A lot of creative changes went down within WWE around the time of this year's Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Vince McMahon hasn't been happy with the booking of WWE's undercard for a while now, which is the main reason why Eric Pankowski got fired two weeks ago.
- As noted before, the current plan is for Triple H to defeat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 29. The big issue is that WWE officials want Lesnar to headline WrestleMania 30 against The Rock so he shouldn't be doing any jobs now. Regarding Rock vs. Brock, the plan is to do a subtle tease with the two on the RAW the night after WrestleMania this year. The idea is to only do a tease and not push it too hard so fans won't expect it's happening at SummerSlam.
I love that these two news pieces were together
"We have a problem with the mid-card.. ok we're gonna build to two part timers for next year!"
The problem with the mid-card is The Rock and Brock can go away for a year, and I'd still want to see that match more than anything else they will put together for Mania 30.
That falls on the WWE.. and talent to some degree
Watching old Manias on Sunflower's stream this weekend
Austin went from a throwaway match at Mania 12 with Savio Vega.. to the 2nd most high-profile.. and most famous match at Mania 13 in a year
The WWE can do a LOT to make you care about a character in a year.. if they wanted to
Didn't Claudio beat the shit out of Miz over and over with ease just like a month ago? Now he gets squashed by Miz? Why did they feud for two months before WM only for Miz to jump into an IC feud with Bear Rot 3 weeks before the big show? What the fuck? The booking that makes sense is for Claudio/Miz to have a blow off at WM, have Miz win, and have Claudio go on to bigger things. Instead, that feud is just completely dropped so Wade and Miz can promote their movies against each other.
is this the highway to hell Summerslam or is that 99?
Reads boxart.
Cool. I saw this one for free somehow back in the day. I think my friend had a descrambler. It's a great PPV.
I remember back in the day we when we didn't get PPVs.. we would stay up late.. for the HSN post-show which would always tell you the results and show some clips from the show haha
Man, Shamrock was a good wrestler. Everything he does looks so damn vicious(because it was)! Complete crap on the mic though.
Shamrock's suplexes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Swagger's anything. And I like Swagger in the ring.
This always bothered me.. especially with Angle
Who went from applying it like Shamrock to the standing one.. which I always thought was silly because it seems to hurt less
At least, he added the amazing grapevine to make you know it was over
Angle's was the best because he popped that shit out of nowhere.
How many other submissions can come 'outtanowhere!' it's like the anti-SCM/RKO
I don't think Austin and Taker really ever had the match people hoped and expected out of them. This one had Austin knocked loopy early on, their ones in 1996/1997 were more about making Austin look competitive instead of having an all out match, and the ones in 2001 were right in the middle of Taker being a fat lazy fuck.
They should have worked best in 2001, but Taker was so lazy and out of shape for a lot of that period. Did they have one in 2002 with heel Biker Taker?
Wiki says they had a half hour number one contenders match. I don't remember it at all. All I remember from that show was Hogan ending HHH's month long title reign (lol) and Brock killing Jeff Hardy.
I don't think Rock and Taker really ever had a great match together, either. They did with Kurt Angle involved, but I don't remember a stand out singles match from them. To be fair, I don't remember many stand out Taker matches that didn't involve Bret, Shawn, or Foley before 2001/2002.
Fuck, I forgot about the PERFECT SWERVE! Mr. Perfect had been stealing HHH's women folk from ringside for about two months. Huner finally challenges Perfect to a match. Perfect accepts. On the night it was supposed to happen, HHH attacked Perfect. Gorilla wouldn't let him wrestle, so Marc Mero wrestles for him and puts the IC Championship on the line. Perfect waffles Mero with a chair at the end of the match and celebrates with HHH! THE PERFECT (SWERVE) HOAX! That's some WCW level shit right there. It made no sense. Particularly since Mero wasn't even the champion when the angle started. It started at least a full month if not longer before Mero even won the title. So was the plan to keep the charade up until he won the title, then fake an injury so Mero would fight for Perfect, and then SWERVE him? So silly, and I'm sure people were pissed that they were hyping up Mr. Perfect's in ring return when they had no plans to actually have him wrestle. Him saying he was in the best shape of his life when he clearly had a gut and looked like he hadn't worked out in 6 months was awesome, though.
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Stone Cold in the run up to the first match with Bret is pretty much the best thing ever. Jesus. So awesome. The show where he is at Standford and Bret is at his house is so great. Just Austin at HQ fucking with EVERYONE. Interrupts PS doing ad work, is all over Vince, makes hilarious faces while Bret is talking. It's so good. They've made Austin seem like the biggest deal in wrestling in just a few months. It's pretty incredible, actually. Bret coming back to face Austin because Austin is the best wrestler in the world and he wants to prove to himself that he can still hang with the best is putting a dude over to godly levels. At this point, Austin hadn't even been an IC Champ. So Bret Hart, basically the face of the company and most respected guy for the past 5 years comes back to face a mid card guy because he knows this guy is the best in the world. That'd be like Rock coming back and facing Antonio Cesaro because he thinks he's the greatest wrestler in the world. Not a dude who is already firmly established, but a new, young guy who is now seen as the real fucking deal immediately. It's amazing that it took another year and a half before he actually won the title.
I don't believe any of that, though. Austin was getting a big push well before the feud with Bret. He was all over TV every week, being hyped as the incredible wrestler, being put in competitive matches with HBK and Taker and being protected in the finishes (dq and count out with Taker, dq with HBK). THEN came the Bret stuff. The revisionist history on how Austin was pushed is clearly bullshit if you actually watch the shows. He was being built up as the next big thing before the Bret feud. That just cemented it.
And as for HHH being punished for the Curtain Call, I'm not sure I really buy that, either. He wasn't doing anything before that happened. I don't think he was jobbing any more after it and won the IC Championship 5 months later. Actually, he hadn't done anything all year. Until the Perfect angle, he hadn't had anything except for a brief 2 week feud with Mero. He actually got an angle after the Curtain Call. It's not like HHH was some world beater before that. He got squashed at WM, lost his woman, and then lost the feud with Mero. That's pretty much all he had done all year until the angle with Perfect started, which was a few months after Curtain Call. So, if you call actually getting TV time, an angle, and a championship being punished, then I guess he was punished.