Shoukgeki no Soma 111
French Yuki is pretty great, but I'm partial to French Ryouko. Will be fun seeing what they each come up for the cooking competition at the end of the challenge.
As for Soma ... eh, I like seeing him screwing up in an environment where his experience won't be immediately handy, but this is a rehash of the final test of the training camp again. Down to him letting the insults slide and focusing on completing the task at hand and be able to make it through the service. Well, except this time instead of Erina taking joy in Soma almost getting expelled, Shinomiya is being more accepting and supportive about it.
I suppose it has to be like this to set up some sort of conflict after Soma being in his element in the first test, and also to have Abel serve as being this arc's Takumi, but I hope this doesn't become a trend until he's a second year.
Shinomiya's change after eating Tadokoro's dish remains incredible
Gakkuy Hotei 15
On the one hand, the manga continues to be fun with its characters and seeing what the Von Karma Sr. stand in acts is pretty great.
On the other, the loli fan service continues to be really awful (gag boobs for an 11 year old ...) and the leaps in logic the series likes to take undermines Abku's gimmick. Why on earth would a 42 be allowed to remain on campus after admitting to watching Grade schoolers at the pool (and taking pictures of them ...) and then proceeding to challenge a kid for a courtroom session?
Well, it doesn't look like Gakkuy Hotei is long for this world anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter.
My Hero Academia 35
This will not end well for everyone involved.
At least Ant Girl made it through to the second round (didn't expect Momo to lose to Tokoyami though. Guess that means she'll lose next round to set up the eventual Bakugo/Tokoyami fight :/)
Magi 258-59
I don't Alibaba is screwed forever..... seeing as his limbs and mind weren't pysically harmed but rather just dealed away...... Hakuryuu though.... looks like his arm isn't the only thing that will be wooden from now on
I think his mind was probably sent to Alma Torran, given Hakuryuu's clarification on what Belial's ability does. And it would make the most sense with how they'll get him back later on.
I have to say though, I didn't expect for this fight to end in this manner. I thought that it would end up with Alibaba and Aladdin escaping and then having a second round later but I guess that won't happen now ...