Marginal by Hagio Moto
In a distant future, on a barren Earth, where women have all but disappeared, with the remaining humans relying on a sole "Mother" for the birth of new children. In such a hostile world, following several years devoid of children, a group of dejected villagers conspire to kill "Mother", and during their homicidal quest, come across a strange young boy...
Marginal tells of a greatly engrossing story that blends fantasy and sci-fi elements smoothly within an intriguing universe, which sadly is somewhat hampered by generally unlikeable characters. My own gripes with the cast aside, I found Hagio Moto's take on a world devoid of women rather interesting, and the manga features some fascinating ideas on one's gender, which seems to be a recurring theme for the author.
All in all, an engaging post-apocalyptic story.
In a distant future, on a barren Earth, where women have all but disappeared, with the remaining humans relying on a sole "Mother" for the birth of new children. In such a hostile world, following several years devoid of children, a group of dejected villagers conspire to kill "Mother", and during their homicidal quest, come across a strange young boy...
Marginal tells of a greatly engrossing story that blends fantasy and sci-fi elements smoothly within an intriguing universe, which sadly is somewhat hampered by generally unlikeable characters. My own gripes with the cast aside, I found Hagio Moto's take on a world devoid of women rather interesting, and the manga features some fascinating ideas on one's gender, which seems to be a recurring theme for the author.
All in all, an engaging post-apocalyptic story.