Got a new set of the best All Japan matches of the 80's, first match on there is Jumbo Tsuruta vs Dick Murdoch and holy crap, this match is awesome. They start off trading arm takedowns before Jumbo gains the upper hand. He does this cool spot where he just picks Murdoch up by his arm and flings him across the ring, before hitting some nice armdrags. Murdoch scores with one of his own before leaping in the air with a flying head-scissors takedown! Wow. Murdoch keeps Jumbo's head trapped and they do the headstand escape spot, except Murdoch lifts Jumbo and piledrives him back down! Jumbo tries to roll through for a pin, but Murdoch keeps hold of his head until Jumbo manages to force Murdoch's knees apart and free himself. He gets a wrist lock, but Murdoch sucker-punches him and shoots him off the ropes, only for Jumbo to hit a beautiful armdrag, going straight back to the armbar. Murdoch gets to his feet and Jumbo transitions to a headlock, Murdoch shoots him into the ropes, leapfrogs twice and eats a BIG jumping knee from Jumbo! He locks in the armbar, but Murdoch forces his way out before going for a powerbomb, but he can't get Jumbo off his feet, so releases him and shakes the man's hand. Murdoch gets a quick takedown into a headlock, Jumbo escapes and runs the ropes and then they do a nice sequence, trading abdominal stretches. Murdoch turns it into a Boston Crab and wrenches back, but Jumbo manages to roll out. Murdoch follows up with a bodyslam and elbow drop for a near-fall, a backbreaker and big shoulder breaker for another, before hitting a proper old-school brainbuster for the 3-count at just over 17 minutes! Great match, some nice mat wrestling and it told a good story as the veteran Murdoch has to twice change his strategy to adapt to Jumbo's skill.