As a 3DS owner, I don't think I've added one person to my friends list. How do you set it up so I can add you bros?
Aunt Tits
You've got to be kidding me.
Add me: 0559-6808-4314
I have no idea what my Friend Code is because I only ever played Super Mario 3D land![]()
Aunt Tits 97
Add me: 0559-6808-4314
Add me: 0559-6808-4314
Picking up X/Y in approximately 2 hours.
Frriend code is 5000-2377-2427 if you want to.
In the home menu, there are in the top four colored icons, you tap the orange one. You will go to Friend list.
You friend code will be the one with your Mii.
Got you both too.
Got you both too.
If you could can you PM me your code?
This friend system is duuuuuuuumb.
I just got you.
EDIT: Man we should set up like a tourny or something.
Add me: 0559-6808-4314
Picking up X/Y in approximately 2 hours.
Frriend code is 5000-2377-2427 if you want to.
added both of you
mine is 4785-4728-9273 (pm'd to anti)
Picking up X/Y in approximately 2 hours.
Frriend code is 5000-2377-2427 if you want to.
Joining the Friend Code fun
Added Mr. Fix and Antiwhippy.
What's your code?
Joining the Friend Code fun
Man there's no escape from Pokemon.
My FC is 3239-2991-3463. I added Whippy and B-Dubs.
Edit: And Mr fix!
Aunt Tits
Also, none of the Gamestops near me are opening at midnight to sell Pokemon. This means my chances of impulse buying it like an idiot are lowered.
Still will succumb to curiosity tomorrow, though
With that kind of attitude how are you going to be the very best, like no one ever was?
Oh shit there is a 24 hour Walmart about 15 minutes from where I live
whats a froakieMy Froakie's nickname is Wonzo.
Oh shit there is a 24 hour Walmart about 15 minutes from where I live
Frog version of this guy.
I wish, then I might actually want to use it.
After seeing final forms froakie went from least interesting to most interesting. I feel like no one is gonna pick chespin after seeing its final evo
Friend code is 3007-8094-4127. Add me peeps!
I am!
Anti you still need to add me as a friend ;'(
I feel like no one is gonna pick chespin after seeing its final evo
What's your code?
zzzzzzFrog version of this guy.