Damn. He's one of the actual "big guys" that I would actually prefer having in the ring unlike Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan.
Mark Henry made a fantastic turn around last year that I would never have expected, it's a shame to see how fast they've had him fall down the ranks since his title reign, but that's pretty much how it goes for the WWE big men wrestlers.
Though him leaving soon probably isn't that bad if it does happen because he's likely to fall back into the role of jobbing just like the last few years if he stays.
This makes me realize that Henry, Show, Kane and Taker are very much near the end of their permanent WWE tenures (though I probably could have said this 5 years ago as well) and WWE has no good big men left to fill the void, damn it Umaga why did you have to pop your clogs?!
It's just sad cause no one else does it. Taker, HHH, HBK, none of these guys put people over on their way out. Hell, I'm sure Big Show will probably be squashing people on his way out. Glenn is a great guy (even with his questionable politics, lol), and I wish more guys viewed the business like he does.
Big show is pretty good for putting people over as well, not as good but he takes the losses as the Rhodes storyline is currently highlighting.
As long as Taker is in deadman form he's never putting anyone over, I think the few years of Biker Taker alone one up the rest of his entire career as far as helping the upcoming talent goes, I guess the Deadman gimmick has too much mystique to be handily defeated by say Ziggler for example so WWE keep him well protected
HBK could have done more, he seemed to always put over champions as opposed to people on the way up, HHH is HHH so yeah, no such luck there bar a few WM main events.