better. As of now, it feel very abrupt.
You're closer to being on the top 10 than being out of the top 20.why am i still in the top 20 on this thing :/
should be lower
why am i still in the top 20 on this thing :/
should be lower
At least taku got some panels this time.I'm kinda with DTL on this about curry.
Well, not as strongly, as I don't really feel it was forced, I just don't like it as much.
I like their relationship as more familial, rather than romantic.
Also RIP Takumi.
zettai karen children 395
oh my
You don't know what you've gotten yourself into. Its terribad homie, run away while you can.
Right up my alley...Excuse me while I prepare my tissues for my crying
Sorry for the ridiculous multi-quote but I think given the reactions you guys are very disappointed with the ending and if I just wrote a normal post, it's likely that it will be overlooked. Now, I can't guarantee if you will like this interpretation of Liar Game's ending but I am pretty sure there will be never be a sequel for Liar Game. I think the author intend is bring attention to China's authoritarian regime.
1. Top left panel on page 2 in Chapter 201 is a hint to Tiananmen Square protests
2. The novel in question in liar game was published 25 years ago which coincide with the above incident date.
3. The producer that was murdered is of chinese descent.
These 3 points were very obvious to the chinese readers ( including taiwanese folks ) so there was quite some out-roar on this ending. There are also a few who doesn't like political stuff to be shoehorned into this manga.
But I think most of this is a pre-emptive strike by the author because if the manga Liar Game is indeed censored by the chinese government in any form because of its content, it would be like an replicate of the events in the manga. This is why I doubt there will ever be a sequel. Or if you look at this from another angle, I think Akiyama once criticised about the attitude of 'being indifference to others' in real life or Liar Game. So perhaps the author is doing the same thing here or at least subtly advocating people not to.
Tokyo Ghoul: Re 15
Looks like the auction is where the fun will begin.
Mob Psycho 100 Chapter 1
Mpd Psycho this is not. It's very funny, this author is gifted in his craft.
If you need more conditioning for NTR, I know a few manga that's up to task.