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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Jamie OD


The Mania set is being built. Not sure what to think until I see all put together.

You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
Not sure if anyone will be interested in this, but here's the latest episode of 'Occupation of Joshi' - a round-up of recent Women's wrestling action in Japan, from promotions like STARDOM, WAVE, JWP, Ice Ribbon and more, hosted by the lovely Kana;


FUN! Don't you wish we had a show like that in the west? That just showed a bunch of clips every week from indy promotions all over the country? *sigh*


Why is cesaro jobbing to everyone is a better question
Typical heel who got a quick push into a title, meets superbabyface later and loses many.

Sin Cara had a winning streak too. He had a loss here and there (remember one was against Christian in his WHC run). But or the most part, he was a winning player, now he's basically a jobbing face, like R-Truth, Kofi, and Santino.

Basically: WWE cannot book decent faces.


Russo should be the reset button of wrestling - he should never be hired as a long-term booker, but people should bring him in and say "here, go crazy for a month". I'd like to see RAW a month after Russo took control.

They should hire him to write a month of storylines and cherrypick stuff from that and spread it out over 4-5 months.

Heck, WWE used 5-6 ideas of Russos over a year or two (the draft was the big one), last time they brought him back for a week.


Who is more annoyed:

New York people when New Jersey people try to pretend like they're New York?


New Jersey people who have to deal with people thinking they want to be New York?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Not sure if anyone will be interested in this, but here's the latest episode of 'Occupation of Joshi' - a round-up of recent Women's wrestling action in Japan, from promotions like STARDOM, WAVE, JWP, Ice Ribbon and more, hosted by the lovely Kana;


FUN! Don't you wish we had a show like that in the west? That just showed a bunch of clips every week from indy promotions all over the country? *sigh*

Botchamania...right? :p

This and the previously linked documentary are going to be good.


Who is more annoyed:

New York people when New Jersey people try to pretend like they're New York?


New Jersey people who have to deal with people thinking they want to be New York?

No contest.

The worst is when you get people not from New York City proper who are arrogant haughty dipshits about being from New York and look down at New Jersey. Oh, you're from Long Island? From near Syracuse? From Bumfucksville Upstate? No one cares about New York the state.
Not sure whether to go back to Ron Simmons avatar or try and find an awesome DDP one

Speaking of Ron its amazing that he wasn't on Raw Monday they don't normally miss a chance

Jamie OD

They should just turn Fandango into Sancho from Orgasmo. Have an acoustic guitar playing in the background whenever he says his name.
Barrett and Ziggler are lost causes. They've been jobbed out forever. Cesaro was one of the few mid card heels that came off as a legit threat.

I find it weird that they went from making Cesaro look like a legitimate threat and protecting him from clean losses against people like Ryback to him jobbing to Ryback and Orton twice a week. I actually had hope that they had some long term plans for him but he's pretty much already in the Ziggler/Barrett category where all they do is job to put established faces over because they have no idea what to do with them.


You might want to skip this one, there are no pictures or gifs because the show was that boring and uninteresting.


WCW Thunder 2/28/2001

WCW is definitely limping along. Pretty much the whole card is already set for Greed, which is bizarre for WCW. But they don't have any plans after Greed, no buildings booked, and no owners.

Kwee Wee/Mike Sanders vs Jung Dragons

What a weird team. Leia Meow is nowhere to be found. You know why? She got fired along with all the other YAKS because Bischoff's group couldn't offer new contracts to people without freeing up an equivalent amount of money first. So all the YAKS were taken out of storylines and terminated. The only ones actually written out were Torrie (although unrelated to the buy out thing), Ms. Jones, and Midajah. The rest just vanished from TV with no mention. Kwee Wee suplexes Kaz into the turnbuckles. Yang breaks the pin by dragging Kwee Wee by his hair. Sanders is average, Kwee Wee is decent, Yang is good but super sloppy, and Kaz is good but no one knows how to work with him. This is not really the tournament match you want going for 15 minutes. Yang Time for the win. Jung Dragons advance in the tournament.

TO THE LIMO. Meat is on the phone in SMOOV's limo. He's on the phone saying he can get ready right away. His fare has been paid for. He tips SMOOV with a signed picture.

Booker T comes to the ring. He shows footage of having his sternum broken at Mayhem. It was from an awkward landing on a full nelson bomb. He calls Steiner out. Scott comes out and wants to fight, but Flair won't let them go for the title. Steiner vs Booker non-title tonight!

Swinger and Lee talk when Chavo walks by. Swinger has a match against Shane Helms tonight. Chavo tries to make a deal with them to hurt Shane.

Shawn Stasiak vs Johnny The Bull

Stasiak is now the "Mecca of Manhood". I think his team with Jindrak is over, which makes me think that Jindrak probably won't be on any more shows. JTB had a pretty shitty 2000. He tore his urethra, then in his first match back, he destroys his ankle. He comes back and WCW closes down 3 months later. I don't know how to feel about Stasiak. He isn't bad at all in the ring, but I don't like him very much. Oh, Jindrak was hiding at ringside. Okay. Vito saw this and was heading to the ring, but he ran into Rick Steiner, and they fought. Meat wins with the neck breaker. Lol, JTB just got CAGED!

TO THE BACK. Vito and Rick are still fighting. Rick actually uses his catch phrase in a backstage pull apart brawl. Who does he think he is, John Cena? Shane Helms gives his thoughts about being the next top cruiserweight. Disco just walks around dancing when Palumbo challenges him to a match. I guess Disco said something bad about Chuck the night before. Probably on the internet. Lance and Awesome talk about a match with Konnan.

Johnny Swinger vs Shane Helms

Really nothing of note except for when Swinger tied Shane up in the ropes and rubs his balls on Shane's head. That's not exaggerating. He had Shane in the ropes, put Shane's head between his legs, and then he gyrated. Shane basically beat both guys. He wins with the vertebreaker. I can't believer WCW spent money to bring Swinger back. Chavo tried to attack after the match, but Shane fought him off. Chavo then gave a brainbuster to Jason Lee for not injuring Helms.

TO THE BACK. Konnan is heading to the ring when the Thrillers offer him good luck. Hey, remember just a few months ago when the Animals and NBT were in a hardcore feud? It's cool, they're bros now.

Konnan vs Mike Awesome

You want to know why WCW had ratings and money losses so bad that Time Warner wanted to get rid of it? Shitty line ups like this. No one is going to tune in for a card like this. Who is going to watch Awesome vs Konnan or Helms vs Swinger when Friends is on? I mean, I'd rather watch a rerun of Friends now and I always thought Friends sucked. Outside of PIVOT! Awesome Bomb for the win.

Disco talks with Totally Buffed. He wants them to help him against Chuck tonight.

A package on Booker T's career airs. Mostly about the past year, but also highlighting his Harlem Heat and TV/US Championship days.

Disco vs Chuck Palumbo

Disco says he's the most feared and pound for pound best wrestler in WCW. Cuz he's got it like that. This is actually the most interesting looking match of the night so far. At worst, you know you're going to get some awesome punches and probably a good super kick. Weird, Disco is on offense for a lot of this. I've always thought Disco was an underrated guy, but he's also constantly talked about as a total joke, so to have him dominate a guy 6 inches taller, 7 years younger, and being built up as one of the stars of the future is kind of odd. I'd be like Santino getting 80% of the offense in a match against Claudio or something. Totally Buffed come out, but don't get involved. Chuck wins with the superkick. Totally Buffed attack as soon as the match is over. O'Haire makes the save. Rick Steienr runs out to join the fight. Vito evens the odds. What the fuck is he wearing? Did he steal Tito Santana's El Matador tights?

Big Vito vs Rick Steiner

This match started during the break. These tights are not flattering to Vito at all. They're either Tito's old tights or his grandma's walking pants. He looks like such a jobber. WCW clearly didn't even want people to watch their shows. Who the fuck is going to stick around for Booker/Steiner after a show like this? Rick wins after a couple of DVDs.

A video package on Kanyon/Cat airs. A long video package.

TO THE BACK. Booker and Steiner head to the ring.

Booker T vs Scott Steiner

I remember the good old days of WCW when the main events were shitty, but the under card was awesome. Now we get okay main events and one decent under card match if we're lucky. This is a really short TV version of all their other matches. Booker hits the ax kick, but Rick comes out and the match is thrown out. DDP makes the save. Kanyon Cutter! BANG! Another one. BANG! The rest of the 7 come out and the faces bail out.

Can a whole show be a DUD? Such a boring, unengaging afterthought of a show. Besides the main event, this is the kind of line up you'd expect on a weekend show. There was for real nothing worth taking screen grabs or gifs of. Nothing. That's how boring this show was.
Steen teaming with The Young Bucks against 3.0 & Gran Akuma on the February 9th CHIKARA show was super fun - Steen works well as the monster heel in this setting and watching him and the Bucks try and cooperate on their usually crisp double-team spots was pretty amusing;


Also, Chuck Taylor continues to be a menace to small children, lol;


Great show all in all - the aforementioned tag match, Hallowicked vs Chuck Taylor and the main event of Mr. Touchdown vs Archibald Peck in a no-DQ match was totally ridiculous, but awesome all the same. Well worth checking out; http://smartmarkvideo.com/chikara-f...-and-superhuman-crew-reading-pa-download.html


That looks so ugly. None of the character and vibrancy of the original. It looks like that stupid wrestling web comic in video game form.
Zandig should be getting hit by this.

Yes! Looking up when it hits him, of course.

For some reason, I can't find clean pics of Zandig looking at anywhere other than the camera. So this is the best I can do:


I never understood why that happened. What's the point of dropping chairs on someone if it doesn't hit them?

It's visually striking; I suppose that was all they thought they needed to dot the exclamation point at the end of that feud. It was like the ending to a bad DnD campaign. "Your fighter is buried beneath a pile of steel chairs, and dies."
Does Youtube absolutely suck for anyone else right now and for the last few months in general? I can't load anything.

Stupid Youtube, I'm gonna lay it an egg get a GPS your a dumb GET MAH BAAAAGS
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