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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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Well, Himekawa did say that Oga can't see Beel. I also noticed that the only people Beel connected with were King's Crest soldiers so anyone who wants to jump in and say "so now Beel randomly powers up other people" might want to consider that.

The one outright positive of this chapter? Tojou. Cot damn.

Witch Hunter

Dropped until completion. The art is really hit or miss, leaning towards miss and the pacing is starting to annoy me. This doesn't do well as a monthly release at all. Only thing keeping me here is the story and I can wait.


Why is Magi so boring and annoying to read whenever it devolves into pure shounen action for a few chapters? :(

Rhetorical question I know but I'm guessing because it does nothing to separate itself from typical shounen action/tropes. It's the same argument against Beelzebub.


I don't remember feeling this jaded early on in Magi. Probably because the fights weren't drawn out, and there was usually interesting use of the powers on the lower end of the spectrum so it felt at most like a RPG where there was actual tactical planning and movement.

Nowadays, it feels like once they hit beyond the "ultimate magic" stage, everything has to be huge and elaborate, which makes it feel really overpowered, and only the "strongest" characters matter, everything is energy spam and giants and stuff. It just feels really... lame to me. :(


I don't remember feeling this jaded early on in Magi. Probably because the fights weren't drawn out, and there was usually interesting use of the powers on the lower end of the spectrum so it felt at most like a RPG where there was actual tactical planning and movement.

Nowadays, it feels like once they hit beyond the "ultimate magic" stage, everything has to be huge and elaborate, which makes it feel really overpowered, and only the "strongest" characters matter, everything is energy spam and giants and stuff. It just feels really... lame to me. :(

I think the bigger problem posed by the recent arc is that I don't know how they go on from here if it isn't endgame. All these characters have shown of their "ultimate attacks" and it hasn't done anything to this monster. Once this thing is invariably taken down, what next? How do they possibly top it without making everything seem redundant?

There is only one way I believe will make the manga really interesting: Sinbad ultimately comes in and helps them and pulls a heel turn (tragic heel turn but one nonetheless). Some might call it cliche but I dunno. They've hinted and built up Sinbad for so long (even giving him his own spinoff).


Choku! 19-21 END

All good things must come to an end and this was definitely no exception. This managed to stay really entertaining from beginning to end and pretty much finished just as I expected. I kinda wish there was some sort of post-school epilogue chapter but it's really not that hard to imagine what that would've been like anyway.

I'd definitely recommend this to fans of WataMote or those who've wanted/tried to read it only to find it just too cringeworthy or depressing to stomach. It definitely helps that Choku is less about self-deprecating humor and more about the utterly absurd antics that Serika gets up to.

I don't remember feeling this jaded early on in Magi. Probably because the fights weren't drawn out, and there was usually interesting use of the powers on the lower end of the spectrum so it felt at most like a RPG where there was actual tactical planning and movement.

Nowadays, it feels like once they hit beyond the "ultimate magic" stage, everything has to be huge and elaborate, which makes it feel really overpowered, and only the "strongest" characters matter, everything is energy spam and giants and stuff. It just feels really... lame to me. :(
It's… too depressing to think about really. :(

I think the bigger problem posed by the recent arc is that I don't know how they go on from here if it isn't endgame. All these characters have shown of their "ultimate attacks" and it hasn't done anything to this monster. Once this thing is invariably taken down, what next? How do they possibly top it without making everything seem redundant?

There is only one way I believe will make the manga really interesting: Sinbad ultimately comes in and helps them and pulls a heel turn (tragic heel turn but one nonetheless). Some might call it cliche but I dunno. They've hinted and built up Sinbad for so long (even giving him his own spinoff).
Yeah, everything points to an endgame with this arc but there's still far too many loose strings left to be tied up and I doubt they'd leave the rest of that only to spinoff series considering how the Sinbad one was relegated to some shitty online only thing.
I don't remember feeling this jaded early on in Magi. Probably because the fights weren't drawn out, and there was usually interesting use of the powers on the lower end of the spectrum so it felt at most like a RPG where there was actual tactical planning and movement.

Nowadays, it feels like once they hit beyond the "ultimate magic" stage, everything has to be huge and elaborate, which makes it feel really overpowered, and only the "strongest" characters matter, everything is energy spam and giants and stuff. It just feels really... lame to me. :(

I agree. Where is Mor? Its not the same without her.


Yeah, everything points to an endgame with this arc but there's still far too many loose strings left to be tied up and I doubt they'd leave the rest of that only to spinoff series considering how the Sinbad one was relegated to some shitty online only thing.

And depending on how this endgame plays out, it will be utterly disappointing given the premise of the manga at the start. I don't mind adventure manga with shounen leanings but I'm less a fan of adventure manga that devolve into shounen battles.

Some sort of tournament happening in Magi, as ridiculous as it sounds, wouldn't shock me even remotely.


And depending on how this endgame plays out, it will be utterly disappointing given the premise of the manga at the start. I don't mind adventure manga with shounen leanings but I'm less a fan of adventure manga that devolve into shounen battles.

Some sort of tournament happening in Magi, as ridiculous as it sounds, wouldn't shock me even remotely.
I was honestly expecting a tournament arc with Alibaba in Reim but that never really went any further than one battle.


the holder of the trombone
I dunno, I still expect there to be some political intrigue just due the clash between Sinbad and the kou empire, and with empires like reim and magnoshodutt-or-however-it's-spelled going into free fall due to their leaders dying/dead. That has always been the moat interesting asoect of this manga to me. Plus I think there might be more adventuring stuff unless the author decided to completely toss away the whole dungeon premise. We still don't really know what's up with them.


I dunno, I still expect there to be some political intrigue just due the clash between Sinbad and the kou empire. Plus I think there might be more adventuring stuff unless the author decided to completely toss away the whole dungeon premise. We still don't really know what's up with them.

Man, when was the last time a dungeon wasn even explored in this manga? Urgh.


the holder of the trombone
Man, when was the last time a dungeon wasn even explored in this manga? Urgh.

I think it feels like ages mostly because this arc is taking ages, the battle part in particular. It might go back to being interesting once its finished.

Same problem toriko has now, if I'm being honest.


the holder of the trombone
Thinking about it more, I get why people are super fatigue by by magi, and I've been feeling it too, but there are so many things established during this arc and the current loose ends that still keeps me pretty interested. Assuming that they beat this end boss, and honestly I think it would be better if they didn't, obviously there would be a greater evil, it's banished for now, or its split into different parts around the world, or whatever. The author will probably tie the dungeons into this, because there needs to be some closure on them. Then adventure and shounen bullshit will ensue, but that's not the important part.

Right now the world of magi is set for a pretty huge shift. The author is clearly setting up a sindria vs kou showdown with alibaba and aladdin having to choose either side, and with reim and magno being central to it probably because they have no leaders. Then the schism in the kou empire with al sarmen will surface again because their goal is already exposed. TLDR this whole arc is set to create some really good political drama which is what I enjoyed.

Then there are still the dungeons, the Dark Continent which has been ages since anything came from that storyline, and then sinbad's own personal drama with his half fallen state. All these fucking loose ends which ohtaka will surely tie up right? RIGHT?

TLDR for the whole thing there's still a lot of potential I see in Magi even though this shounen bullshit is taking too long to resolve.
Toriko 245

I'm just glad that starjun in fact wasn't holding back against Toriko but his new power awoke because of that battle. I'm also glad that it looks like this arc is finally ending


Why is Magi so boring and annoying to read whenever it devolves into pure shounen action for a few chapters? :(

Ehh.. I don't mind action or battles it's just that magi execution of it is uninteresting & tedious it's just characters one after another spamming there ultimate beam attacks at an uninteresting faceless enemy blob ink thing for dozens of chapter with no end in sight at this point, it's going on for way to long.

It doesn't help most of there dijin equip attack lacks creativity or imagination outside of there cool design(except for teleport guy one being okay) which at least even bleach bankai have various abilities & uses and even jutsu in naruto a lot creative in there use.

The arc has devolved into bad even by average battle shounen standards.

Any ways for future chapters who the hell are they going to oppose they pretty much befriended the kou empire general siblings the only people left are prince zuko,his mom,judal and some faceless alsharmen goons, let's just hope that means there going to stick to world building & adventure for the rest of the manga.

Edit: I also love magi just haven't liked it post chapter 175


Birdmen 2
This manga understands me. It's a slow beginning but still interesting I'm sure it will have a big pay off soon. The cat parts made me laugh a little to. I like the new characters to hopefully all four become Birdmen or something cool like that.

The pres just got off paneled? What the hell it's been so good lately but that was executed really poorly. Good chapter but I want to know how and why. I'm anxious to see how the four kings will react to the news and how Toriko will heal.

Sun-Ken Rock 1-11
Wow this is an amazing manga. The story telling and art is really really good I can tell this will become one of my favorites. There were some really brutal scenes that made me cringe but at least they had a message unlike Berserk that put it in there just cuz. I'm not going to explain what happens but those who have read both manga's will understand. Really really emotional stuff. It's action is really good to with excellent execution may be my favorite Seinen since Berserk.
The pres just got off paneled? What the hell it's been so good lately but that was executed really poorly. Good chapter but I want to know how and why. I'm anxious to see how the four kings will react to the news and how Toriko will heal.

Off-panel events only means he'll show up later. Shonen deaths rarely happen off-panel.


Sun-Ken Rock 1-11
Wow this is an amazing manga. The story telling and art is really really good I can tell this will become one of my favorites. There were some really brutal scenes that made me cringe but at least they had a message unlike Berserk that put it in there just cuz. I'm not going to explain what happens but those who have read both manga's will understand. Really really emotional stuff. It's action is really good to with excellent execution may be my favorite Seinen since Berserk.
Good choice. SKR is pretty rad. Tell us if you like the later stuff. I haven't read more than a couple volumes.


Magi (Caught up)
This war needs to end so we can get to the juicy aftermath. I'm really starting to feel the fatigue and I love Magi.


Has there been a good war in shonen ever? Everytime there's a war arc it seems to suck the life out of the manga.

maybe FMA but other than that...


Has there been a good war in shonen ever? Everytime there's a war arc it seems to suck the life out of the manga.

maybe FMA but other than that...

Nah fma war arc was awesome until the later moments which was lame the final chapter being the weakest in the series(
father absorbs god & it's upto ed to fight him with the power of shounen heart while everyone stands around yelling his name really lame & cliche
), I can't think of many shounen manga doing war arc anyways, one piece marine ford was pretty great it was a war that really changed the entire one piece world
(the marines hierarchy,new base in the new world,the balance of power,the rise of blackbeard and two major characters dieing one of them having a great effect on luffy ).

i just want mor back


Gamble Fish 102
Obama is an underground gambler...time to drop this series (although I probably should have done this ages ago).

One hell of a way to end the arc and usher in the gourmet world arc. Too bad we probably won't get to have a cooking tournament or any cooking any time soon.

Shokugeki no Soma
That sexual tension between former and current classmates and Soma. Looks like we're going back to food orgasms.


Shokugeki no Soma

To all you guys who said Tadokoro is a lost cause... now THIS is a true lost cause. Two of them, even. It's a bit sad how little of a chance they have :lol

I also burst out laughing when I saw the Don RS notebook that Nikumi was reading. She's completely engrossed at this point.


Shokugeki no Soma

A new arc with Nikumi and the girl from the first chapter, what a wierd combo.

Dat Tosh drawing spread of Shonen Jump heroines.
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