I hope you're using way too fuckingcool as "awful terribleness" because that's what it was.
no you're what it was
I hope you're using way too fuckingcool as "awful terribleness" because that's what it was.
no you're what it was
Miz, Barrett, Jericho, Maddox, and all their stupid movies can make like a tree and get outta here.
That segment was one of the few times where King and Cole trolling this shit out of a segment was completely warranted. I would've rather listened to them some more instead of suffer through another minute of Jericho/Mad Ox/Wade.The Cole and King thing was fucking terrible though. You guys aren't funny. Whoever thinks you are has to be trolling us.
That segment was one of the few times where King and Cole trolling this shit out of a segment was completely warranted. I would've rather listened to them some more instead of suffer through another minute of Jericho/Mad Ox/Wade.
it's kinda dumb because there have been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse segments in the past and they didn't say a god damn thing. what was so offensive about mad ox tonight? I'd take that over John Cena selling Royal Rumble with a Call of Duty promo any day.
Has there been a good high Res shot of taker bowing to the titantron with Pauls picture?
lol Bellas come running back when they can't make it in Hollywood.
It wasn't Mad Ox himself that ruined the segment. The entire segment itself was DOA. They shouldn't have even aired it.
The Brad Maddox thing was awful. I'm not sure why people like him, especially when he comes out to the ring and makes some grand pronouncement in which he botches every other word, pauses uncomfortably as if he's forgotten what to say, and then mumbles or doesn't wait until another wrestler stops speaking.
He was like that when he was commentary, too, and in every backstage segment.
Granted, the material he was working with (WWE film stars) was similarly terrible. But at least it had Jericho and Barrett, guys who can make garbage seem less fetid.
Vince doesn't care about smarks, people. Why would he care about people who don't actually spend money on his product? Doesn't make business sense. I've been watching WWE again for 3-4 years, and I haven't spent a dime on anything WWE-related, except for the Bret Hart DVD 4 years ago, and 20 bucks on a clearance sale where I picked up the Flair, Mr. Perfect, Mankind, and Hogan DVDs for 5 bucks a pop.
That's how Brad Maddox rolls. It's his gimmick and it works.
Was Raw any good?
I don't know if it works. I just know it is awkward and painful to watch.
-Paul Bearer mourning and highlights
-CM Punk "disrespecting" Paul Bearer (interrupted Undertaker doing his thing with the Urn)
-Kane wanting o hurt Punk
-Kane/Punk match
-Bryan/Ziggler match
-Del Rio and Ricardo doing the Swagger/Coulter tape
-Rhodes Scholars segments (yes they were on camera three different times... one against the New Age Outlaws, one with the Bella Twins, and one with Sheamus/Orton)
-Lesnar F5ing Road Dogg and Billy Gunn
-Bella Twins
-Kaitlyn being cute
-Shield powerbombing Big Show and then fighting Sheamus and Orton after their match
Somewhat Cool:
-Cesaro/Del Rio match
-Maddox/Jericho/Barrett/Miz segment (I liked it)
Not worth it:
-Fandango stuff
-Mark Henry and Kofi
-Ryback and Mark Henry beating up on Drew McIntyre
-Sheamus/Orton match with RS
-Bo's on screen time (somebody get help!)
Thanks. Will watch.
Also Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow need the belts soon; long overdue.
they didn't do anything wrongDon't come back here complaining about the treatment of Punk aftwards.
they didn't do anything wrong
i still don't like how they involve Paul Bearer, but it was handled okay. Coward Punk returned but it was Monster Kane wanting to kill him for disrespecting his father. him losing isn't even a big deal either. they weren't going to have Kane lose trying to get revenge
Don't come back here complaining about the treatment of Punk aftwards.
Losing to Kane is ok. He did it for Paul.
So did the NAO die last night. I was pretty worried, they didn't move for like 6 minutes.
Really? You haven't liked anything he's done so far? Last night was probably the weakest thing he's done since he became something but it was still enjoyable.
I liked the assistant to the general manager bit because it was a nice homage.
Of course, it's entirely too early to damn the guy. But if you're going to put him in a spot where he'll see a lot of TV time, at least work with him to hone his delivery and memorize his lines.