Dude, your post was literally "Ha!" a couple after words of horrible cultural and racial abuse, complwteky without quoting or context. So while it COULD have been interpreted in some ways, eapecially given your previous posts in the topic, I'm going to give you the benefit if the doubt and again quote ignorance because most fucking people don't know the terrible things Canada did here, and your waltzing through this topic laissez-faire ain't doing shit in your favour.
So, this is what I present and suggest to you, AGAIN. Quote the shit you're actually commenting on, and try not to be aloof when talking about things you aren't familiar with.
I grew up in the final days if Manitoba's Residential Schools. I, thankfully, saw their terror come to an end, and it's a dark chapter of Canadian history that I'd rather not make light of, because it's recent enough to be a continual warning sign. If you felt anywhere near the same, you wouldn't post the way you have. Not that you have to, of course, but you don't get to talk down people who are respecting a thing because you don't care enough to be careful around a subject and then not expect blowback. If you catch shit over something you aren't familiar with, maybe educate yourself.