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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

no you're what it was


Miz, Barrett, Jericho, Maddox, and all their stupid movies can make like a tree and get outta here.


I agree with Net. There was a whole lot of head shaking after the Mad Ox thing. There was a collective "what the fuck just happened there and whose idea was it?". Even the kids thought it was super weird and awkward.

That entire segment was just gross, though. Obviously the live crowd didn't get to hear King and Cole shitting on WWE Films, but live it was just a full on product placement segment. And after sitting through at least 5 different movie trailers already, it was really bad. Marine 3 looks like it was shot on an iPhone like that one Kurt Angle movie where he was a crazy rapist or something.



Miz, Barrett, Jericho, Maddox, and all their stupid movies can make like a tree and get outta here.

Product placement blows but I thought Barrett did well enough to save the segment. I also kept thinking about how awesome it's going to be when Jericho puts Barrett over in some awesome way. Brad Maddox talking wasn't great but he deserves more screen time either way since his presence is acceptable in any situation. The Cole and King thing was fucking terrible though. You guys aren't funny. Whoever thinks you are has to be trolling us.


intangibles, motherfucker
Has there been a good high Res shot of taker bowing to the titantron with Pauls picture?
The Cole and King thing was fucking terrible though. You guys aren't funny. Whoever thinks you are has to be trolling us.
That segment was one of the few times where King and Cole trolling this shit out of a segment was completely warranted. I would've rather listened to them some more instead of suffer through another minute of Jericho/Mad Ox/Wade.


That segment was one of the few times where King and Cole trolling this shit out of a segment was completely warranted. I would've rather listened to them some more instead of suffer through another minute of Jericho/Mad Ox/Wade.

it's kinda dumb because there have been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse segments in the past and they didn't say a god damn thing. what was so offensive about mad ox tonight? I'd take that over John Cena selling Royal Rumble with a Call of Duty promo any day.
it's kinda dumb because there have been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse segments in the past and they didn't say a god damn thing. what was so offensive about mad ox tonight? I'd take that over John Cena selling Royal Rumble with a Call of Duty promo any day.

It wasn't Mad Ox himself that ruined the segment. The entire segment itself was DOA. They shouldn't have even aired it.

MC Safety

The Brad Maddox thing was awful. I'm not sure why people like him, especially when he comes out to the ring and makes some grand pronouncement in which he botches every other word, pauses uncomfortably as if he's forgotten what to say, and then mumbles or doesn't wait until another wrestler stops speaking.

He was like that when he was commentary, too, and in every backstage segment.

Granted, the material he was working with (WWE film stars) was similarly terrible. But at least it had Jericho and Barrett, guys who can make garbage seem less fetid.
So how was the rest of Raw? I only watched up to Del Rio and Cesaro. I want to know if there's anything else worth watching. I did enjoy it up until that point though.
Well after bailing out at the end of hour 2 I can say that I at least enjoyed the main event and post match shenanigans, I mark for the Kane and Taker posedown.
So now Punk's taking the urn? between this and stealing the WWE title last month I think his new gimmick is a bitter kleptomaniac.

I have no idea what was going on with the highlight reel bit, it actually seemed normal enough to me until King and Cole started talking over Mad Ox with their jabs and so on, hopefully Barrett/Jericho is a thing that happens, Miz can job to Cesaro or something instead.

Oh and I still think the WM build up last year was actually worse than this one so far.


The Brad Maddox thing was awful. I'm not sure why people like him, especially when he comes out to the ring and makes some grand pronouncement in which he botches every other word, pauses uncomfortably as if he's forgotten what to say, and then mumbles or doesn't wait until another wrestler stops speaking.

He was like that when he was commentary, too, and in every backstage segment.

Granted, the material he was working with (WWE film stars) was similarly terrible. But at least it had Jericho and Barrett, guys who can make garbage seem less fetid.

That's how Brad Maddox rolls. It's his gimmick and it works.


So it was the show of squash matches. Del Rio and Cesaro was ok, should've been a match with lots of time and more importance. Instead, it got what you'd come to expect nowadays. goingincircles.jpg

Kane and Halle Berry was the best part.


Vince doesn't care about smarks, people. Why would he care about people who don't actually spend money on his product? Doesn't make business sense. I've been watching WWE again for 3-4 years, and I haven't spent a dime on anything WWE-related, except for the Bret Hart DVD 4 years ago, and 20 bucks on a clearance sale where I picked up the Flair, Mr. Perfect, Mankind, and Hogan DVDs for 5 bucks a pop.
Loved the Paul Bearer stuff, even when CM Punk was being 'disrespectful' I knew it was just setting up him jobbing to Kane to make a nice moment match.

And it didn't hurt Punk at all and even furthered the feud now, see Vince you don't have to make everyone f**king invincible to 'protect' them in leading up to a PPV. :|

So sick of such predictability. The matches are so pre-programed I can't stand it.



BORTON AND TOO MANY LIMES, WIN OUT OF NO WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /shocked

Please stop f**king jobbing Cesaro to people 'above' (but shouldn't be) him EVERY WEEK, let him f**king feud with guys on what you deem his level and below so he can look like a f**king credible champ its not hard to do you idiots.

Makes me so angry.

I think the reason D-Bry and Ziggler work is because they both get shit on so much, for once it was like wow I dunno who they're gonna make win this and it made it more enjoyable. Plus the fact that they're both awesome helps.

Single D-Bry is best D-Bry can we please have more of him back please.

So Cena didn't come out just so Dwayne didn't look bad for not being there right?
Vince doesn't care about smarks, people. Why would he care about people who don't actually spend money on his product? Doesn't make business sense. I've been watching WWE again for 3-4 years, and I haven't spent a dime on anything WWE-related, except for the Bret Hart DVD 4 years ago, and 20 bucks on a clearance sale where I picked up the Flair, Mr. Perfect, Mankind, and Hogan DVDs for 5 bucks a pop.

Well that's the thing...I would gladly spend money if they made me want to spend money. I happily bought Money in the Bank 2011, Punk's blu ray, and Extreme Rules 2012.
As far as the Maddox thing goes, I honestly didn't notice it was any worse than most the shit they put on TV until Cole started blabbing on over it.

My GF didn't understand why he was doing it and I had to explain that its Vince hitting the panic button and screaming into their headsets to bury the segment.

It really didn't stand out to me as some super disaster, just another pointless flat reaction segment to throw on the huge nothingness pile they create every week.

But I'll blame Miz cause he is terrible lol.

spitting truth.

i reverted back into my "only watch the PPVs" ways after giving yet another chance to RAW a couple of weeks ago but there's no point, everything is filler, nothing happens and if, by chance, something interesting does happen it gets recaped on the PPVs anyways.

with booking of 20 years ago Cesaro would've ran a train on every midcard face till a main event face, outside of the title scene, challenges Cesaro.

not only does this simbolizes Cesaro transition to the main event but it also keeps prestige on whatever midcard belt he's holding by having an estblished main eventer challenging for it.

with booking of not 20 but fuckin 8 years ago, your MITB case holder would've been protected, taking part in a couple of prolonged feuds (like EDGE vs Kane and Matt Hardy), feuds from which he would come out on top, to establish him as threat.

but no, shit on everyone and everything, that makes for a compelling product.


Was Raw any good?


-Paul Bearer mourning and highlights
-CM Punk "disrespecting" Paul Bearer (interrupted Undertaker doing his thing with the Urn)
-Kane wanting o hurt Punk
-Kane/Punk match
-Bryan/Ziggler match
-Del Rio and Ricardo doing the Swagger/Coulter tape
-Rhodes Scholars segments (yes they were on camera three different times... one against the New Age Outlaws, one with the Bella Twins, and one with Sheamus/Orton)
-Lesnar F5ing Road Dogg and Billy Gunn
-Bella Twins
-Kaitlyn being cute
-Shield powerbombing Big Show and then fighting Sheamus and Orton after their match

Somewhat Cool:

-Cesaro/Del Rio match
-Maddox/Jericho/Barrett/Miz segment (I liked it)

Not worth it:

-Fandango stuff
-Mark Henry and Kofi
-Ryback and Mark Henry beating up on Drew McIntyre
-Sheamus/Orton match with RS
-Bo's on screen time (somebody get help!)

I don't know if it works. I just know it is awkward and painful to watch.

Really? You haven't liked anything he's done so far? Last night was probably the weakest thing he's done since he became something but it was still enjoyable.



-Paul Bearer mourning and highlights
-CM Punk "disrespecting" Paul Bearer (interrupted Undertaker doing his thing with the Urn)
-Kane wanting o hurt Punk
-Kane/Punk match
-Bryan/Ziggler match
-Del Rio and Ricardo doing the Swagger/Coulter tape
-Rhodes Scholars segments (yes they were on camera three different times... one against the New Age Outlaws, one with the Bella Twins, and one with Sheamus/Orton)
-Lesnar F5ing Road Dogg and Billy Gunn
-Bella Twins
-Kaitlyn being cute
-Shield powerbombing Big Show and then fighting Sheamus and Orton after their match

Somewhat Cool:

-Cesaro/Del Rio match
-Maddox/Jericho/Barrett/Miz segment (I liked it)

Not worth it:

-Fandango stuff
-Mark Henry and Kofi
-Ryback and Mark Henry beating up on Drew McIntyre
-Sheamus/Orton match with RS
-Bo's on screen time (somebody get help!)

Thanks. Will watch.
Got a new set of the best All Japan matches of the 80's, first match on there is Jumbo Tsuruta vs Dick Murdoch and holy crap, this match is awesome. They start off trading arm takedowns before Jumbo gains the upper hand. He does this cool spot where he just picks Murdoch up by his arm and flings him across the ring, before hitting some nice armdrags. Murdoch scores with one of his own before leaping in the air with a flying head-scissors takedown! Wow. Murdoch keeps Jumbo's head trapped and they do the headstand escape spot, except Murdoch lifts Jumbo and piledrives him back down! Jumbo tries to roll through for a pin, but Murdoch keeps hold of his head until Jumbo manages to force Murdoch's knees apart and free himself. He gets a wrist lock, but Murdoch sucker-punches him and shoots him off the ropes, only for Jumbo to hit a beautiful armdrag, going straight back to the armbar. Murdoch gets to his feet and Jumbo transitions to a headlock, Murdoch shoots him into the ropes, leapfrogs twice and eats a BIG jumping knee from Jumbo! He locks in the armbar, but Murdoch forces his way out before going for a powerbomb, but he can't get Jumbo off his feet, so releases him and shakes the man's hand. Murdoch gets a quick takedown into a headlock, Jumbo escapes and runs the ropes and then they do a nice sequence, trading abdominal stretches. Murdoch turns it into a Boston Crab and wrenches back, but Jumbo manages to roll out. Murdoch follows up with a bodyslam and elbow drop for a near-fall, a backbreaker and big shoulder breaker for another, before hitting a proper old-school brainbuster for the 3-count at just over 17 minutes! Great match, some nice mat wrestling and it told a good story as the veteran Murdoch has to twice change his strategy to adapt to Jumbo's skill.



So not worth it
Also Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow need the belts soon; long overdue.

I don't even want to know what they're thinking with Rhodes and Sandow.

First they're going to win the belts.
Then they don't.
Then they break up.
Then they reunite.
Then they're broken up again.
Then Cody goes into an angle with Kaitlyn.
Then they reunite again.
Then they bring in the Bella's.

I guess they're going to feud next once Cody hooks up with Kaitlyn instead of the fake boob Bella (I'm assuming Sandow called dibs on the best Bella here) and things get awkward, so some kind of mixed tag seems in order for WM.


Don't come back here complaining about the treatment of Punk aftwards.
they didn't do anything wrong

i still don't like how they involve Paul Bearer, but it was handled okay. Coward Punk returned but it was Monster Kane wanting to kill him for disrespecting his father. him losing isn't even a big deal either. they weren't going to have Kane lose trying to get revenge


So not worth it
they didn't do anything wrong

i still don't like how they involve Paul Bearer, but it was handled okay. Coward Punk returned but it was Monster Kane wanting to kill him for disrespecting his father. him losing isn't even a big deal either. they weren't going to have Kane lose trying to get revenge

This is not news to me, but we're talking Kyoufu here, Punk losing = burial.


So did the NAO die last night. I was pretty worried, they didn't move for like 6 minutes.

Also, Strobogo, how awkward was it live when Orton came out, then RS, then Shaemus after them. Of all the jobber entrances last night that one seemed really weird.


I was waiting for Heyman to call out X-Pac.

I like seeing the New Age Outlaws wrestle though. I wouldn't mind them continuing to fight for random reasons, even though they wouldn't have a storyline or anything.


Did anybody else notice the awesome "hover hand" that Cody had going on with his Bella? Somebody is worried about the wrath of Cenar!

MC Safety

Really? You haven't liked anything he's done so far? Last night was probably the weakest thing he's done since he became something but it was still enjoyable.

I liked the assistant to the general manager bit because it was a nice homage.

Of course, it's entirely too early to damn the guy. But if you're going to put him in a spot where he'll see a lot of TV time, at least work with him to hone his delivery and memorize his lines.


So not worth it
I liked the assistant to the general manager bit because it was a nice homage.

Of course, it's entirely too early to damn the guy. But if you're going to put him in a spot where he'll see a lot of TV time, at least work with him to hone his delivery and memorize his lines.

But it's the whole point of his gimmick. He's supposed to be like that, it was intentional.

I don't even.
I realised a few weeks ago that titles have no value in the WWE. There was a RAW where everyone who appeared on screen, bar maybe 2 wrestlers, had held either the WWE title or the World title.
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