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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Booked using TEW2013

Week 1 August 2001
WCW Saturday Night #9 (90 mins of F/X)
6,150 @ Qwest Arena

Dark Match: Air Styles v Crowbar
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Crowbar defeated Air Styles in 6:01 by pinfall. (C-)

- Alex Wright & Norman Smiley (Team Amazement) come down to the ring. "PREPARE TO BE AMAZED!", they break into a corny dance routine totally out of sync with each other. (D-)

Dark Match: Jindark & Stasiak v Team Amazement
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jindrak & Stasiak defeated Team Amazement in 7:37 when Shawn Stasiak defeated Norman Smiley by pinfall. (C-)



Match: Jushin Liger v Yun Yang
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Yun Yang defeated Jushin Liger in 9:37 by pinfall following interference from The Masked Psycho. (D+)

- The Masked Psycho continues his assault on Liger after the match. (E+)

- A video recap of the Natural Born Thrillers jumping, attacking and putting KroniK through tables is shown. (C-)

- The Natural Born Thrillers make their way to the ring, they looked pleased. No other tag teams remain in WCW, NBT are the ultimate tag team. They go on to tell everyone how they are the premium Thrilling Tag Team in the world today! (C-)

Match: Mike Awesome v Dustin Rhodes
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mike Awesome defeated Dustin Rhodes in 7:46 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb. (D+)

- Eric Bischoff makes his way down to the ring. He's begging Sting to return again. Bischoff says that WCW needs Sting to return, he says Sting must be able to see what's going on, what's going to happen again if Kevin Nash is allowed to influence Don Callis. WCW needs Sting. Eric Bischoff needs Sting. (C)

US Title Match: Chavo Guererro Jr. v Billy Kidman
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Billy Kidman defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. in 10:10 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. Billy Kidman makes defence number 2 of his WCW United States Heavyweight title. Rey Misterio Jr. did commentary during the match, putting over the US Title and Billy Kidman.(C+)

- DDP & Johnny Swinger are on the entrance ramp with Gene Okerlund. DDP is hyping up his services as a manager again, telling everyone how he's managed to turn Johnny Swinger from a nobody into a somebody! They make their way to the ring.(D+)

- Kanyon makes his entrance and stops next to Gene Okerlund... "AIN'T NOBODY BETTER THAN KANYON!" (D+)

Match: Kanyon v Johnny Swinger
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Kanyon defeated Johnny Swinger in 8:23 by pinfall. (C-)

- Don Callis, Kevin Nash & Mike Awesome are in the ring as the show returns from an ad break. Nash laughs at Bischoff's attempt to recruit Sting, he says it didn't work last time and it's not going to work this time. Don Callis has already recruited one of the best big men in Modern Wrestling today in Mike Awesome to go alongside one of the best minds in the business... Kevin Nash. More people are coming. The battle is starting soon and the rightful people will be the owners of WCW. (D)

Match: Lex Luger v Scott Steiner
In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Scott Steiner defeated Lex Luger in 7:57 by pinfall with a Frankensteiner. (C-)

- After the match Scott Steiner remained in the ring. He pointed at Stevie Ray, shouting that he was going to be break his brother's neck. He was going to be the #1 contender. He told Stevie Ray to get out of the seat as he was going to remain at ringside and watch Goldberg's match against Rick Steiner. (B)

Match: Bill Goldberg v Rick Steiner
In an extremely short match, Bill Goldberg defeated Rick Steiner in 5:12 by pinfall with The Spear. During the match we also had Scott Steiner hit Goldberg with a chair, but Goldberg no sold it. (C-)

- After the match Goldberg remained in the ring. He pointed at Scott Steiner - "YOU'RE NEXT!" (B-)

Show End (C)
TV Rating: 0.25 (up from 0.23)

Before the show Booker T arranged a video game tournament... which he won.
Disappointingly Jushin Liger & Yun Yang didn't click very well in the ring, which led to a few blown spots.
The US Title scene has become 'forgotten' over recent weeks, with Kidman not really appearing on TV, and Rey Misterio being included in the #1 Contenders Tournament for the WCW World Heavyweight Title. It returned to TV screens this week with Chavo v Kidman.
DDP's role as Manager is going over well with the crowd.
The Nash, Callis & Awesome segment, while not terrible, didn't go as planned. Nash drifted from script several times, Callis wasn't able to keep up with Nash and generally looked confused.
WCW continues to lose popularity across North America with each TV show.Despite this TV Ratings have been increasing over the last 2 weeks.

- The Final Four are set for the #1 Contender's Tournament:
1. Mike Awesome v Scott Steiner
2. Bill Goldberg v Kanyon

- Who will win?
- Eric Bischoff continues his attempts to encourage Sting to return to WCW. Sting hasn't been seen for a number of weeks now after previously being spotted watching from the rafters.
- Are the Natural Born Thrillers the ultimate tag team?
- The Masked Psycho continues his hunting of Jushin Liger. Who is the Masked Man? What is driving him to attack the superstar from Japan?
Hey now, that's no fair, the writers only had since SummerSlam to think of a storyline that makes sense for Trips vs. Brock II. Can't expect them to make sense given the amount of time they had to think of stuff.

He didn't retire after Summer Slam though he just didn't have a reason to fight which he explained in his promo a couple of weeks ago. The storyline makes sense it's just not the greatest idea in the world.
I forgot about that Hustle match, pretty good! Ogawa didn't look like a total chump and I think that must be the only time anyone ever hit a monkey flip on Goldberg?

I'm watching some World of Sport at the moment, found a disc with a 'Bronco' Owen Hart match, a 'Cowboy' Bret Hart match and a 'Judo' Alfred Hayes match :)

Also, random DDT spoiler, but congratulations to
Shigehiro Irie, who successfully defeated Kenny Omega to win the KO-D Openweight Title


So not worth it
He could've been massive in WWE too, had they not fucked up everything about Goldberg that made Goldberg, Goldberg.

Also, watching Goldberg just shows you how crappy Ryback is as a Goldberg rip-off.
OK, here's the Bret match too;

'Cowboy' Bret Hart vs Tiger Dalibar Singh - (World of Sport 12/19/81)

Good technical wrestling here, though not quite as lively as the Owen match. 'Cowboy' Bret is the least interesting cowboy themed wrestler ever.

Also, FFS CrankVince;



*edit, dirtsheets reporting that Punk's being pulled from US house shows after Mania, so as to give him a chance to heal up after carrying the company for the past year. He'll still be on RAW and the EU tour after Mania, however.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Every time I see or hear "jeezus" I think of Zandig. Thanks Bootaaay!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't believe any of that, though. Austin was getting a big push well before the feud with Bret. He was all over TV every week, being hyped as the incredible wrestler, being put in competitive matches with HBK and Taker and being protected in the finishes (dq and count out with Taker, dq with HBK). THEN came the Bret stuff. The revisionist history on how Austin was pushed is clearly bullshit if you actually watch the shows. He was being built up as the next big thing before the Bret feud. That just cemented it.

And as for HHH being punished for the Curtain Call, I'm not sure I really buy that, either. He wasn't doing anything before that happened. I don't think he was jobbing any more after it and won the IC Championship 5 months later. Actually, he hadn't done anything all year. Until the Perfect angle, he hadn't had anything except for a brief 2 week feud with Mero. He actually got an angle after the Curtain Call. It's not like HHH was some world beater before that. He got squashed at WM, lost his woman, and then lost the feud with Mero. That's pretty much all he had done all year until the angle with Perfect started, which was a few months after Curtain Call. So, if you call actually getting TV time, an angle, and a championship being punished, then I guess he was punished.

Austin was also making fun of Bret whenever he was on commentary for months before the program started and he was seemingly on commentary at any RAW he didn't wrestle on.
Every time I see or hear "jeezus" I think of Zandig. Thanks Bootaaay!

Speaking of Zandig, I was watching this match earlier;


Love the BJW vs CZW outdoor shows, Zandig always did something crazy, and what an entrance! Also, I love how he takes every opportunity to scream "C-Z-FUCKIN'-W!".


Also, here's a great Zandig promo that deserves more love;



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh god those are wonderful but I was referring to the match you posted not the promo! :D ahahahahah these will get use nevertheless! Thank you Bootaaay!

CZ Fuckin Bootaaay

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yes! Zandig with the chair from a distance reminds me of old Godzilla movies (ironically enough) where the monster is on the shore motioning. SO good.


So not worth it
CM Punk will be getting some time off after WrestleMania 29. The former WWE Champion has been dealing with several nagging injuries in recent months, but has downplayed the extent of how banged up he is. Punk’s latest injury took place on last week’s RAW during his no DQ match with Kane. There are conflicting reports as to whether it was his arm or his hip or his knee.

Punk was originally scheduled to wrestle at last week’s WWE live events, but did not compete. He’s also been pulled from all upcoming WWE live events through WrestleMania 29, so he can rest up and be healthy for his match against The Undertaker.

Punk most likely will not be working most live events immediately after WrestleMania, but is still scheduled for all RAW TV shows and is still advertised for WWE’s European tour the week after WrestleMania. The feeling in WWE is that Punk has been giving 110% to the company during a time when they needed him (especially during his title reign) and has earned the time off.

:( He better be at the European Live Events. I don't even care if he's wrestling, but at least give us a promo or something.


I'd hate if he wasn't on the European tours, he was one of the best parts of the last one I went to and I've already got tickets for when they roll through here.

Though he does need time off, he's been firing on all cylinders for nearly two years. Though Cena is by all accounts more banged up than him, and still there's not even a peep about him getting any bit of time off.
Good thing for Punk is that all his Taker match will require is 10 minutes of back and forth wrasslin' followed by 20 minutes of taking finishers/weapon shots and selling them for 3 minutes each.
Actually maybe with Trips out of the mix they'll dial back on the recent Taker WM match formula, I was just rewatching Rhodes/Mysterio from WM27 and allowed my curiosity to take another look at HHH/Taker from the same event, yep it still degenerates into an overblown wreck of finishers, at least the HiaC one was so stupid it became kind of funny, can't say the same for WM27.

And curse these DVD edits that remove Taker's "Ain't no Grave" entrance theme.
Classic Match of the Day:

Stan Hansen vs Andre the Giant - (NJPW 09/23/81)

Great match here while Andre was still in relatively good shape. Stan and Andre go right at it from the very start, just beating the crap out of each other until the Giant uses his size and wrestling skill to take control. Andre sells Stan's offence really well while still looking dominant and when Stan makes his comeback, Andre bumps big and the crowd go crazy for it. In Stan's book he says that this was one of Andre's favourite matches because Stan didn't fuck around and treat him like a giant, he just went at Andre like he would any other guy and didn't oversell his offence to the point where it was comical, as some guys would, and the result was a super fun and entertaining brawl between two of the best big men in wrestling.

Here's the playlist of classic matches so far;


  • Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - Real World Tag League FINAL - (AJPW 12/03/93)
  • Jumbo Tsuruta & Tiger Mask II (c) vs Stan Hansen & Ted DiBiase - PWF World Tag Team Championship - (AJPW 11/07/87)
  • Keiji Mutoh (c) vs Nobuhiko Takada - IWGP Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 10/09/95)
  • Aja Kong (c) vs Dynamite Kansai - WWWA Title Match - (AJW 08/25/93)
  • Naoki Sano vs Masakatsu Funaki - (SWS 04/01/91)
  • Koji Kanemoto (c) vs Jushin 'Thunder' Liger - IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 01/04/96)
  • Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs Jumbo Tsuruta (c) - AWA Heavyweight Title & NWA United International Title - (AJPW 02/23/84)
  • Terry Funk vs Stan Hansen - (AJPW 04/14/83)
  • Jushin 'Thunder' Liger vs El Samurai - Top of the Super Jr's III FINAL - (NJPW 04/30/92)
  • Genichiro Tenryu vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara - (WAR 11/27/97)


Probably late to the bandwagon here but how good is Saturday Morning Slam? I don't know if it's just a reflection of how bad Raw has been lately but I watched the last 2 weeks worth after seeing that Mysterio/McGillicutty clip the other night and I'm loving it. Simple booking, consistent stories, funny hammed-up versions of the regular characters and good wrestling

I think Ziggler and Bryan were perfect opponents this week as they were both smart enough to work around the style of the show with barely any high impact stuff that had to be edited out, some really solid wrestling and a nice sprinkling of comedy. From the 2 shows I've seen the wrestling seems a lot more simple and old fashioned but I like it and who doesn't love The Dazzler?

Edit: Didn't even see that post above. Great minds and all that!
PWInsider is reporting there was originally scheduled to be a 10-woman Divas tag match at WrestleMania pitting current Divas against former Divas with Trish Stratus managing one of the teams.

The original planned match was Kelly Kelly, The Bella Twins, Maryse, and Maria taking on Kaitlyn, Layla, Natalya, Tamina Snuka, and Alicia Fox. It wasn't decided which team Stratus would have managed.

The plans were nixed when a few of the former Divas wanted the ability to continue using their WWE names whenever their new deals would expire and WWE was obviously having none of that.

The Bella Twins ended up returning anyways, but it seems as if talks with Kelly Kelly, Maryse, and Maria have ended for now.


What are Tozawa's best PWG matches? Still have a hard on for the guy after he was MVP of the Dragon Gate UK triple shot and I hear good things about his run there and fancy checking some of it out

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Classic Match of the Day:

Stan Hansen vs Andre the Giant - (NJPW 09/23/81)

Great match here while Andre was still in relatively good shape. Stan and Andre go right at it from the very start, just beating the crap out of each other until the Giant uses his size and wrestling skill to take control. Andre sells Stan's offence really well while still looking dominant and when Stan makes his comeback, Andre bumps big and the crowd go crazy for it. In Stan's book he says that this was one of Andre's favourite matches because Stan didn't fuck around and treat him like a giant, he just went at Andre like he would any other guy and didn't oversell his offence to the point where it was comical, as some guys would, and the result was a super fun and entertaining brawl between two of the best big men in wrestling.

Andre's music is awesome, and this match was really fun. Also wow @ Stan's silken hair, it looks like the softest goddamn hair ever.

EDIT: Really fun watching Hansen go at it with Andre, lots of things he did in the match made a lot of sense. good stuff.


:( He better be at the European Live Events. I don't even care if he's wrestling, but at least give us a promo or something.

This seems so backwards in so many ways.. why does one need to earn time-off

I think allowing wrestlers a free period, maybe a month or so where aren't part of any major angles to rest up would be good for the wrestler.. and good for the product


Pre-Screwjob 1997 Raw was some fucked up shit.

And by fucked up, I mean awesome. Austin was fantastic week in and week out. Like Stro has been saying, he looked like a superstar, and he didn't even win Intercontinental yet. That sounds ridiculous! Imagine something like that today.

Of course, the Bret/Austin feud and their match at Mania is what made Stone Cold, but it was a gradual build that culminated in what I feel was the greatest match in wrestling history.

The Hart Foundation Canada vs. America angle was also INCREDIBLE, especially as a Canadian viewer. They would go into American venues and get booed out of the building (insane heat), but were instantly transformed into GODS when they entered a Canadian venue. Those Canadian crowds... god damn.

If you ever get the chance, 97 Raw is worth a watch. Believe it or not, the first few Raws were 1 hour. Oh how far we've come.
What I have never noticed about Austin when I was younger was just how athletic and big he was. Seriously, dood was just a slab of solid mass. Real impressive.
Left my stream running while I slept and now I'm wondering what I was thinking with this play list. Uncensored '96... that 2 on 8 triple cage disaster is on now.


AJ's hometown. Ten man match.

Let's not book AJ.

Just how does this company work?
Probably because she's working in the tag match.

The Diva match will be a total waste of time anyway. I'll be shocked if all the Diva's actually wrestle or if the match itself lasts longer than the intro's. WWE just willing to have bigger names out there to fill up a match, but it's just getting women like Kelly or Maryse or whoever shows up another nice payday.


What I have never noticed about Austin when I was younger was just how athletic and big he was. Seriously, dood was just a slab of solid mass. Real impressive.

Yeah, he's got like an 8 pack, huge legs, jacked shoulders. It's weird he's never on a best bodies list. The night after SS, it was supposed to be Vader vs Austin to see who the toughest man in the WWF is. Vader was hurt at SS, so it became Austin vs Mankind and its awesome. Just a wild brawl you'd expect out of them, except Austin is still heel, and neither guy were nagged with injuries.
AJ vs Kaitlyn at WM makes too much sense for WWE to do it. They even have a potential storyline practically in place. Former friends, nxt, blah blah.
Pre-Screwjob 1997 Raw was some fucked up shit.

And by fucked up, I mean awesome. Austin was fantastic week in and week out. Like Stro has been saying, he looked like a superstar, and he didn't even win Intercontinental yet. That sounds ridiculous! Imagine something like that today.

Of course, the Bret/Austin feud and their match at Mania is what made Stone Cold, but it was a gradual build that culminated in what I feel was the greatest match in wrestling history.

The Hart Foundation Canada vs. America angle was also INCREDIBLE, especially as a Canadian viewer. They would go into American venues and get booed out of the building (insane heat), but were instantly transformed into GODS when they entered a Canadian venue. Those Canadian crowds... god damn.

If you ever get the chance, 97 Raw is worth a watch. Believe it or not, the first few Raws were 1 hour. Oh how far we've come.

The PPV where they go to England was great because of this too. They were super over simply because of the British Bulldog! Owen Hart v Vader was a great match.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Pre-Screwjob 1997 Raw was some fucked up shit.

And by fucked up, I mean awesome. Austin was fantastic week in and week out. Like Stro has been saying, he looked like a superstar, and he didn't even win Intercontinental yet. That sounds ridiculous! Imagine something like that today.

Of course, the Bret/Austin feud and their match at Mania is what made Stone Cold, but it was a gradual build that culminated in what I feel was the greatest match in wrestling history.

The Hart Foundation Canada vs. America angle was also INCREDIBLE, especially as a Canadian viewer. They would go into American venues and get booed out of the building (insane heat), but were instantly transformed into GODS when they entered a Canadian venue. Those Canadian crowds... god damn.

If you ever get the chance, 97 Raw is worth a watch. Believe it or not, the first few Raws were 1 hour. Oh how far we've come.
Wasn't just pre-screwjob.

Listen to Owen's pop as a heel in 98 and then watch them boo Blackman simply for being Owen's opponent.


So The Masterpiece ripped a tree out of the ground WITH HIS BARE hands and threw it through a window to save his mom who was apparently being held hostage in a burning house

The person holding her hostage lit the house on fire after Masters failed to talk him down.

So Masters is awesome and strong, but his promos still need work.
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