The Mania set is being built. Not sure what to think until I see all put together.
You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
The Mania set is being built. Not sure what to think until I see all put together.
Typical heel who got a quick push into a title, meets superbabyface later and loses many.Why is cesaro jobbing to everyone is a better question
Russo should be the reset button of wrestling - he should never be hired as a long-term booker, but people should bring him in and say "here, go crazy for a month". I'd like to see RAW a month after Russo took control.
The Mania set is being built. Not sure what to think until I see all put together.
I think he meant Shane would be Jesus.
The Mania set is being built. Not sure what to think until I see all put together.
The Mania set is being built. Not sure what to think until I see all put together.
Zandig should be getting hit by this.Ah, right. My brain's fried today; think I'll take a quick nap before I embarrass myself any further.
How's this, strobogo?
The modeling on the main piece looks great.
Not sure if anyone will be interested in this, but here's the latest episode of 'Occupation of Joshi' - a round-up of recent Women's wrestling action in Japan, from promotions like STARDOM, WAVE, JWP, Ice Ribbon and more, hosted by the lovely Kana;
FUN! Don't you wish we had a show like that in the west? That just showed a bunch of clips every week from indy promotions all over the country? *sigh*
Why are Barrett and Ziggler? Because secondary titles = jobber immunity in WWE.
http://www.prowrestling.com/match-planned-for-extreme-rules-backstage-note-on-ziggler-sandow/The Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro is said to be just a TV feud to give them something to do between now and WrestleMania 29.
Who is more annoyed:
New York people when New Jersey people try to pretend like they're New York?
New Jersey people who have to deal with people thinking they want to be New York?
Big shoe ruined Barret's career. Wade hasn't been the same since last years rumbleBarrett and Ziggler are lost causes. They've been jobbed out forever. Cesaro was one of the few mid card heels that came off as a legit threat.
Barrett and Ziggler are lost causes. They've been jobbed out forever. Cesaro was one of the few mid card heels that came off as a legit threat.
Yes! Looking up when it hits him, of course.Zandig should be getting hit by this.
This reminds me, Bo Dallas looks a lot like Mileena.Who wants to play Mortal Kombat with Bo Dallas or Mario Kart with Kaitlyn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfwJOMdXIJE
Who wants to play Mortal Kombat with Bo Dallas or Mario Kart with Kaitlyn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfwJOMdXIJE
I have no doubt they wouldn't have done a MitB run with him properly. That said, it's just a pile of what if's.Big shoe ruined Barret's career. Wade hasn't been the same since last years rumble
And obviously,
I never understood why that happened. What's the point of dropping chairs on someone if it doesn't hit them?
Sheamus knows whats up with the Wrestlefest answer for favorite videogame.
Zandig should be getting hit by this.
Yes! Looking up when it hits him, of course.
I never understood why that happened. What's the point of dropping chairs on someone if it doesn't hit them?
Fn gif of the year!For some reason, I can't find clean pics of Zandig looking at anywhere other than the camera. So this is the best I can do:
It's visually striking; I suppose that was all they thought they needed to dot the exclamation point at the end of that feud. It was like the ending to a bad DnD campaign. "Your fighter is buried beneath a pile of steel chairs, and dies."
Cool! Send that to Maffew he might put it in Botchamania.