Guys, we have a new WWE Champion! Someone tell Soulplaya!
Damnit, I just came to post that, I had it uploaded to imgur and everything.
Guys, we have a new WWE Champion! Someone tell Soulplaya!
I'm still so confused with the midcard of Mania.
Why are they giving away Henry/Ryback on TV? Why are they doing the triple threat on TV? Did they abandon the Bryan/Kane feud for now? If so, what are the tag champions doing for Mania? What is the Divas champion doing for Mania? What is the US champion doing for Mania?
lol tell that to Ziggler loses with multiple distractions and multiple finishers by Big E and himself
... the hell?I'd suck a fart out of it.
Plus, Bret had this...
Watch this match. Just...watch it.
Henry/Ryback have their match on Smackdown, they have some kind of bullshit weightlifting contest at Mania. Henry folds a frying pan and/or rolls a car again.
...no.Henry/Ryback have their match on Smackdown, they have some kind of bullshit weightlifting contest at Mania. Henry folds a frying pan and/or rolls a car again.
I'm also sad to see what he's become in his later years. He just seems pretty bitter and lost in the past. I loved his book, loved him as a kid, but the more I see and read about him now, the sadder I feel for the guy.
it should be cesaro/henery. would love to see henery get neutralzied
Maybe that's why they're doing it on SmackDown? So they can edit out when he fucks it up.I cant wait to see Ryback fuck up Shellshocked.
Maybe that's why they're doing it on SmackDown? So they can edit out when he fucks it up.
Poor Kane.
Rock stole his belt and Punk stole his urn
If Heyman held onto it during the match and used it to boost Punk, that would be incredible.wait, Punk stole the urn? did I not call it? now Punk is going to gain the powers!
Do you think about what you write? How could you possibly "am I the only one" that?Also, am I the only one that feels that the Taker vs. Punk feud would be a bit more boring if it wasn't for the death of Paul Bearer.
Vince saw him in that skit with HB and assumed he had become a huge movie star. Kane being champ just became the logical decision after that.Guys I just heard Kane beat Rock via satellite and won the WWE title in a dark match after Raw went off the air is it true.
That soma joke about Missy Hyatt was awesome.
This is getting sad.- Like at recent live events, Ricardo Rodriguez appeared on the big screen at RAW and challenged the fans to see if they could say Alberto Del Rio’s name longer than he could when Del Rio made his entrance.
1) Punk stealing the urnSo, what's everyone's top 5 RAW moments for the week? Are there even 5? If not, feel free to make things up.
(Yes, this is a lazy way to manipulate you into recapping a RAW for me.)
This is getting sad.
1) Punk stealing the urn
2) Mizzark kicking Kofi so hard he fell out of the ring
3) "Oh, you were not aware?"
5) Creepy Kane with Halle Berry
Brock was on? i skipped this RAW. did he destroy some midcarder?
Rock wasn't there, so Cena wouldn't have anything to do except either 1) a horrible promo, or 2) randomly squashing someone.It's weird that Cena was there but not on Raw.
How the build to WM possibly be this bad.
It's so bad.
So, so bad.
the new age outlaws
Rock wasn't there, so Cena wouldn't have anything to do except either 1) a horrible promo, or 2) randomly squashing someone.
Third hour of RAW this week was beyond bad. That Brad Maddox segment... wtf?
I hope you're using wtf as "way too fuckingcool" because that's what it was.