The thing is, Ziggler can certainly wrestle, and he can certainly ACT and deliver a promo. he can do all of that.
BUT his personality is zero. he doesn't translate as a character, at all.
The only way they could have him worked was giving him a fictional character, and i mean something far from him. And a HEEL character. They just had to go a little farther than what they did.
They could have used the whole showbiz, gigolo stuff wayyy more. having him being super rick flarish with feathers and lights everywhere. The thing is Miz has that gimmick already. But honestly Ziggler could have done a lot with that, rick martel / john morrisson type of over the top narcissist. And they could have used his "connections" in "hollywood" to have all sort of stories. Hell, back then they would have had a story with him making his way to the top using his "good for business" connections in the bizness, having a semi-star girlfriend who would help etc... (There was the Vickie thing but he looked like a baby boy with his mama the whole damn time..)
I mean the difference between someone like Ziggler, and older stars with bigger than life gimicks, that are remembered better now, is that they had a character. They just had to let Ziggler be a little more than what he is.