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Manga News/Discussion |OTY| Creatively Bankrupt

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Nelly's sort of been hyped ever since her outline appeared way back in the series when some of the 'monsters of the national tournament' were hinted at, so I hope that win or lose she lives up to the hype. And of course I hope for big things from Saki too! It'll be another battle between the need to win and her instinctive "I must go +/-0" playstyle, I think. She'll need to do well for them to m ake the finals, though. I mean, I'm sure they WILL, but it'll be interesting to see how it happens, and who the other team moving on will be!

There are 2 teams moving on from this semi-final right? I imagine Nelly will make some big plays but it wouldn't suprise me if her team is the other one that makes it through and that we won't get to see her full power until the finals. I'd just love to see Saki go full beast mode and just destroy the other teams, though I sadly don't see that happening. In any case I'm looking foward to seeing this round and I hope it's better than the boring Nodoka round.
Boku no Hero Academia 1-7

I can't believe I waited so long to finally start reading this, it's so good. Deku's a great protagonist and his power seems pretty awesome. All Might still has the power too though, right? The way I understood the torch thing, All For One is gradually being given to Deku and taken away from All Might? He seems pretty strong already if this is just a fraction of it's power.

I already really like Uraraka. And frog girl was barely introduced and she seems awesome. Bakugou seems like an ass so far though. And the weird French guy with the crotch laser is annoying as hell.

Seems like a really good series though. Looks like it's gonna get even better once I get to the tournament arc too.
There are 2 teams moving on from this semi-final right?
Right, and we don't know who will be moving on along with Kiyosumi (there's no way the main characters don't advance). In Achiga-hen there wasn't much drama at the end -- I mean, it was certainly going to be Teru's team and Achiga -- but this time, we have no idea which of the other teams it'll be. I just really, really hope it won't be Himematsu yet again, like when they beat out Miyamori and Eisui to make this round, two teams who are both pretty great and I've have much rather see move on instead of Himematsu. But anyway.

I imagine Nelly will make some big plays but it wouldn't suprise me if her team is the other one that makes it through and that we won't get to see her full power until the finals. I'd just love to see Saki go full beast mode and just destroy the other teams, though I sadly don't see that happening. In any case I'm looking foward to seeing this round and I hope it's better than the boring Nodoka round.
The Nodoka round wasn't all bad, Megan was kind of cool. I like her "showdown" power. It's only Nodoka's part in the match that was boring.

As for the rest, yeah, there has been some of that tension, 'do we show all of our powers, or hold them back until they're really necessary' in this series in general, and with teams like Nelly's in particular. They are an international team of four exchange students, remember; there was a page in a recent chapter where I thin it was Nelly saying something about not showing all of their abilities to eachother because they are rivals in international tournaments, or something like that. So will she show all her powers, whatever they are? We'll see, but I'd think it'd only happen if absolutely necessary.

And for Saki... yeah, one of the things I'd love to see in this series sometime is for Saki to finally get past her "I must go +/-0 and not win" trauma and actually go all-out. Remember, she started doing that because she was winning all the time against her family and didn't like how they reacted. So if that still holds true, Saki would be even more insane than Teru was in the Side-A semifinal. It'd be quite something to see. :) Considering Saki's character maybe she'll never do it... but who knows, it could happen.
Wizard's Soul ~Holy War of Love~ 01


Everything is decided in this world by a children's card game.

Well not everything but close enough! A series that revolves around a TCG that EVERYBODY plays. But it's seems to be less silly as it follows around our main character as she goes through life, love, family issues all while playing a children's card game.

It's wasn't that bad. There's a plot that goes outside the children's card game. The world doesn't seem completely dependent on teens with crazy hair to win in this children's card game either, so its a refreshing.

Also helps the main character completely wrecks her crush


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Her face was whited out on a photograph of the Yukihara family back in chapter 1/2.


We'll probably see her around the same time as Luffy's mom

The biggest mystery in Manga history

O.P is never going to end

Edit- We found that Soma's dad use to cook for Erina in chapter 34, it hasn't resurfaced since then. I don't mind waiting for backstories, but damn how long we half to wait!
The biggest mystery in Manga history

O.P is never going to end

Edit- We found that Soma's dad use to cook for Erina in chapter 34, it hasn't resurfaced since then. I don't mind waiting for backstories, but damn how long we half to wait!

Using One Piece as an example again we had to wait almost 600 chapters for Luffy backstory


Dream Fossil

Received it today. I think already posted my impression about this when I bought the Italian edition, but Satoshi Kon is so good that it deserves to be talked about twice, especially now that Vertical has released the English language edition.

Dream Fossil is good. The stories in it have a wide range. From the sad and a bit disconnected kind like Carve, which opens the book, to the more comedic ones like Summer of Anxiety or Beyond the Sun (which has one damn awesome ending) to the otherworldly ones like Guests.
The art might feel a bit dated here and there, but it's very detailed and expressive, with a lot of charm.

Dream Fossil is a book that deserves to be bought and read. This book is just that good and Vertical did a nice job with the edition.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It's only £16 on amazon and I trust Satoshi Kon enough to buy things simply because they have his name on. Do you know if Opus is good too? I've been eying that one for a while now!


I can't be the only one who think that Utsuro guy is Gintoki's sensei?

I seriously doubt that.

Has there i don't think that he woulb come back from being beheaded from his own diciple. And it's not even the same as in the Case of the Shongun and Zenso, where both knew what was happening. Gintoki and ther others are to this very Day completly sure that he killed Shoyou


Shamo Vol 28-34 ( End )

Not sure if I should be disappointed with the ending, well, at least not as much as Hideki Arai's The World Is Mine. I thought the manga was trending a fine line that constantly breaks my suspension of disbelief with China's arc. I don't mind Ryo's personal traits gradually normalize to an anti-hero archetype in the latter parts of the manga but it seems to lack any smooth transition to that state.

Since I had read Underdog by the original Shamo's writer, I can't say I have good faith that even if he stays on, Shamo will return to its original quality. To me, that is still a level below The World Is Mine, terrible ending aside.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Soooo with how awesome Mad Max Fury Road was, does anyone want to see a Fist of the North Star movie done in that style?


Only so much you can do with monochrome.

There's shading/toning that could make monochrome produce different "feels" of color. Hiramoto's Prison School give you good enough idea of what an author can do with monochrome. Also, why wouldn't the author just give both girl black hair? Is it the contrast you mention? If so, that's mean the author just relied on conventional tropes or the norm of the genre, hence lack of creativity. There are other way to make a character look contrast from each other like default facial expression, clothing, etc.


There's shading/toning that could make monochrome produce different "feels" of color. Hiramoto's Prison School give you good enough idea of what an author can do with monochrome. Also, why wouldn't the author just give both girl black hair? Is it the contrast you mention? If so, that's mean the author just relied on conventional tropes or the norm of the genre, hence lack of creativity. There are other way to make a character look contrast from each other like default facial expression, clothing, etc.

Sure, I wasn't contesting that it was due to a lack of creativity. I was just pointing out that it's a common thing in manga.
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