he literally just wanted to be a babyface gay character..without being a heel or a caricature . It's so very sad really.
he was beaten by about a year by Double J, but of course he was a heel.
he literally just wanted to be a babyface gay character..without being a heel or a caricature . It's so very sad really.
I hadn't actually thought about that, but Vince's right hand man (Pat Patterson) has been openly gay for like 40 years and it had never really been a problem. JBL may have had a thing for soaping up guy's assholes in the showers and he got a title run.
How have I never seen this before? Triple H mocking HBK's entrance
Patterson would be the exception. He's been around forever, you can't tell that guy 'no you can't.' An it's not always a case of Vince even knowing what's going on with the boys or the writers. Patterson also isn't in the ring and locker room with other guys, and the guy isn't exactly an activist in his sport.
Yeah, but EVERYONE respected Patterson. He did the lay out for most major matches for 20 years. He worked directly with everyone and I've never heard of a single issue come up.
Being gay in wrestling isn't a bad thing as long as you're not flamboyant with it like Orlando Jordan.
He was pretty stupid about it, he thought the money would come and it didn't.
Patterson almost brought down the WWF because he was accused of jerking off little kids. It was all over the media.
look at all the names on this show!
He was pretty stupid about it, he thought the money would come and it didn't.
What is this thing about JBL?
Supposedly it's why Palmer Canon suddenly left
On April 20, 2006, Mailhot abruptly flew himself home from a WWE tour in Italy and gave his notice to WWE officials, citing harassment from Chris Benoit, John "Bradshaw" Layfield and his "Wrestler's Court" as the reason for his resignation. He was granted his release on April 27, 2006.
Jonathan Coachman said recently there were plenty of openly gay wrestlers in WWE and no one gave them any shit.
Okay, so I am watching the documentary Card Subject To Change on Netflix right now and out comes Kamala with Percy Pringle and then it has a interview bit with Percy... I'm actually crying a little bit right now.
Last time I shed tears for a wrestling death was Benoit in '07. I'm getting way to sentimental in my old age I've noticed.
Is anyone else playing the Trackmania 2 stadium beta? It's so good.
Wrestler's Court only happens when someone fucks up in the locker room...
I got bored with the older ones. Is it a big jump in quality? I honestly get my racing fix on consoles.
I just dropped an almond and I can't find it. Fuck.
Wrestler's Court???
It's not about the racin' it's about the tracks.
It's this stupid thing where you're tried in front of a group of your peers, and I'm sure someone here has a greeeeat story about it. There was one about Evan Bourne eating vajingas.
How was that whole documentary? Worth watching?
Still bummed about Tanahashi victorious and not vacating the title. I think Archer is going to go over Okada in the first round, too - if they want to start building a series with Archer and Nakamura, but if they want to SAVE it, then Okada might just go the distance. :3
OR they could do an Archer/Davey Boy faceoff if they're ok with Nakamura getting out in the first round. So many possibilities - which is what a tournament SHOULD be.
Apparently Nakamura said he wants a tag title shot, as he's beat Archer - I'm expecting Davey to beat him in the NJ Cup, then he'll get a IC title shot. Nakamura retains the title, then gets a tag title shot (with Okada?) against KES. I can't see Okada going out early in this one, I'm expecting either Okada vs Nagata or Okada vs Suzuki in the quarter-finals.
WWE is hiring a new VP of Creative Writing. The description reads:
The VP Creative Writing will be responsible for the creative content strategy and direction for all weekly TV programming. He/She will manage the Head Writer, Show Runners, and the writing team, provide long-term direction in the development of story lines and WWE superstar characters, and be the primary liaison with other partner departments especially including Talent, TV and Digital.
Responsibilities include:
* Develop and implement creative storylines for broadcast on all WWE programs and platforms in coordination with the writing team and senior creative management (CEO, EVP,SVP)
* Work with Talent Department to develop powerful character back-stories
* Manage the Head Writer, the home-based writers, and the road writing team by providing feedback, training and supervision.
* Use consumer insights and social media to deliver impactful storylines that are consistent with the WWE brand and each talents skills and history.
* Identify new writing talent and ensure that current writers work is aligned with the networks brand and programming strategy.
* Supervise Head Writer in creating a comprehensive training program for new writers and remedial training for existing writers.
* Work with senior management to continually improve the process supporting WWEs creative writing system.
* Provide mature leadership to the writing team, relating to the implementation of the vision of senior management (CEO, EVP, SVP
* Drive professional interaction with other departments of the WWE (Talent Development, TV Production, Marketing, Digital, Sales and HR)
Okada vs Nagata singles would be insane. I want that.
Looks like Stephanie finally realised she's not right for this particular job.
Yeah, same here - I don't think we've had a Okada vs Nagata singles match yet, would be awesome. I could see Suzuki beating Nagata though, then losing to Okada to further the Suzuki-gun/CHAOS feud and give Okada his win back over Suzuki.
What's great about this tournament is that I can see a bunch of guys winning it - Okada (if they're willing to do another Okada/Tanahashi match so soon), Nakamura, Kojima, Nagata, Suzuki, Goto, Makabe...all would be good challengers for Tanahashi's belt.
Remember when that culminated into Ziggker beating Cena on PPV? Hello? Is anyone there?But I really loved the Cena/AJ scandal!!
That's really the best thing about CORRECTLY booked tournaments. Everyone is a potential winner, nobody's really a wash (except, oh, I'd say Makabe definitely isn't going all the way but that's in no way guaranteed) - and those make for easy and exciting ways to develop new feuds. The Royal Rumble used to be a good launching point for feuds too!
Mweh, it was interesting just to see some of the inner workings, but it didn't go very in-depth at all. Think Beyond The Mat for indie wrestling, just alot less deep. It's okay to pass the time, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
I saw this on Netflix, debated watching it - but I'll pass thanks for the review.
I've gone through pretty much every WWE doc that I'm interested in, a lot of great stuff.