Waratte! Sotomura-san 70
Typical I really wish there was any sense of progression here.
Typical I really wish there was any sense of progression here.
hi score girl 21
i know whats gonna happen
Hekk can't cry... You're talking to the guy who already knows everything about HSG and can't even look forward to a new chapter anymore
hekk am cry
Hekk can't cry
Hekk has no feelins
1. Madness
2. Hate
hekk is love, hekk is life
also this is a devious ploy to eat up more posts so zweizer is unquestionably at the top of the wall of shame
all according to keikaku
At least I did learn that you can eat "uncooked" bacon. That really blew my mind.
Considering trying that, but my heart still tells me "no, that's wrong".
Shivering from this exciting match. Kyoutani is so good on the Aobajosai side, but then Hinata. His panel was too amazing.
Liar Game End
Well, what a downer ending. It's like the author just give up. Unless, the author planning to do a sequel, because as it is, it doesn't feel like a proper end.
Liar Game END
This goes to the pile of shit-endings...
Liar Game 201 END
I really don't know what the author was thinking. How the heck did he finance this with "just" 5 billion?
Didn't Yokoya earned billions by himself at this points?
And for that matter, who makes a threat and gives out 5 billion to the people making the threat? Lets not even mention the entire "non-ending".
You could tell the author ran out of ideas awhile ago, the entire arc was uninteresting and the last few chapters rushed over to end the game as quickly as possible.
Liar Game END
Holy cow. What a disappointing and unfulfilling ending. It was one of the first manga I begam reading after picking up the habit of manga-reading again at the beginning of '13 and have been eagerly waiting each release. It's just so freakin' disappointing...
Liar Game 201 (end)
I'd rather see a new series than a sequel to LG. It's pretty clear that the author doesn't care anymore for the setting and for the characters. The games got less and less interesting even after a long hiatus that it looked like as it was due to the author "collecting ideas".
One Outs had a better structured plot and a decent end.
Sorry for the ridiculous multi-quote but I think given the reactions you guys are very disappointed with the ending and if I just wrote a normal post, it's likely that it will be overlooked. Now, I can't guarantee if you will like this interpretation of Liar Game's ending but I am pretty sure there will be never be a sequel for Liar Game. I think the author intend is bring attention to China's authoritarian regime.
Sorry for the ridiculous multi-quote but I think given the reactions you guys are very disappointed with the ending and if I just wrote a normal post, it's likely that it will be overlooked. Now, I can't guarantee if you will like this interpretation of Liar Game's ending but I am pretty sure there will be never be a sequel for Liar Game. I think the author intend is bring attention to China's authoritarian regime.
1. Top left panel on page 2 in Chapter 201 is a hint to Tiananmen Square protests
2. The novel in question in liar game was published 25 years ago which coincide with the above incident date.
3. The producer that was murdered is of chinese descent.
These 3 points were very obvious to the chinese readers ( including taiwanese folks ) so there was quite some out-roar on this ending. There are also a few who doesn't like political stuff to be shoehorned into this manga.
But I think most of this is a pre-emptive strike by the author because if the manga Liar Game is indeed censored by the chinese government in any form because of its content, it would be like an replicate of the events in the manga. This is why I doubt there will ever be a sequel. Or if you look at this from another angle, I think Akiyama once criticised about the attitude of 'being indifference to others' in real life or Liar Game. So perhaps the author is doing the same thing here or at least subtly advocating people not to.
Hey MangaGAF. Quick question.
Is it worth getting into One Piece? I'd be purchasing the physical volumes (box sets are cheap right now) to start a collection.
Ha, challenge accepted. Haven't been reading manga lately so couldn't really add anything here. Let's see if I can get some steady reads going. I need a break from those boring things called books.You've done this "okay I'm back" thing like 3 times by now and you always went and disappeared again. It hurt my feelings. I don't believe you anymore until I see you posting for an entire OT straight.
Hey MangaGAF. Quick question.
Is it worth getting into One Piece? I'd be purchasing the physical volumes (box sets are cheap right now) to start a collection.
Hey MangaGAF. Quick question.
Is it worth getting into One Piece? I'd be purchasing the physical volumes (box sets are cheap right now) to start a collection.
Sorry for the ridiculous multi-quote but I think given the reactions you guys are very disappointed with the ending and if I just wrote a normal post, it's likely that it will be overlooked. Now, I can't guarantee if you will like this interpretation of Liar Game's ending but I am pretty sure there will be never be a sequel for Liar Game. I think the author intend is bring attention to China's authoritarian regime.
1. Top left panel on page 2 in Chapter 201 is a hint to Tiananmen Square protests
2. The novel in question in liar game was published 25 years ago which coincide with the above incident date.
3. The producer that was murdered is of chinese descent.
These 3 points were very obvious to the chinese readers ( including taiwanese folks ) so there was quite some out-roar on this ending. There are also a few who doesn't like political stuff to be shoehorned into this manga.
But I think most of this is a pre-emptive strike by the author because if the manga Liar Game is indeed censored by the chinese government in any form because of its content, it would be like an replicate of the events in the manga. This is why I doubt there will ever be a sequel. Or if you look at this from another angle, I think Akiyama once criticised about the attitude of 'being indifference to others' in real life or Liar Game. So perhaps the author is doing the same thing here or at least subtly advocating people not to.
If it keeps me entertained, most definitely.Are you planning to keep buying the series for potentially 15 more years?
Plenty of free time, which is why I wanted to dive into something like this.How much time do you have, and much WILL you have? If the answer to both is "a lot" then yes.
Yeah, I saw that boxset 1 & 2 are heavily discounted right now. I got my tax refund, so I figured I'd buy the two and put the rest in savings.If you don't mind buying 20something volumes at once, sure.
It's pretty cheap, the first box set is just less than 100 dollars on Amazon right now and that'll end up to being like 4 something per volume.
Just know what you are getting yourself into. (Hint: One Piece will never end)![]()
yea man
fuck the the other girl which i forgot her name cause how shitty she was
Nanatsu no Taizai on break
man out of simple habit I just clicked on it thinking it was this weeks chapter only to be greeted with that page
it gave me bad memories of HXH
Hey MangaGAF. Quick question.
Is it worth getting into One Piece? I'd be purchasing the physical volumes (box sets are cheap right now) to start a collection.
Hey MangaGAF. Quick question.
Is it worth getting into One Piece? I'd be purchasing the physical volumes (box sets are cheap right now) to start a collection.
I miss this girl so much:
Most probably the only shounen girl protagonist that I actually feel dear about.
What series is this?
Viz Media's digital magazine Weekly Shonen Jump announced on Monday that it will begin its next round of "Jump Start" series in its next issue on February 9 with Toshiaki Iwashiro's Kagamigami (Mirror God).
The manga, based on Iwashiro's one-shot Shikigami Twilight Days which ran in Shonen Jump last year, will premiere in Japan on the same day. In the story, the "famous detective(!?)" Mako meets the mysterious boy Kyōsuke.
Hey MangaGAF. Quick question.
Is it worth getting into One Piece? I'd be purchasing the physical volumes (box sets are cheap right now) to start a collection.
Shokugeki no Soma 104 and Fall Classic Arc END
Hayama's still an arrogant douchebag for some reason (not explained). I wish it didn't feel so much like they were trying to set up "this is the ending for the season of the the anime." It feels like this because they didn't really set up anything else in terms of a new arc, although I guess Eizan is still around and still angry at Soma for ruining his Kaarage stand business. For being the main bad guy in this arc, he sure did have an ultra minor role - it turns out all he did was "hire" Mimisaka to try and make Soma lose, and we never even find out about this until after the fact.
I have no idea what forced romance scene you're even talking about, I assume Hayama and Jun? The fact that Hayama has a crush on Jun has been obvious from the first chapter Hayama appeared in.
I have no idea what forced romance scene you're even talking about, I assume Hayama and Jun? The fact that Hayama has a crush on Jun has been obvious from the first chapter Hayama appeared in.
Great conclusion to the rank wars fight. Mikumo so good.
The guys in chapter commented that it was weird to see Hayama act that way.