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Manga News/Discussion |OTY| Creatively Bankrupt

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If chopping your story to pieces with a blunt axe is an acceptable way to be solved and done, then I agree. I still think that ~110 would've been the perfect point to end it, a couple of epilogue chapters to show Yuzuki moving on and stuff, and everything wouldn't be amazing, but kinda decent I'd say. Breaking up with Asuka and getting together with Yuzuki was the low point of the series, or the boiling point of idiotism depending on persepctive, and ending it there would've left a pretty bad aftertaste. Not that I like the lack of consequences, but it at least feels better now. You can't really salvage this trainwreck anymore, might as well make it somewhat less annoying.

Although the last 50 chapters of pretty much nothing probably work in favour of the blunt axe, I guess.

KNIM 181-190

Should I cook? Shouldn't I cook? Is this a cooking manga? Don't know, but hey there's nothing else happening anyway. And Haruto nearly summersaulting of the bed because he can't touch his girlfriend's clothed breasts has to be some of the most ridiculous shit I've seen in manga. Hilariously enough I think Akari actually is ahead in terms of intimacy with Haruto overall, despite never getting the many scenes she actually deserved.


Hahaha, you kiddin' me? What the heck is up with that? I'd dump her dumb ass in an instant for that. Not enough that she made him (and everybode else I'd guess) worry for 6 days to the point he thought she went missing, no, she also gets back and is still acting like that. Considering stuff like this is her most prominent character trait, you really have to question why Haruto even loves Yuzuki. And Asuka even has to cheer him up, maybe the couple really deserves each other.

Well, obviously a small epilogue after it would had been ideal, but it didn't need more than an extra 5-10 chapters to finish the story after they got together, there just was nowhere else to go after that, as the remaining chapters go to show.

The series last nearly as long after they get back together as everything else from before.

I'll say that after Haruto breaks with Asuka to go back to Yuzuki, they clearly deserve each other (thoughI still think Yuzuki is the worst of the two but that's lets not get into that).


Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Vol. 1
It's been a long time since I enjoyed a 4koma manga that much, well besides Ueda Mashashi's stuff at least.
Now I know why everyone keep saying Mikorin is the best girl. Indeed he is.
Do you like big girls? 17


poetic almost in the simplicity of this.


Well, obviously a small epilogue after it would had been ideal, but it didn't need more than an extra 5-10 chapters to finish the story after they got together, there just was nowhere else to go after that, as the remaining chapters go to show.

The series last nearly as long after they get back together as everything else from before.

I'll say that after Haruto breaks with Asuka to go back to Yuzuki, they clearly deserve each other (thoughI still think Yuzuki is the worst of the two but that's lets not get into that).

Yeah true, the story ran its course and pretty much feels like it is on life-support now. While I like a few chapters that actually show a couple living their life together after the long courting period that is a romance manga, 100+ chapters of that is a bit much. Especially if the pairing is as dumb as Haruto/Yuzuki. I actually thought Haruto was somewhat decent a main protagonist for the most part, in some scenes he was downright charismatic and his feud with Kazama was bizarre but hertwarming, but after the shitty break-up with Asuka he lost ever bit of sympathy I had for him. And I never cared much for Yuzuki.

Both main characters pretty much don't have any traits aside from good pure boyfriend/girlfriend anymore and their environment has no potential to cloak that lack either, so it's become a slice-of-life manga following a boring and uncharismatic couple.

KNIM 196-200

Well, finally. Even their first time was dumb. Now for the bonus chapters, that totally don't cheapen this at all. Heh.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I can't believe Yoshikawa somehow thought it was a good idea to do an arc of Yamada and the Seven that's as long as the first arc and doesn't have Shiraishi at all. She's the most popular character....

Yeah true, the story ran its course and pretty much feels like it is on life-support now. While I like a few chapters that actually show a couple living their life together after the long courting period that is a romance manga, 100+ chapters of that is a bit much. Especially if the pairing is as dumb as Haruto/Yuzuki. I actually thought Haruto was somewhat decent a main protagonist for the most part, in some scenes he was downright charismatic and his feud with Kazama was bizarre but hertwarming, but after the shitty break-up with Asuka he lost ever bit of sympathy I had for him. And I never cared much for Yuzuki.

Both main characters pretty much don't have any traits aside from good pure boyfriend/girlfriend anymore and their environment has no potential to cloak that lack either, so it's become a slice-of-life manga following a boring and uncharismatic couple.

KNIM 196-200

Well, finally. Even their first time was dumb. Now for the bonus chapters, that totally don't cheapen this at all. Heh.

I can't wait for you to read Fuuka. Although perhaps the impact might be dulled if you didn't read Suzuka :lol

The bonus chapters are so creepy.


Girls of the Wild's 185-190

Fight was super cool
this side stuff with that other guy+these girls is ehhhhhh depending what happens


I can't wait for you to read Fuuka. Although perhaps the impact might be dulled if you didn't read Suzuka :lol

The bonus chapters are so creepy.

I actually read Suzuka many years ago already, so that's not a problem.
Maybe a re-read is in order to prepare for Fuuka.
Naw, who am I kidding, I'm not totally insane. Yet.

And the bonus chapters were really weird. Everything intimate in KNIM is weird, kinda, there seems to be no passion, no real emotions, just flat phrases and akward motions. I really don't think Seo should write/draw romance.

Pushing for the full Seo course, eh?

Don't do it, bobohoro.

I'll probably need something in between, but I'm definitely reading up on Fuuka in the coming weeks.
You know you secretly want me to as well Zweizer~!

And to end my pains for the day (I really should do something productive for a change):

KNIM 201-210

Man, that akward card game with all them girls that love Haruto, really drives home how weird their group of friends actually is. At least Nanami moved on, finally. And what was up with Haruto getting drunk and crashing at Asuka's place? Totally out of character there. Was just a setup to have Yuzuki finally apologize anyway, which was another rather selfish action.


The series really should had ended when he went back to Yuzuki, at that point everything was solved and done.

He needed to buy time to formulate a plan to make people rage about Suzuka characters again.

Edit: Also, I agree about Yuzuki being boring during that slice of life portion. It's like they tried to make her into a Belldandy (kind/plain/jealous), but it didn't work at all.
It's a testament to how different things are now that I'm trying to figure out what to dump in the banner and skimming through the last few pages, everyone is reading different things.

Good work chumps.

Or you could make it simple and dump Nisekoi.

Not like anyone would miss it.


Shoujo Nemu 1-END

First time I read something that got abruptly cancelled, and it makes me feel like shit, especially something this good.

I should have read something bad instead. It would have made me feel better.


You read his editor commentary too?

No I didn't, but it sure makes me look like an idiot now. After reading it, I actually feel happy it ended prematurely. Reading a work from an author that has personally lost motivation after a very strong beginning sounds terrifying and I have no doubt that most of the crap I've read in the past stems from this. It seems especially important for a manga that seemed very personal.
Naruto 700+5

Well we got a good size of info from this chapter

There might be the true enemy that Kaguya was preparing for....
Multi eye trying to revive the Akatsuki with a Shin clone army
Sakura on the move and a clash between the new enemies and Naruto/Sasuke
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