team tucked dream girl.
I want to rub my face in her flab.
team tucked dream girl.
those retro y granny types pants almost never look good. imo
see them a lot too, pretty unfortunate.
whoa that looks really nice. By superior price do you mean that the prices are low in Milan?
Low prices in Milan?
and that kind of goes for anywhere in Europe, based on my experience
It is because they charge VAT, right?
It is because they charge VAT, right?
You guys are tripping that girl is rocking those granny pants hard. Seriously, she's smoking.
Great news guys I got my all saints shoe delivery today and apparently some douchebag along the way decided it would be fun to replace the shoes with an empty plastic container. Hooray for me.
I always hear stories about this happening, but always figured it was something like an urban legend. Can you get your money back?
Great news guys I got my all saints shoe delivery today and apparently some douchebag along the way decided it would be fun to replace the shoes with an empty plastic container. Hooray for me.
Very subtle differences; is it mainly different material?
Which one do you like more:
How does that happen?
Do they let the mail in your yard?
Usually when you order something in Mexico they give it to you personally or you have to collect it in the mail office.
The smooth leather IMO, but serious question, are those women's or men's boots?
You guys are tripping that girl is rocking those granny pants hard. Seriously, she's smoking.
Anybody know this jacket? I'm trying to read the button and I think the bottom half says England.[IMG][/QUOTE]
looks like a Barbour jacket.
looks like a Barbour jacket.
I also really like whatever's around that guy's neck in the jacket picture above.
I think that's one of those fancy new "hand-ker-chiefs." Woven from fair trade 1,000 thread count Himalayan nettle cloth and dyed using exclusive wild-caught, hand-distilled Japanese squid ink. Should run you about $250.
The smooth leather IMO, but serious question, are those women's or men's boots?
nope, pretty sure the buttons say belstaff,en_US,pd.html?start=10&cgid=111
nice. i want
Are shirts like this "business casual" in GAF's opinion? Its really hard to gauge what floats and what doesn't at my office b/c people dress anywhere from dress shirt & pants (w/o a tie) to crewnecks and jeans. I work in IT so some people really can't (be bothered to) dress worth a shit, but there's still an strong air of professionalism as its a big company. As an example, the boss of my division wore an oxford (tucked in) and dark ink jeans last week (not a Friday). A lot of people wear the same dress shirt and black pants everyday....shitty, but its still a dress shirt I guess.
+ nice chinos (~$100)
+ black leather shoes.
I think it looks good, but not tucking your shirt in seems to cross some kind of line from what I've read...even if the shirts not meant to be tucked in...
I really like the look of a casual, collared shirt paired with really nice chinos and leather'd be nice to pull this off, if possible. I really hate tucking in my shirt, it makes me feel and probably look, uncomfortable.
I want.
nice. i want
PAX sweater.
Where can I get this?
I mean seriously. Where can I get this?
I need some secondary opinions on these boots:
to cop or not to cop