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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites



Guys, we have a new WWE Champion! Someone tell Soulplaya!

Damnit, I just came to post that, I had it uploaded to imgur and everything.
I'm still so confused with the midcard of Mania.

Why are they giving away Henry/Ryback on TV? Why are they doing the triple threat on TV? Did they abandon the Bryan/Kane feud for now? If so, what are the tag champions doing for Mania? What is the Divas champion doing for Mania? What is the US champion doing for Mania?

-Henry vs Ryback will end in DQ. Setting up match at Mania
-On Smackdown they are teasing a feud between Layla and Kaitlyn so a match at mania. Put "lumberjills" outside to get the rest of them on the show
-Backstage skit between Ryder, Sin Cara, Santino, Sweet T, Brodus and dancers and other jobber for the mania paycheck
-Bryan and Kane vs Rhode Scholars vs PTP vs Primo and Epico probably to get as many teams on mania as possible. Kane and Bryan lose start feud.
-Wade Barret vs Miz vs Jericho seems like its happening now too.


Henry/Ryback have their match on Smackdown, they have some kind of bullshit weightlifting contest at Mania. Henry folds a frying pan and/or rolls a car again.


Henry/Ryback have their match on Smackdown, they have some kind of bullshit weightlifting contest at Mania. Henry folds a frying pan and/or rolls a car again.

Ryback comes out and squats 500 pounds. Mark Henry throws Ryback on top of the bar, squats 500 pounds + Ryback.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I'm also sad to see what he's become in his later years. He just seems pretty bitter and lost in the past. I loved his book, loved him as a kid, but the more I see and read about him now, the sadder I feel for the guy.


100% agree. Bret Hart was my dude when I was growing up. Sad to realize that he's a bitchy 13 year old girl.


What's the point of the 'RAWMARCH' 25% discount code on the WWEshop when all the shirt I want are $2-$5 off and the code doesn't apply to them?
My wife was extremely disappointed that no mention was made of the time Paul and Taker drove around for an hour and a half with a drugged up Steve Austin in their car, and then finally stopped and tried to embalm him alive.


Guys I just heard Kane beat Rock via satellite and won the WWE title in a dark match after Raw went off the air is it true.
Vince saw him in that skit with HB and assumed he had become a huge movie star. Kane being champ just became the logical decision after that.


So, what's everyone's top 5 RAW moments for the week? Are there even 5? If not, feel free to make things up.

(Yes, this is a lazy way to manipulate you into recapping a RAW for me.)


- Like at recent live events, Ricardo Rodriguez appeared on the big screen at RAW and challenged the fans to see if they could say Alberto Del Rio’s name longer than he could when Del Rio made his entrance.
This is getting sad.

So, what's everyone's top 5 RAW moments for the week? Are there even 5? If not, feel free to make things up.

(Yes, this is a lazy way to manipulate you into recapping a RAW for me.)
1) Punk stealing the urn
2) Mizzark kicking Kofi so hard he fell out of the ring
3) "Oh, you were not aware?"
5) Creepy Kane with Halle Berry


This is getting sad.

1) Punk stealing the urn
2) Mizzark kicking Kofi so hard he fell out of the ring
3) "Oh, you were not aware?"
5) Creepy Kane with Halle Berry

Pretty much my Top moments as well.

Would throw in a good Ziggler/Bryan match

And Ryback/Henry destroying Drew


My thoughts on attending the show:

First off, FUCKING SOULPLAYA. He can hide from Wrasslegaf all he wants, but that son of a bitch used all his powers to SWERVE me into paying to see Kane in the main event. Never again.

The show was 4 hours total including Superstars and the post show dark match, which was Ryback/Cena vs Shield. It was announced as a 6 man tag, but it was 2 on 3. I left after about 5 minutes of it. Not out of some Cena hate or anything, but it was 4 hours. That's way too much. At least an hour and a half was video packages and movie promos/DVD promos.

You know how every week guys say things like "man, the crowd had to listen to ____'s music that whole time?" Well, no, we don't. Whatever video package you see on TV, we saw in the arena, and then the guy's music comes back on when they come back from break. It's really weird. It's also really awkward when a match is about to start and it's commercial time, so they stand around with the lights down until they come back and show a DID YOU KNOW thing and then start the match. The pacing for the show is really awkward live. Claudio came out during one of the thousand ads for GI Joe or The Call and just stood in the ring by himself for 5 minutes in the dark. No promos, no heeling, just standing patiently in the ring waiting for his cue. Then they came back from commercial and his music started up like it had been playing the whole time. It wasn't. He got a full on jobber entrance.

D-Bryne/Ziggler was fun, but Dolph for real got less of a reaction than JTG got on Superstars. Absolutely silent when he came out. Crowd went BANNANA for Daniel, though. They also popped huge for Ryback, Taker, and Punk.

Highlight of the night was the entire Rhodes Scholars/NAO/Bork segment, by far. Rhodes Scholars were fucking awesome and shit got REAL when Bork came out. The whole vibe of the building changed immediately and people were standing in awe of Bork. And Heyman's promo was great. Mark Henry also got an awesome reaction of "oh shit, Kofi is about to get fucked up!"

Show DIED around 10, which I think was the Rhodes Scholars vs Orton/Sheamus match. Everyone just got bored and restless and only popped for the Kanyon Cutter.

You know all those replays that you hate watching on TV? Well imagine seeing them live with the audio 3 times as loud for shit you were there to see during the break. All night. CONSTANT video packages were airing during commercial breaks. There were at least 3 for The Call (which looks like a fine Netflix viewing), 2 for GI Joe, The Real Story of Wrestlemania, The Attitude Era, random catch phrase compilations. It was exhausting. All the Paul Bearer stuff was grinding the show to a halt every time. Guys would be in the ring before the break, come back, stand around and watch the Paul Bearer video, then something else would play, then they would start the match.

I was okay until around 10 and I almost left. The entire Highlight Reel was straight up gross and really awkward, Mad Ox had a weirdly childish sounding voice, Zeb was awesome, the WE THE PEOPLE parody was just terrible, fucking pyro is stupid loud, that Rock/Cena video was ridiculous, Zack Ryder looks dumber than usual on Superstars, Fandango was ridiculous in a good way, Ziggler kept his head stand for like a minute and a half, Sin Cara got a big reaction and smashed his face on the floor doing his dive, Punk had more people cheering for him than Taker. Probably 1/4th of the crowd had exited when Cena's music hit at like 11:20 for the dark match.

All in all, I can watch Raw and be bored in the comfort of my own home next time. Unless WM comes back to Indy, I can't see myself going to another show for a long time. It wasn't a very pleasant experience, even with decent seats. Except for the solid 300 lbs woman who sat in front of me who had an ass so wide she couldn't actually sit IN the seat, so her ass was actually propped up on the arm rests, making it pretty hard to see around her. Luckily she got up to dance when Brodus came out and went over to an empty area for the rest of the show.

Also of weird note, they changed ring mats twice. After Superstars and right before Punk/Kane. They also put carpet on the ramp right before the main event, even though they didn't go near it.


WM 6 had a great build up. Sometime last year I watched Superstars and Prime Time from January to June/Julyish 1990. That shit got me ready to buy WM 6 today. That was like THE super card. Hogan and Warrior cutting probably the most coked up promos of all time, Savage and Dusty being Savage and Dusty, some awesome stuff with Piper and Bad News Brown, Dibiase and Jake, Rude and Snuka, they even made me want to see Quake/Hercules and Dino Bravo vs Jim Duggan. In 2012.

100% truth, 3 months of weekly TV from 1990 got me more hyped for WM6 in 2012 than I've been for a WM since 20. And I've seen WM6 probably more than any other WM since I rented it frequently as a child.

Actually going to the show made me want to intentionally avoid seeing WM this year just out of principle for how terribly the pace a show for a live crowd. There was an lol during the "show me your sign" segment where they would show signs on the Titan Tron and Justin Roberts would read what they said. The focused on this guy with a title that looked like a construction paper version of the green Bob Backlund title, but it had all TNA guys and logos on it. Justin didn't comment on it, but the crowd laughed.
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