The Rock works out with the Philadelphia Eagles
Yeah, he never stopped posting in Best-GAF either.Heavy posts on the ME3 Spoilers thread, so he's still kickin around.
Heavy posts on the ME3 Spoilers thread, so he's still kickin around.
That's a bit disappointing really, I had expect at least a decent dent in that car of his after the first reports.
That's a bit disappointing really, I had expect at least a decent dent in that car of his after the first reports.
That's a bit disappointing really, I had expect at least a decent dent in that car of his after the first reports.
are you working? you do seem to post very often.course he is, he just quit us.
I'm pondering leaving gaf as a whole.
Frackh, you and I must battle. AVATAR WARS!
Flip the image and give him some shades!Frackh, you and I must battle. AVATAR WARS!
For the majority of their ROH careers, Adam Cole & Kyle OReilly have been synonymous with one another as the tag team Future Shock. They climbed the ranks together, battled for the World Tag Titles together against WGTT, and most fans thought they would eventually claim those belts together. But the closing months of 2011, and in particular the ROH World Title match between Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards at Final Battle 2011 seemed to cause Kyle to drift closer to Team Richards.
Still, Future Shock battled as a team in the Tag Gauntlet that December night but were unsuccessful in their bid for a title shot when they were eliminated by the eventual winners, The Young Bucks. Yet with the dawn of the New Year, the wedge between the two men grew, and despite their tag team bout with WGTT at The Homecoming 2012, it seemed evident that they were not on the same page.
This notion was further cemented when Davey & Kyle united as a team to fight The House of Truth at ROH Underground in a match where the winner would receive a Tag Title Match. The newly christened Team Ambition successfully won that bout, but were not as fortunate at Rise & Prove when they lost to The Briscoes in said title match.
While Kyles focus turned towards his partnership with Davey, Eddie Edwards reached out to Adam Cole after Cole stepped up in his stead at The Homecoming 2012 in the scheduled No Holds Barred match with Roderick Strong. Edwards, suffering from a serious staph infection, was ruled unable to compete by the doctors so Cole took the match upon himself. Adam lost in a brutal fight that saw Eddie get involved to stem the interference of Michael Elgin, but Coles effort earned a standing ovation from the notoriously critical Philly fans.
In the face of his dissolving partnership, as well as friendship, with OReilly, Cole accepted the offer of Edwards to form a duo of their own which ultimately led to the Young Wolves Rising tag team match that headlined the 10th Anniversary Event: Edwards/Cole vs. Richards/OReilly. It was a special affair, especially for Adam & Kyle, made even more so when Adam pinned the ROH World Champion to win the match for his team! Following the bell, to the shock of many (no pun intended); Kyle refused to shake the hands of Eddie or Adam and flat out told his former partner that he did not respect him.
Then this week on Ring of Honor Wrestling TV, following Coles defeat of Chris Silvio, Kyle came out and issued the challenge for Adam to meet him, one-on-one, on March 31st. Cole readily accepted
Im tired of Kyles whiny attitude to be honest. said Cole to, Something changed with him over the last few months and Im honestly not liking what Im seeing. If this is the influence Team Richards has on you, then I am glad to have no part of it. It was one thing to not shake my hand in New York Kyle, I can understand being a bit frustrated after a loss, but to tell me you dont respect me after everything weve been through, after the fights weve had together, thats a whole new side of you, an ugly side at that. In Ft. Lauderdale, Ill be glad to beat some respect into you if thats what it takes to wake you up, to snap you out of whatever this is youre going through.
Its OReilly vs. Cole at Showdown in the Sun Day 2! Future Shock collides on March 31st at The War Memorial Auditorium!
Just like soulplayah? Probably has old Taker matches on VHS? Whatadork!He's a Taker mark. Probably believes all that supernatural stuff is real too.
I bought The Thirteenth Hat. 2 Gigs? Must be long?
I'll watch it in a bit. Gotta make storylines right now though. Spindashing returns to action in NWA!
Chikara events are usually 2.5 hours long. I forget how long this one is though, should be around that mark.
He's a Taker mark. Probably believes all that supernatural stuff is real too.
Is there really cool masked wrestlers in this Show?
Just like soulplayah? Probably has old Taker matches on VHS? Whatadork!
I will buy WM twice if this happens.
Yeah I do it sometimes. I fucking hate gaming side though. Go figure.
Heavy's gone supposedly, Kyofu was the last straw.
SMH @ Rock and some football player.
fucking steroid freaks.
Nothing wrong with being a Taker mark. I've been a Taker mark for 20 years.
There might be more masked wrestlers than unmasked. That's always a possibility with Chikara.
But Cena is all natural right?
I bought The Thirteenth Hat. 2 Gigs? Must be long?
I'll watch it in a bit. Gotta make storylines right now though. Spindashing returns to action in NWA!
Good choice. Since its the season opener you'll know the current storylines and if you like what you see you only have to watch 2 more shows to be caught up. Any questions about storylines or characters then CHIKARA GAF is here to help.
Is there really cool masked wrestlers in this Show?
Alright confessional time:
Guilty pleasure wrestler that you enjoy. Go!
Mine is Juventud Guerrera. He is a delight, though most people do not think so.
Runner-up: Horace Hogan.
Good choice. Since its the season opener you'll know the current storylines and if you like what you see you only have to watch 2 more shows to be caught up. Any questions about storylines or characters then CHIKARA GAF is here to help.
Uh oh. Mine is skinnier!
Guilty Pleasure: Santino Marella. Wrassling doesn't have to always be serious with 5* matches. I also want to laugh and be entertained when I watch.
That's what Colt Cabana is for.
It's David Otunga for me. I used to cringe every time I saw him on tv, now that he's got a gimmick he's comfortable with he's gold.
Alright confessional time:
Guilty pleasure wrestler that you enjoy. Go!
Mine is Juventud Guerrera. He is a delight, though most people do not think so.
Runner-up: Horace Hogan.
Ultramantis Black is pretty much the coolest megalomaniacal insect overlord on the planet
Alright confessional time:
Guilty pleasure wrestler that you enjoy. Go!
Mine is Juventud Guerrera. He is a delight, though most people do not think so.
Runner-up: Horace Hogan.
That's what Colt Cabana is for.
It's David Otunga for me. I used to cringe every time I saw him on tv, now that he's got a gimmick he's comfortable with he's gold.
That's what Colt Cabana is for.
It's David Otunga for me. I used to cringe every time I saw him on tv, now that he's got a gimmick he's comfortable with he's gold.
The Miz.
But I don't really feel guilty about it.
I've never seen anything from Colt so I have nothing to go by.
I've never seen anything from Colt so I have nothing to go by.
"yes folks we promised you a great..."
"Gorgeous George..."
"Freddie Blassie, the maker of champions..."
"Everyone has a price!"
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is electric..."
"You're fired!"
"Gimme a hell yeah!"
"The champ is here!"
Hope you're prepared for the onslaught of youtube links.
Ultramantis Black is pretty much the coolest megalomaniacal insect overlord on the planet