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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Okay, I demand that this Kofi heel turn idea actually materializes, lord knows he needs an injection of freshness, sure some of you may laugh but remember when R Truth went from flipping and spitting WHAT'S UP?!/TIME TO GET CRUNK! to crazed R Truth? who knows what savage powers the wildcat holds within? AGGRESSIVE JUMPING! TOP ROPE CLAW POUNCES!

Booking gold right here, the king of the WWE jungle needs no tag partner.
Okay, I demand that this Kofi heel turn idea actually materializes, lord knows he needs an injection of freshness, sure some of you may laugh but remember when R Truth went from flipping and spitting WHAT'S UP?!/TIME TO GET CRUNK! to crazed R Truth? who knows what savage powers the wildcat holds within? AGGRESSIVE JUMPING! TOP ROPE CLAW POUNCES!

Booking gold right here, the king of the WWE jungle needs no tag partner.

Kofi should Kofi'd Punk and beat Taker and end the streak.
Kofi should Kofi'd Punk and beat Taker and end the streak.

Taker's lightning powers would not compare to Kofi's Beast mimicry, he'd bring back the Punjabi Prison and start springing around like a wild beast and summoning jungle critters.

This Kofi heel turn works a lot better in my head, reality is him wearing a suit with finely combed hair saying that he's not boom boom booming for these fans anymore.


I just noticed watching the CM Punk vs Taker thing again from last night, when Punk was doing the voice you could tell Taker wanted to laugh and quickly turned away from the camera.


What a weird show, not only did it have JR's SHOOT HEEL TURN, which revealed that Vince was the owner and kind of a dickbag, but that JR was responsible for sending all of those dudes to WCW and bringing the WCW mid card to the WWF. Then he brought out Fake Razor.

It also had Double J EXPOSED, by proving that he lip synced his song performance in 1995. And lastly, TAZ invaded and got a WE WANT TAZ chant going. So weird.

Holy shit that match between Salvatore and the Undertaker is the first wrestling match I ever remember watching.


I don't know what to tell ya man.

Hey, I can't remember why Hogan faced Sid at Wrestlemania 8. No title involved, I don't even know what their beef was.
I always thought it was because Sid got eliminated in the Rumble at the very end (when it was Hogan, Sid, and Flair remaining) because of Hogan finger pointing and complaining on the outside. He tugged Sid's arm and Flair got an easy elimination and victory. Heenan went nuts on commentary "(YES! YES! YES!").

Since they were both faces, they tried repatching the issue and it led to Sid walking out on him. I mean, the whole thing is really Hogan's fault, but in the end Sid is the heel. *shrugs*

Not have a match that has no story to tell? Other than the imaginary one the video packages try to sell.

The point of a PPV is to make money, but that doesn't mean your main event of WM needs to be such a blatant cash grab. It's a straight Vince McMahon "make me money now forget about tomorrow who cares money now now now" match. How many WM main event matches are that cynical?
I am with jmdajr, I'm not sure what more you can do. I think at least guys like Lesnar and Triple H there is more ways of altercations, some versatility to what they can do. Punk and Taker were saved by Paul's unfortunate passing. The match has no reason to happen whatsoever but now with his passing and Punk is making jabs at him, it's personal, it's stepping over the line, etc. It's getting tiresome seeing these Legends vs. regular stars thing; it's just a month build often with no run ins or creative ways of making the story interesting (just all talk and it gets really boring after a while: see Triple H/Taker), and another is because the stories prior to them coming back in the first place are severely rushed or halted without any reason. They probably could be building up to Punk vs. Ryback if Rock wasn't appearing at the Rumble. Whether or not it's better than what we have now is another deal. WWE still hits this youth push by randomly pushing stars (Swagger) and some just keep circling in the same area for years with no idea where to take them. It's a mess, Rock, Taker, Lesnar, and Triple H are just bandaids.

Orton heel turn seems ok, but they still need faces. I'm thinking Show is back on his face role again, one of the dozens he's done now; perhaps they go with he and Lesnar after the Triple H crap. But they have a dire need of faces. Curious where the Shield go also: fight for the tag titles, go after a bigger strap, expand the trio, show dents in the group to grant the inevitable breakup, etc.
Yeah, but it's been over fifteen years since his ECW days and it's really beyond okay to treat being gay as an insult, esp. By using that particular term.

Rightfully so I should add.

You gotta check the political correctness at the door, this is wrestling. It's all entertainment, these guy's are playing characters, they are trying to make you love them or hate them. I think he should have gone a lot further and got the whole crowd worked up into a frenzy.
who knows what savage powers the wildcat holds within? AGGRESSIVE JUMPING! TOP ROPE CLAW POUNCES!

Booking gold right here, the king of the WWE jungle needs no tag partner.

This would naturally lead to a program where R-Truth brings back his ZOOKEEPAH persona. Get ready for DA ZOOKEEPAH vs. THE WILDCAT at Wrestlemania 30!


So not worth it
You gotta check the political correctness at the door, this is wrestling. It's all entertainment, these guy's are playing characters, they are trying to make you love them or hate them. I think he should have gone a lot further and got the whole crowd worked up into a frenzy.

You can play a charcter without calling someone the f-word.

Or is he going around calling black people the n-word as well?


You gotta check the political correctness at the door, this is wrestling. It's all entertainment, these guy's are playing characters, they are trying to make you love them or hate them. I think he should have gone a lot further and got the whole crowd worked up into a frenzy.

I kind of agree with this. I'd love to see a crowd get so heated they actually riot. A crowd that can get that into a show in this day and age would be pretty incredible. I mean, he's got BULLY in his name. Heels don't fuck with the fans nearly enough anymore. Punk does it from time to time and he's pretty much the only guy in WWE doing anything like that. I believe it was maybe Heatwave 99 when Bubba was saying he and D-Von were going to DP this young girl and that her mom taught her how to suck cock. It was awesome.

Heels should be deplorable assholes, not just guys who pull tights or put their feet on the ropes to win a match.
Leo Kruger and Kofi as African Hunters stalking The Bella's backstage. I would tune in for that.
As long as they catch 'em, carve 'em up* and get them the hell off my tv set sure.

*in kayfabe of course, I don't hate them that much.

This would naturally lead to a program where R-Truth brings back his ZOOKEEPAH persona. Get ready for DA ZOOKEEPAH vs. THE WILDCAT at Wrestlemania 30!
They'll have to hand him a chair and whip combo if he thinks he could handle THE WILDCAT!

Now this would be amazing. Looney Tunes type vignettes.
Like the time Carlito ran into the wall after hornswoggle painted that tunnel?
Or when Coach got blown up under the ring and emerged with a soot covered face?

Maybe we should rethink this.
You can play a charcter without calling someone the f-word.

Or is he going around calling black people the n-word as well?

Yea if that's what you gotta do. If your supposed to be the meanest baddest don't give a shit mother fucker out there then act like it. I'm not going to hate a half ass Bully Ray, I'm going to make fun of a half ass Bully Ray and that's not fun wrestling. He's a bully that pushes around weaker people, seems like something a guy like that would say.


Is Bully calling a fan a fag any better or worse than the straight up racism and xenophobia of WE THE PEOPLE?

EDIT: Oh fuck me. The Harris Brothers? FUUUUCK. The ghosts of WCW haunt me everywhere.


My god, JR and Gorilla arguing over Razor/Diesel is more annoying than King and Cole bickering. Jesus. Then you have Kevin "Herme" Kelly butting in trying to calm them down. It's awful.

However, "I'll be here long after you're gone!" was a bummer line since Monsoon died 3 years later. You win, JR. You son of a bitch. "I didn't bring Doink in. He didn't come in under my watch!" Lol.


My god, JR and Gorilla arguing over Razor/Diesel is more annoying than King and Cole bickering. Jesus. Then you have Kevin "Herme" Kelly butting in trying to calm them down. It's awful.

However, "I'll be here long after you're gone!" was a bummer line since Monsoon died 3 years later. You win, JR. You son of a bitch.

So JR is Cole in this angle? Sorry, I tuned out when they started it.


Kind of. He just won't shut the fuck up about how Vince did him wrong and how he never said Hall and Nash were coming back. Gorilla would say "but they aren't Hall and Nash" "I NEVER SAID THEY WERE!" "You're hoodwinking the fans! Will you stop?!" "DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE FIRED? DID VINCE MCMAHON EVER FIRE YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOUR KIDS GO HUNGRY!" "Absolutely not. You don't look like you missed too many meal. Guy's got a loaf of bread under each arm and is still crying. I don't get it." "YARBLE GARBLE SON OF A BITCH VINCE MCMAHON RAZOR DIESEL I DIDN'T BRING IN CLOWNS TO WRESTLE!!!!"

It was really annoying. 3 high pitched voices and JR. Gorilla said he was going to get buried and I lol'd. Now he's bitching that that Diesel's match wasn't shown in the promo for next week's Raw. Even King, who was 100% heel, is telling him to ease up. They got the serious voices last week when JR was SHOOTING. But now Vince is officially known as the owner and is even being called Mr. McMahon, though in a sarcastic manner.

Ugh, and the main event is HBK/Jose Lothario vs Vader/Cornette. These shows weren't that bad until Summer and they fell off a fucking cliff, even with a lot of decent matches. All these shitty characters and angles shitting up the show all at once while they're trying to get thing more serious and legit at the same time. It's like there are two different shows being booked every night. You have the cartoony childish gimmicky shit, and then you have Austin/Goldust/Mankind/Vader/Taker on the other. It's weird.


Kind of. He just won't shut the fuck up about how Vince did him wrong and how he never said Hall and Nash were coming back. Gorilla would say "but they aren't Hall and Nash" "I NEVER SAID THEY WERE!" "You're hoodwinking the fans! Will you stop?!" "DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE FIRED? DID VINCE MCMAHON EVER FIRE YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOUR KIDS GO HUNGRY!" "Absolutely not. You don't look like you missed too many meal. Guy's got a loaf of bread under each arm and is still crying. I don't get it." "YARBLE GARBLE SON OF A BITCH VINCE MCMAHON RAZOR DIESEL I DIDN'T BRING IN CLOWNS TO WRESTLE!!!!"

It was really annoying. 3 high pitched voices and JR. Gorilla said he was going to get buried and I lol'd. Now he's bitching that that Diesel's match wasn't shown in the promo for next week's Raw. Even King, who was 100% heel, is telling him to ease up. They got the serious voices last week when JR was SHOOTING. But now Vince is officially known as the owner and is even being called Mr. McMahon, though in a sarcastic manner.

Ugh, and the main event is HBK/Jose Lothario vs Vader/Cornette. These shows weren't that bad until Summer and they fell off a fucking cliff, even with a lot of decent matches. All these shitty characters and angles shitting up the show all at once while they're trying to get thing more serious and legit at the same time. It's like there are two different shows being booked every night. You have the cartoony childish gimmicky shit, and then you have Austin/Goldust/Mankind/Vader/Taker on the other. It's weird.

It sounds like a chicken with it's head cut off was booking WWE at this point. The decapitated head might have been booking a few things but the body ran away with the lot of it.


I kind of agree with this. I'd love to see a crowd get so heated they actually riot. A crowd that can get that into a show in this day and age would be pretty incredible. I mean, he's got BULLY in his name. Heels don't fuck with the fans nearly enough anymore. Punk does it from time to time and he's pretty much the only guy in WWE doing anything like that. I believe it was maybe Heatwave 99 when Bubba was saying he and D-Von were going to DP this young girl and that her mom taught her how to suck cock. It was awesome.

Heels should be deplorable assholes, not just guys who pull tights or put their feet on the ropes to win a match.

I would never want to be part of an audience that started a riot. I would just think they take their shit way too seriously. I've seen fans at shows like that before, and they're not the kind of people I'd want to associate with. Keep the rabid angry-at-life marks at the door. That's my point of view on the matter, anyway.


It sounds like a chicken with it's head cut off was booking WWE at this point. The decapitated head might have been booking a few things but the body ran away with the lot of it.

What is really seems like is they were caught off guard with the NWO stuff being so hot, tried to change their product, but already had a bunch of stuff planned out for months in advance that they couldn't scrap. Taping a whole month of shows in one night made it impossible for them to change anything up. It led to things like them talking about Warrior being suspended indefinitely and removed from the upcoming PPV while he's wrestling on Raw, or Ahmed having his kidney injury that was to keep him out of action for weeks, but wrestling on the very next Raw with no problems.

And if I had to guess, I'd imagine there was some shake up with the booking team around this time and the power struggle was evident on screen by edgy, more hard nosed stuff being sandwiched by pure 80s garbage like TL Hopper, hillbillies, the Goon, and so forth.

This JR angle feels extremely Russo, but I don't know if he was actually on the booking team yet. You have Jake talking about abusing coke and hookers one week, a wrestling plumber the next, and JR calling Vince out as the owner who fired him because of his face the week after that.

I would never want to be part of an audience that started a riot. I would just think they take their shit way too seriously. I've seen fans at shows like that before, and they're not the kind of people I'd want to associate with. Keep the rabid angry-at-life marks at the door. That's my point of view on the matter, anyway.

Well, yeah, I don't think a real riot would be a good thing, but to have crowds that genuinely want to see the heel get his ass beat because he made them so mad they forgot it was faked for a bit isn't a bad thing.


No One Remembers
What are these one off PPVs that TNA are doing??

Reading that one for "TNA Hardcore Justice 2"..

* Tag Team Tables Match: Jeff Hardy and Spike Dudley defeated Team 3D
I thought Spike was dead...


* James Storm, Magnus and Hardcore Holly defeated the DOC, Wes Brisco and Knox

Consider me a buy!
I just hate the fact that they are going to make mark Henry job to Ryback

King was already saying 'who is the strongest in WWE' we know for a fact Henry is legit waaaaaay stronger than ryback and its going to suck to hear them acting like ryback is after he wins


I just hate the fact that they are going to make mark Henry job to Ryback

King was already saying 'who is the strongest in WWE' we know for a fact Henry is legit waaaaaay stronger than ryback and its going to suck to hear them acting like ryback is after he wins

Using a veteran to put over a younger guy that needs the win? Why are we selective about who gets the thumbs up when this happens?


What is really seems like is they were caught off guard with the NWO stuff being so hot, tried to change their product, but already had a bunch of stuff planned out for months in advance that they couldn't scrap. Taping a whole month of shows in one night made it impossible for them to change anything up. It led to things like them talking about Warrior being suspended indefinitely and removed from the upcoming PPV while he's wrestling on Raw, or Ahmed having his kidney injury that was to keep him out of action for weeks, but wrestling on the very next Raw with no problems.

And if I had to guess, I'd imagine there was some shake up with the booking team around this time and the power struggle was evident on screen by edgy, more hard nosed stuff being sandwiched by pure 80s garbage like TL Hopper, hillbillies, the Goon, and so forth.

This JR angle feels extremely Russo, but I don't know if he was actually on the booking team yet. You have Jake talking about abusing coke and hookers one week, a wrestling plumber the next, and JR calling Vince out as the owner who fired him because of his face the week after that.

Well, yeah, I don't think a real riot would be a good thing, but to have crowds that genuinely want to see the heel get his ass beat because he made them so mad they forgot it was faked for a bit isn't a bad thing.

Sure, but I think that's almost impossible in the Internet age, especially when it comes to people who know it isn't real.


Using a veteran to put over a younger guy that needs the win? Why are we selective about who gets the thumbs up when this happens?

BECAUSE RYBACK SUCKS. Can he even give Henry the shellshock? I know he lost weight but motherfucking Ryback had trouble lifting Heyman for the fucking thing.

Ryback should lose in a show opening match and go on a rampage after the fact tearing through JTG like 20 times in a row backstage for the duration of WM29. Then you have a rematch at some point.

Mark Henry should really fight Lesnar at SummerSlam in a monster match. But that'll probably be The Rock's match or Punk's face turn match.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
lol Owen kicked out of Flash Funk's finisher


Man God

Non-Canon Member
So to take a break from RAW 1996 I'm watching...King of the Ring 1996.

It's good!

JR marking out for Stone Cold.

Owen Hart doing a great job as heel commentator.

Stone Cold in a great match with...Mero?

Sable chants started about three times during this match, though the crowd did get really hot in the last five minutes.


Using a veteran to put over a younger guy that needs the win? Why are we selective about who gets the thumbs up when this happens?

Because a Mark Henry heel world title reign would be great entertainment, and building the face challenger to stop his destruction of the roster is the tried-and-true way of telling the story: either David slays Goliath, or Goliath meets another Goliath and gets beaten.

Ryback beating him in a few months would make more sense because the build has been so... bleh. I'M STRONG, YO I'M STRONG TOO.

Needs moar hatred. All feuds do.


Jericho/Cesaro would have been a potentially show stealing, never before seen match with a feud built right in. Instead we're getting Barrett/Miz and Cesaro must have shit in someone's lunch or something.

Cesaro is still about a year or two away from the likes of Jericho in a big match. He's still at the jobber title level right now, the only reason we think he should be higher is because he's exceeding at levels far better than anyone else has with that belt recently.


Cesaro is still about a year or two away from the likes of Jericho in a big match. He's still at the jobber title level right now, the only reason we think he should be higher is because he's exceeding at levels far better than anyone else has with that belt recently.

Still, the US Title being the only title Jericho has never held is a natural excuse for a feud and Cesaro is still a far better choice than Fandango. Although even if Cesaro/Jericho was magically scheduled they would probably get 10 minutes tops anyway.


lol Cesaro cant take Miz?
Of course not. He's cursed with the US Title.
I'd like to see a mid-card champ just say screw this and give the title up after losing a non-title match.
"You take it! It's bad luck!"
"But it's a non-title match?"
"I don't care. I don't want it."
WrassleGAF... there is no wrassling on right now, so lets watch Summerslam 98 together! This thread could use a little attitude injection.


Hair vs Hair!?
Falls Count Anywhere!?
Lions Den Match!?
Ladder Match!?
This show has more stips than a 2000 WCW PPV, but the matches are good! It's been a long time since I've watched this, lets see if it holds up.

Summerslam 1998 is happening live on WrestleJamTV starting at midnight in a few mins! Relive history with smarky gaffers!
Wow. NOW Cesaro can't take Miz? After curb stomping Miz 5 times? Wow this is so Bull! What did Cesaro do to piss off WWE?

Also, Miz win at Wrestlemania or riot.

Rock Win or riot.

Punk win or I get sad.

Cesaro win or riot.

Bryan and Kane win or riot.

Ziggler cash in or rage.
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