Watching the Minna! Esper Dayo! drama... Can't believe the manga isn't translated.
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun 61
Oh wow, that was a surprising development.
Can't wait for Touma to pop in and punch the old man or Misaka.
I like the anime, i should really read the manga. How many chapters does the anime cover?
Avatar quote.No
So I guess the ONE/Murata/Nishimura collab is a doujin sold at the Comiket.
Oh I have a bunch of stuff I can start but I want new chapters from the stuff I follow, ya know?I know Subaru and Seishirou will come back 'cause they have to have their standoff! Although, I thought reading that would explain more about the seven seals and all that jazz.
Time for you to pick up a new series. Is that what you're trying to tell me?
One Piece vol 25-26
Apart from the return of Buggy the Clown, I'm really not feeling this story arc. Skypiea is all but unknown to everyone on the ground, and yet there is a conversion rate (and a pretty high one) for Berries? Nico Robin's power display has been pretty cool- attaching eyes to a stretched Luffy arm, but so far she has the personality of a cardboard box compared to the rest of the crew.
I've read Terra e..., so I thought I should check this out, too. Very cool setting. I love when writers mix fantasy worlds with some archaic looking scifi concepts.
Wow I knew Touch was popular But Adachi had a bunch of hits in the 80s and 90s.There was a list of the best selling Weekly Shonen Sunday Titles
Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei 19
Battle was completely one-sided.
Senpai didn't have a chance.
Railgun 61
Touma is gonna punch some fools.
So the enemy will be a girl then?
Or an old man.
I hope he punches both of them.
Equal opportunity punching.
What? You want Touma to punchMikasa? Its not her fault
I actually assume he'll probably have to.
Punch the old one first, he'll then laugh and say haha it's too late and then he'll have to punch her to free her.
His punches fixes everything!
One Piece vol 25-26
Apart from the return of Buggy the Clown, I'm really not feeling this story arc. Skypiea is all but unknown to everyone on the ground, and yet there is a conversion rate (and a pretty high one) for Berries? Nico Robin's power display has been pretty cool- attaching eyes to a stretched Luffy arm, but so far she has the personality of a cardboard box compared to the rest of the crew.
Thanks for the heads up.One Punch Man 92
Looks like One Punch Man chapter 92 was updated with new pages, making it twice as long. Or it was really 93 but included with 92 for some reason. Anyway, Garou is upping his maximum lameness.
Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
One Punch man 92
I really don't understand Garou's ideology.
Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
Have you ever read Watchmen? Same deal. He wants to give humanity a common enemy that would force them all to unite and throw aside all their petty squabbles in order to prevail.
Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
What the fuck.Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
Have you ever read Watchmen? Same deal. He wants to give humanity a common enemy that would force them all to unite and throw aside all their petty squabbles in order to prevail.
Save your opinions on Robin for the next arc. Berries? Do you mean? I think most people translate it as beli or belly; the transliteration is berī, so no 's' and only one 'r'. Personally, I think "belly" is silly.![]()
You are just catching up to toonami correct?
You don't like classy, hot, mature women mate?
That's assuming that Garou didn't make up that bullshit on the spot. I think he did so he had a reason to be a dick to people instead of having to own up that he thinks its fun to beat up people. What he really hates is his own weakness and he can't accept that.
Yeah, it all felt so made up. Though I am super interested in how saitama will respond to his "no sense of duty" remark, because that's fucking saitama to a tee.
No doubt, Saitama will probably own up to it and not give a fuck though.
Stupid question, but are Berserk and HunterxHunter ever going to return from hiatus? I started Berserk after I heard Miura was a slacker, so I wasn't disappointed. OTOH, I thought HxH was different. I had no idea the author took such breaks, and had so many sketched chapters. Are the hiatuses usually this long? PEACE.
I do wonder though. It could be a chance for ONE to create a more drastic character development for saitama, as much as I love how little of a shit he gives about anything.
Have you ever read Watchmen? Same deal. He wants to give humanity a common enemy that would force them all to unite and throw aside all their petty squabbles in order to prevail.
Huh. Didn't know that about Berserk. I thought it just got released whenever Idolmaster servers were down.Berserk usually gets a chapter every few months. It has a release schedule, it's just not monthly or weekly or even bi-monthly.
HxH on the other hand will never finish. Why you ask? Because Dragon Quest X is now an MMO.
Will do. When it's finished that is.Boku wa Mari no Naka 18
Holy shit, this is hands down the greatest gender/body swap manga that'll ever exist. That last *NSFW* double page spread *NSFW* is the kinda thing you'll never really see pulled in this genre by an author that isn't the calibre of Oshimi Shuuzou.
Up to Chapter 39 if you count what's currently airing. The anime finished the Sister Arc and will probably never adapt the next one anytime soon.