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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Somebody make a list of Zigglers clean losses now that's more impressive than a Cena list

Since winning Money in the Bank (not including house shows);

02/25/13 - lost to Ryback
02/18/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
02/12/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
02/11/13 - lost to Kane
01/29/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
01/28/13 - lost to Team Hell No
01/15/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio & Sheamus
01/14/13 - lost to John Cena
01/08/13 - lost to Sheamus
01/07/13 - lost to John Cena
12/09/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
12/03/12 - lost to John Cena & Sheamus
11/26/12 - lost to John Cena
11/20/12 - lost to Randy Orton
11/13/12 - lost to Randy Orton & The Miz
11/12/12 - lost to Randy Orton
11/05/12 - lost to John Cena & Ryback
10/23/12 - lost to Ryback
10/16/12 - lost to Team Hell No
10/15/12 - lost to Ryback
10/08/12 - lost to Team Hell No
10/02/12 - lost to CM Punk
10/01/12 - lost to Team Hell No
09/18/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
09/16/12 - lost to Randy Orton
09/10/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Jerry Lawler
08/28/12 - lost to Randy Orton
08/27/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
08/19/12 - lost to Chris Jericho
08/06/12 - lost to Alex Riley
07/30/12 - lost to Chris Jericho & Christian
07/23/12 - lost to Rey Mysterio, Sheamus & Sin Cara

BillRiccio said:
This is your sleeper match my friend. Jakob has gotten pretty decent in the last year and Hallowicked might be the most underrated guy on the indies.

What's the deal with CHIKARA guys not working other promotions? I know Gabe's used CHIKARA guys sparingly in EVOLVE before and The Batiri work AIW, but you'd think that, as good as guys like Hallowicked and UltraMantis are, they would be good attractions for a lot of other indy promotions.


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I remember when people were complaining Daniel Bryan was being misused when he won Money in the Bank and looked weak for months.

Then went on to have a great title run with a shitty end.

Just have Ziggler cash it in at Mania since Weed the people isn't winning it.
Since winning Money in the Bank (not including house shows);

What's the deal with CHIKARA guys not working other promotions? I know Gabe's used CHIKARA guys sparingly in EVOLVE before and The Batiri work AIW, but you'd think that, as good as guys like Hallowicked and UltraMantis are, they would be good attractions for a lot of other indy promotions.

dont know jigsaw has appered in TNA a few times. maybe quack wants to keep some of the more popualar characters in chiakra since its people you can only see in chikara? like if UMB wrestled to PWG there would be less incetive to see chikara?


Since winning Money in the Bank (not including house shows);

02/25/13 - lost to Ryback
02/18/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
02/12/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
02/11/13 - lost to Kane
01/29/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
01/28/13 - lost to Team Hell No
01/15/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio & Sheamus
01/14/13 - lost to John Cena
01/08/13 - lost to Sheamus
01/07/13 - lost to John Cena
12/09/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
12/03/12 - lost to John Cena & Sheamus
11/26/12 - lost to John Cena
11/20/12 - lost to Randy Orton
11/13/12 - lost to Randy Orton & The Miz
11/12/12 - lost to Randy Orton
11/05/12 - lost to John Cena & Ryback
10/23/12 - lost to Ryback
10/16/12 - lost to Team Hell No
10/15/12 - lost to Ryback
10/08/12 - lost to Team Hell No
10/02/12 - lost to CM Punk
10/01/12 - lost to Team Hell No
09/18/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
09/16/12 - lost to Randy Orton
09/10/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Jerry Lawler
08/28/12 - lost to Randy Orton
08/27/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
08/19/12 - lost to Chris Jericho
08/06/12 - lost to Alex Riley
07/30/12 - lost to Chris Jericho & Christian
07/23/12 - lost to Rey Mysterio, Sheamus & Sin Cara

That is how you build a future champion ladies and gentlemen.


I remember when people were complaining Daniel Bryan was being misused when he won Money in the Bank and looked weak for months.

Then went on to have a great title run with a shitty end.

Just have Ziggler cash it in at Mania since Weed the people isn't winning it.

His title run got him over with the fans and his shitty end basically created a main eventer. lol


What's the deal with CHIKARA guys not working other promotions? I know Gabe's used CHIKARA guys sparingly in EVOLVE before and The Batiri work AIW, but you'd think that, as good as guys like Hallowicked and UltraMantis are, they would be good attractions for a lot of other indy promotions.

Isn't Quack really possessive about the guys he has trained? It's a shame since it would be cool to see them in other promotions too.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
gonna be interesting seeing billy gunn and road dogg wrestle tonight


Since winning Money in the Bank (not including house shows);

02/25/13 - lost to Ryback
02/18/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
02/12/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
02/11/13 - lost to Kane
01/29/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio
01/28/13 - lost to Team Hell No
01/15/13 - lost to Alberto Del Rio & Sheamus
01/14/13 - lost to John Cena
01/08/13 - lost to Sheamus
01/07/13 - lost to John Cena
12/09/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
12/03/12 - lost to John Cena & Sheamus
11/26/12 - lost to John Cena
11/20/12 - lost to Randy Orton
11/13/12 - lost to Randy Orton & The Miz
11/12/12 - lost to Randy Orton
11/05/12 - lost to John Cena & Ryback
10/23/12 - lost to Ryback
10/16/12 - lost to Team Hell No
10/15/12 - lost to Ryback
10/08/12 - lost to Team Hell No
10/02/12 - lost to CM Punk
10/01/12 - lost to Team Hell No
09/18/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
09/16/12 - lost to Randy Orton
09/10/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Jerry Lawler
08/28/12 - lost to Randy Orton
08/27/12 - lost to Randy Orton & Sheamus
08/19/12 - lost to Chris Jericho
08/06/12 - lost to Alex Riley
07/30/12 - lost to Chris Jericho & Christian
07/23/12 - lost to Rey Mysterio, Sheamus & Sin Cara

What a joke.



WCW Nitro 2/12/2001

My birthday! Hopefully they can give me a better birthday present than I got this year (strep and bone crunching pain). I don't remember what I did on that night in 2001, but it wasn't watching Nitro.

Dustin Rhodes vs Rick Steiner

The show started with the match in progress. Cat had reinstated Dustin. Dustin was wearing a singlet, which is weird.


Flair and security come out to stop the match. Goldy looks like he's in a lot better shape than he was during the Terry Funk stuff last year, even though he's always been hamstrung by his genetics, if you will. Dustin is escorted out by security. Flair threatens to sue him if he touches any of his guys.

Flair claims to be the most powerful man in the world. By being CEO of a dying pro wrestling company? Come on, son. Cat and Ms. Jones comes out. I think Ms. Jones is the only female left in WCW. Cat is also going to reinstate his foot up Flair's ass. Cat has terrible sunglasses.


Flair says Cat has a match. Against Lance Storm for the commissionership! Oh, you mean a match that was scheduled for the PPV? The entire card will have been on TV in the 2 weeks before the big show. Mike Sanders will be the special ref.

Show run down. Either the table is dirty or they have a fucking marble announce table. I hate these show run downs when they don't run down the show at all.

TO THE BACK. Chavo confronts Flair about El Nino. Ric feels bad. Rey made a deal with the kid Flair found, but Flair will make it up to Chavo.

The Cat vs Lance Storm WCW Commissionership Special Guest Referee Mike Sanders

Cat didn't even get to put his wrestling gear on. He also hit Sanders multiple times right away. Shouldn't the match be called off? I think this is the 4th match that was scheduled for the PPV to be on TV in the past 2 weeks. Lance locks on the Maple Leaf and the bell rings right away. Lance Storm is the new commissioner! Canadian Commishioner! Flair sends out his group to destroy Cat. Nash pops up on Nitro Vision. The camera pans out and we see that Nash has a beaten up David Flair held hostage. His first demand is a rematch for Cat and Lance at Superbrawl. Second demand is to reinstate Dustin and continue the match with Rick Steiner. If he wins, he'll be officially reinstated and Nash will get a title shot tonight. He totally botched it up. It was hilarious. Kevin Nash: Defender of mid carders.

DURING THE BREAK. Ric sent Sanders to find Dustin Rhodes.

Totally Buffed suck up to Palumbo and O'Haire. They want the champs to join Flair's group. Sanders finds Dustin. I thought he was taken out and thrown out on the street? Dustin says he doesn't want the match because it is just to save Flair's ass. GIT GIT GIT! "It's good to have Kevin Nash as a buddy."

Lash LeRoux vs Yang

Honestly, I'm surprised Lash didn't get let go. Besides Evan Karagias, he was definitely the worst of all the young talent WCW had. I really don't know what they saw in him, but I think they would keep anyone who could handle the Power Plant. He was too big to be a good cruiser, but to small to be a heavyweight, had a completely unintelligible promo style (but not in the awesome Warrior kind of way), and was painfully average in the ring. This is also a qualifying match for Superbrawl. Bang botches his walk up drop kick, but it kind of looked like a Liu Kang style bicycle kick. HE'S GOT A BICYCLE!


Asai moonsault. Yang hits a pretty gnarly spring board tornado DDT.


Whiplash doesn't get the fall. Stone Cold Stunner! Of all the moves to steal, I can't believe so many people had the balls to steal the stunner. Yang Time on Lash's FACE gets Yang the win. He advances to Superbrawl.


TO THE BACK. Ric is in the phone when Sanders has to break the bad news that Dustin won't cooperate. Mike says they're negotiating. "Make him any deal he wants, with in reason." The "with in reason" part kind of makes the first part worthless, right? After a break, Sanders is literally on his knees begging Dustin to take the match. Dustin wants a US Championship match at Superbrawl. That's it? Not a world title shot? Or a big raise? Or his dad rehired? Gene talks with The Leftovers. "Guess what? Don't worry about it" is a terrible catch phrase. DDP tries to get Cat to stay positive. Animal holds Sanders up by his throat to make sure the deal is done.


Rick Steiner vs Dustin Rhodes

Tony says Dustin is a vet, but hasn't been in wrestling very long. What? He started wrestling in 1988. 13 years isn't a long time to be in wrestling? Dustin's nose got busted open, but it wasn't clear if it was on the inside or out. This isn't very interesting, but the crowd is really into it and it's pretty stiff. Ref bump! Running bulldog, but the ref is out. Animal comes to the ring, but Dustin knocks him off the apron. He turns around right into a belly to belly. Shane Douglas also shows up on the apron and clocks Rick with his cast. Dustin hits a DDT and wins! Dustin is reinstated and Nash will get his title shot tonight. Shane gets in the ring and puts the boots to Rick, but Rick beats his ass. Dustin makes the save. Why would anyone save Shane Douglas? Rick and Animal Pillmanize Shane's good arm.


TO THE BACK. Steiner flips out at Flair run ruining shit. Nash shows up on the monitor and says something, but it's kind of hard to see and hear a little monitor shot on a camera.

Elix Skipper vs Kidman

Kidman does a nifty baseball slide bulldog.


Avalanche BK Bomb! Prime Time kicks out of that shit, though. Elix did Minoru Suzuki's move.


Double arm trapped belly to belly. Overdrive is reversed into the Kid Krusher. This was pretty fun. I'd have more of a write up, but I just don't feel like going move for move in a spot fest.

TO THE BACK. Gene talks with Hugh Morris. Hugh vs Wall has been signed for Superbrawl. Steiner is walking around. He's looking for Nash. A stage hand doesn't know where Nash is, so Scott attacks him. Ric is on the phone with someone about David. Oh, it was his wife. She was yelling at him. "Don't holler at me, I'm in my office. Don't yell at me, Beth!"

Kanyon/DDP video package.

An EXCELLENT Jesus commercial aired that included a husband slapping his wife and a guy doing heroin in a bathroom at work.

Shawn Stasiak vs Chuck Palumbo

I hope Chuck just punches Meat's stupid face off. "Note to self", kill Stasiak. He borders really close on X-Pac heat. Sadly, this match is going to go on for a bit. It does have a lot of Chuck's awesome punches, though. Really awkward roll up reversal spot that ended up botched in the ropes, so Stasiak had to do a quick roll up in the center of the ring for the win.

DDP comes to the ring. This means Kanyon should be involved! Kanyon! DDP says no one gets over by stealing someone's gimmick, look, and moves. Isn't Ric Flair his boss? What about Hulk Hogan stealing everything from Superstar Graham? Two of the biggest stars ever got over by stealing someone's gimmick, look, and moves. Jeff Jarrett comes out. Kanyon tries to attack from behind, but DDP catches him. Diamond Cutter! DDP just stole Kanyon's move! What a hypocrite. Jeff hits a guitar shot and the Stroke.

Steiner follows a camera cable to where Nash had David, but they had left the room.

Kevin Nash brings David Flair to the ring. David sells an elbow like a block of wood.


It's been a bad few months for David. His engagement to Stacy was broken, she got pregnant by someone else, and now he's getting beat up because his dad is a dick. Ric comes out with security and begs Nash to let David go. Nash jackknifes poor David.

Kevin Nash vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship

Again. This is the PPV main event. It was also the main event last week. Flair gets David in a car and tells his guys to go kill Nash. This was supposed to have no interference. Flair's guys finally make it out with Cat's guys cut them off. Ric hits the ring and attacks Nash. The match is thrown out, but Nash kicks Ric's ass. Steiner hits Nash in the knee with his pipe.

OBSERVER NOTES (thanks to Sunflower) :

Goldberg's retirement angle was to cover for his shoulder surgery. He had only been back for 6 months and already needed surgery? The show that gave us Tuesday Nitro a few weeks ago did double the normal ratings of Nitro. Meng had left WCW and rejoined WWF weeks ago, but he was still being built up on a monster on Worldwide.

Steve Corino, Simon Diamond, and Dawn Marie were hanging around Nitro's trying to get a job. Eric Bischoff put Johnny Ace in control as head booker. Bischoff was working on a talent exchange with Toryumon. All women besides Ms. Jones, Stacy, and Midajah had been fired. However, Stacy was being kept off TV because she wanted a raise once she became an actual character instead of just a Nitro Girl. WCW wouldn't give it to her and are keeping her off TV since she has a pay per appearance contract. What a dick move.

The April PPV was officially cancelled. At this point, the plan was to do another shut down, with a "new owners" angle bringing back all the faces that Steiner had put out of action. The idea was shot down by higher ups in Time Warner who said they couldn't take time off because they owed TV time to sponsors for the shitty ratings they had been getting for months. It was decided to push the shut down back to late April and reboot on the May PPV. But Bischoff's buy out deal wasn't going nearly as fast as they thought and things were getting held up, so no one really knew what was going on. So basically, all the excitement from everyone with in the company about the buy out had completely vanished and morale was super low. Bischoff wouldn't even go to shows because he would rather see shows at TV "like the fans". He's trying to take over the company and put it back on track, but can't even attend the shows? I don't know how he was allowed to make company decisions and call meetings when he wasn't even in charge of the company yet.
Lol Ziggler's losses mean nothing.

I know people like to say that wins and losses don't matter but they obviously do when Cena is protected and almost never loses clean for 10 years. Nobody wants to cheer a loser that's why getting over on a losing streak always fails


Do your birthdays always swerve you strobogo?

Usually. I can't think of the last birthday I had where something bad didn't happen. Like that shithead my mom forced me to invite to my 8th birthday, or my mom forgetting my 16th and a girl I liked bringing her boyfriend to my dinner, crushing depression, strep. My birthday is like getting booked for Raw in your hometown.


I know people like to say that wins and losses don't matter but they obviously do when Cena is protected and almost never loses clean for 10 years. Nobody wants to cheer a loser that's why getting over on a losing streak always fails

Tell that to Mikey Whipwreck.
Isn't Quack really possessive about the guys he has trained? It's a shame since it would be cool to see them in other promotions too.

That's the rumour, along with a bunch of other crazy stuff about Quack, but it's hard to believe stuff that most likely's been made up or posted by people with a grudge against Quack.

Lol Ziggler's losses mean nothing.

This is WWE, so yeah, they don't mean much. I still think they should do a better job of making Ziggler look like a threat, though.


I know people like to say that wins and losses don't matter but they obviously do when Cena is protected and almost never loses clean for 10 years. Nobody wants to cheer a loser that's why getting over on a losing streak always fails

Nah, people forget. Losses and wins matter in feuds, jobbing happens, it'll end. They CLEARLY have something for Ziggler, if not for his briefcase, but because he has a crew.


That's the rumour, along with a bunch of other crazy stuff about Quack, but it's hard to believe stuff that most likely's been made up or posted by people with a grudge against Quack.

This is WWE, so yeah, they don't mean much. I still think they should do a better job of making Ziggler look like a threat, though.
Agreed, he deserves better. But they're p. content with him being the bump/sell machine for whoever they need to get over.


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I wonder if Taker's basement is full of CM Punk pics now, and maybe he's jealous of his long title run, what if Taker's is just trying to mimic Punk's physique?



They give him a lot of show time and a lot of time to shine with the mic actually, compared to other superstars. I agree he deserves much more and I can't wait to see him turn face and run with it. Honestly just looks like they're saving the dude, and why not? No need to pull the trigger on Ziggler now when Rock n Cena, Taker n Punk, Trips n Brock are more than enough to float by with right now (while they can as well.) In the future (post WM), I can't wait to see more use of the younger stars, and I would particularly love to see them have something going with Cesaro and Ziggler.

tldr: Ziggler's still in their back pocket, they haven't forgotten about him.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Taker is pissed because Punk called himself god.

You'd think HBK would be the one who'd be pissed at that.

And now I cry because I will never see HBK vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania.

I would do anything to have Billy Gunn come out to "Ass Man" tonight instead of the Outlaws theme.

They couldn't let Road Dogg say "YO ASS BETTA CALL SOMEBODY" the last time he was there. No way this'll happen. :(
They give him a lot of show time and a lot of time to shine with the mic actually, compared to other superstars. I agree he deserves much more and I can't wait to see him turn face and run with it. Honestly just looks like they're saving the dude, and why not? No need to pull the trigger on Ziggler now when Rock n Cena, Taker n Punk, Trips n Brock are more than enough to float by with right now (while they can as well.) In the future (post WM), I can't wait to see more use of the younger stars, and I would particularly love to see them have something going with Cesaro and Ziggler.

tldr: Ziggler's still in their back pocket, they haven't forgotten about him.

The guy has been there for 8 or 9 years though. He's not getting any younger, especially with the way he bumps.

And I guess it's a matter of opinion if wins and losses matter, cause I think it would've done him a world of good if he was consistently winning after he won the briefcase and then if he would've won the Rumble to face whoever WWE champ would've been and then cashed in at WM too. That's how you can make a star. Knowing the WWE they will save something like that for next year at WM and they'll have Cena do it.
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