Omg. This is great.
This is terrible.
You're both right.This is fantastic
This is terrible.
This is fantastic
Excellent work.Erectile Mizfunction.
Honestly, how is Miz in the Andre battle royal & a Miz/Mizdow match not happening at Mania? It's like the only actual mid card feud that's lasted longer than 2 weeks.
When Sandow turns on Miz, the crowd is going to go insane.
I love how they always emasculate the talent and make them out to be losers who would be nothing without the WWE.
It's like other wrestling companies don't exist.
I love how they always emasculate the talent and make them out to be losers who would be nothing without the WWE.
It's like other wrestling companies don't exist.
When Sandow turns on Miz, the crowd is going to go insane.
Cuz Mizdow is winning the Andre BR. Seems like the most logical result.
Yep, Sandow will be more over than ever once he turns and feuds with the Miz. Then he'll be promptly buried and given no direction at all and be jobber fodder about a month later.