Really enjoying the new Ophidian character so far.
That Ophidian is one big cheater. Taking the turnbuckle pad off, for shame.
Not a fan of Ophidian's new gear, but his entrance music is great. Pretty good opener.
Hard to believe after all this time Waltman's not even 40.
I loved watching his Chikara appearance as The 1-2-3 Kid. You could tell he was moved by the reaction and still loves wrestling. It was also awesome of WWE to let him use the gimmick.
Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but didn't he leave a letter to Chikara and their fans in the locker room or something after the show?
I wish WWE would adopt lucha tag rules. It makes tag matches so much more exciting.
I'm totally sold on Mr. Touchdown, he's clearly awesome. That back-breaker, gut-buster combo was great.
That was a weird finish.
"He hit him so hard it trended on twitter!"
Lol, how long till Cole steals that one?
Holy shit, that half and half suplex looked sick. And Brodie catching people in mid-air with the big boot never gets old. Best match so far.
SAY IT TO MY FACENot all of ushave the ability to make nice gifsare NERDY GOOFBALL NERDS