All right bud. You do you. If 'triggered' is funny to you, and you're unable to engage with any criticism about it, I think I have a pretty decent handle on what kind of person you are.
Hope you get better some day.
Thanks, doc., not at all.Ry Moran, from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, insists the word "assimilate" is too offensive to be on a licence plate.
And you're ignoring that banning this word on a license plate, doesn't actually help anyone at all. This is a fairly common word that could be seen/heard anywhere and the gov't shouldn't bother protecting people from it. Hell the word is even misspelled on the plate and people complain they are triggered by even that. It doesn't make sense to get so upset because someone's license plate says something you don't like; and it doesn't make sense for the gov't to waste time/effort on banning it on this one plate and nowhere else.And again not how this works at all... which you constantly ignore.
You can for example put a Fuck off sticker on your car but the government isn't going to give you a license plate that says fuck off.
Again license plates carry a specific additional context of being approved by the government
And you're ignoring that banning this word on a license plate, doesn't actually help anyone at all. This is a fairly common word that could be seen/heard anywhere and the gov't shouldn't bother protecting people from it. Hell the word is even misspelled on the plate and people complain they are triggered by even that. It doesn't make sense to get so upset because someone's license plate says something you don't like; and it doesn't make sense for the gov't to waste time/effort on banning it on this one plate and nowhere else., not at all.
At yet here you are explaining again without even reading what I've said. This doesn't help anyone and the gov't shouldn't get involved. Does that make it simpler for you to understand?Because banning it elsewhere doesn't fall under their direct purview....
Licenses plates are literally property of the provincial government...
Why people would have issues with the word being used on official government plates has already been explained to you ad nauseum
At yet here you are explaining again without even reading what I've said. This doesn't help anyone and the gov't shouldn't get involved. Does that make it simpler for you to understand?
Guy should be able to have his plate. That's all.
Pretty much.Remove the plate and slap on a bumper sticker that says the same thing.
I think that maybe the Director of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation can attest to the history and power of that word more than random NeoGAF posters.
It doesn't help them to ban this word on a license plate and it's laughable to think this accomplishes anything.Except the people who feel like they're unwelcome in their own country. I think these people's ability to feel welcome is more important than his ability to display Star Trek nerd pride or whatever.
Oh, also, if it wasn't for your avatar (your facial expression makes you look constipated by the way) I would be pretty sure you're my 65 year old uncle who got fired from his factory job for using racial slurs.
Wow insults cause he disagrees with you? That's not very nice. There's better ways to debate I think, but insults, they belong in the second grade. Unless you're a second grader then I apologize.
I mean dude responds to people carefully explaining the context with one-word snark responses. How come only one half of the argument is being held to your lofty standard?
I said "Nah" to a list of assertions with which I did not agree.
I don't need to expend any more energy on them than that. Please cry more.
I said "Nah" to a list of assertions with which I did not agree.
I don't need to expend any more energy on them than that. Please cry more.
He explained himself than you started lobbing insults cause he replied to you with one word? I wouldn't respond anymore if I was him either. You basically shut down the argument by calling him an old racist.
They 'need' this? They need a word to be banned on a license plate? This is on the list of needs? Doesn't sound like a very useful thing to ask for.vanity license plates are subject to approval by the Provincial equivelant of what you call a DMV.
considering Canadian history and Manitoba history... the word Assimilate is highly offensive
the needs of the First Nations people outweigh the needs of Star Trek Next Generation fans or the one
That's awesome. Now I want a ds9 reference on my plate....maybe Garak09 or something like that?? Eh maybe I'll go with something more... subtle."DUKAT 08" is still my favorite Trek plate I've ever seen.
2 people get to complain and force him to change his license plate?Intent only matters up until the point someone asks you to stop doing something; past that point your intention is to be an offensive asshole.
I don't know, would the thing he's "offended" by have a long, undeniable history spanning the entire existence of the region and country, and also be construed as minimizing tens of thousands of people? And then have been looked at by people whose job is to make judgment calls like this, and been deemed potentially offensive by them as well?
If so, then sure, bud. But I doubt it'd fit any of this criteria. "Context is key," no?
oh man, the borg references are even right there
and people complain they are triggered by even that.
and the gov't shouldn't bother protecting people from it.
Back in 1996 when I was messaging my first AOL screen name I was told that Locutus was ostensive or against there terms of service our something and had to pick another one.Yeah I can see why that wouldn't fly. Can you fit Locutus somehow. LOQTUS