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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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I scrolled down real fast and thought that was a picture of Bob Backlund.

Yeah. Still with the Davey Richards...

Like him or not, who else is there that isn't already in the title hunt? ROH's main event literally consists of Richard, Edwards, Steen and Strong. That's IT. Outside of guys contracted to DGUSA like Callihan & Gargano, I'm struggling to think of anyone in the current indie wrestling scene who could step up and enter straight into the ROH main event.

Personally I'm hoping Steen gets the belt and then feuds with someone like Elgin for a while.
Undertaker's 18-year-old son, Gunner Calaway.




more money than God
Taker sure has been dedicated to his character. Having to dye your hair and beard for nearly twenty years.
Funny thing is, I think both he and Kane are red heads. Taker did stop for a while when he was BikerTaker, though, and he went natural color for a few years.


Looking at what I think is his twitter, Taker's son isn't even a fan. He never even mentions his dad by name. The most he talks about is djing and boring every day life.
Looking at what I think is his twitter, Taker's son isn't even a fan. He never even mentions his dad by name. The most he talks about is djing and boring every day life.

You don't think Papa Calaway told him never to mention Da Business to anyone unless he wants to be taken out to "The Yard," and "Made Famous?"

Undertaker don't play dat "Exposing the business" stuff, mayne.
Like him or not, who else is there that isn't already in the title hunt? ROH's main event literally consists of Richard, Edwards, Steen and Strong. That's IT. Outside of guys contracted to DGUSA like Callihan & Gargano, I'm struggling to think of anyone in the current indie wrestling scene who could step up and enter straight into the ROH main event.

Personally I'm hoping Steen gets the belt and then feuds with someone like Elgin for a while.

I see what you are saying. Tomasso Ciampa with The Embassy is almost ready, I think. Elgin and Bennett are close too.

And yeah, Steen v. Elgin would be a fun series.

Thinking outside the box, I say bring Lance Storm in for a brief run, with somebody like a Greg Glover as his protege to get over as a real contender for the future.
Tomasso Ciampa with The Embassy is almost ready, I think.

Yeah, he just needs to improve his promo work - although that's what Prince Nana's for, I guess.

Pristine_Condition said:
Thinking outside the box, I say bring Lance Storm in for a brief run, with somebody like a Greg Glover as his protege to get over as a real contender for the future.

I haven't seen much at all of Glover, outside of this match with O'Reilly, but I could definitely get behind that Lance Storm idea, having him come in with a younger wrestler as his 'hand-picked next World Champ'.

I'm interested to see how Storm does against Bennett at the Mania weekend shows, if anyone can get a great match out of Bennett, it's Lance.
This is what happens with The Rock makes too many live appearances...


...if only he made a few more satellite appearances, this would have been salvaged.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Serious. He just looks weird, like, really weird. And his move-set is so damn bland. Hero throwing him face first into the middle rope was pretty cool though.

Honestly, I'm kinda curious as to what nationality his mother is. He looks vaguely...half Samoan? Asian? Latino? I honestly can't tell.
Hero looks like he's in better shape. It's amazing how far advanced Hero and Castagnoli are than the rest of the FCW roster.

I think they will both do well in the WWE. Hero'd moves still look brutal, which already sets him apart from the rest of the roster.


Hero looks like he's in better shape. It's amazing how far advanced Hero and Castagnoli are than the rest of the FCW roster.

I think they will both do well in the WWE. Hero'd moves still look brutal, which already sets him apart from the rest of the roster.

Kings of Wrestling: Future WWE Tag team champs.
Taker's streak ends. Kane's daughters win!

It would be a quick win as well since women only get matches lasting 1-3 minutes in WWE, Taker comes out afterwards to banish his failing son into hell via a hole in the ring.
Of course this is all redundant because HHH already broke the streak last year since Taker couldn't walk out from his victory.
Can't think of a new gimmick for him except bring back the Snitzky one "Its not my Fault" one when he sends wrestlers to the sideline..

Ok I guess buh bye Slow. I still check out his apperance in the
Thong Song

He's never really had a gimmick though, at least not one that seems to have lasted more than 2 minutes or doesn't involve him just being really big.


more money than God
It would be a quick win as well since women only get matches lasting 1-3 minutes in WWE, Taker comes out afterwards to banish his failing son into hell via a hole in the ring.
Of course this is all redundant because HHH already broke the streak last year since Taker couldn't walk out from his victory.
That is true, I forgot about the war that HHH won last year. You lost already deadman!
Boootaay and Pristine are probably the only ones who will care but rip doug furnas

Oh man, that's awful if true - I loved the Can-Am Express :(

In remembrance, here's the Wrestling Observer's 5* rated Match of the Year for 1992;

The Can-Am Express (Doug Furnas & Dan Kroffat) (c) vs Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi - (AJPW 05/25/92)

Part 1; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU2fW45YvOU
Part 2; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHbv5-iB9_0
Part 3; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xd5QPFtZLk

*edit, dat heat, and the crowd popping like crazy for anything Kikuchi does. Awesome stuff.

Evening Musuko said:
I can't wait to see them win the belts on a random Raw and then later appear in unannounced PPV matches.

Don't forget the inevitable split and then lacklustre feud no more than a month after winning the titles.
Hey last month someone posted a video of Undertaker on a radio show taking calls in character for like an hour and I can't seem to find it on Youtube anymore, anyone have a link?
Hey remember when Wrestlemania events used to have those highlight reels at the end? yeah they were awesome, why in the blue hell did they stop doing them as of WM26?!
Must have required some damn fast work on the part of the production team to put them together so quickly and I appreciated it greatly.
Hey remember when Wrestlemania events used to have those highlight reels at the end? yeah they were awesome, why in the blue hell did they stop doing them as of WM26?!
Must have required some damn fast work on the part of the production team to put them together so quickly and I appreciated it greatly.
I'm not sure if it was intentional so much as them running out of time. WM 26 had Shawn Michaels celebrating for the last time and 27's main event was infamously rushed. I do hope they have it this year though.
I'm not sure if it was intentional so much as them running out of time. WM 26 had Shawn Michaels celebrating for the last time and 27's main event was infamously rushed. I do hope they have it this year though.

I never thought of it that way, I can only hope as I miss those highlight reels. It's amazing how badly they screwed up WM27 time wise considering it was 4 hours long but apparently we needed those Rock promo segments and Taker/Trips rolling around on the canvas for extended periods of time to sell the INTENSITY of the match, hope the HIAC doesn't suffer this, I don't want a repeat of HHH/HBK HIAC where they tried too hard to make it a big match, must be a HHH thing.
Boootaay and Pristine are probably the only ones who will care but rip doug furnas

RIP indeed. Fuck.

EDIT: So I immediately went to post a link to that MOTY, and Boots had already beat me to it, naturally. Thanks, Boots!

And thank you dream, for posting the news, even though it isn't good news...


Hey remember when Wrestlemania events used to have those highlight reels at the end? yeah they were awesome, why in the blue hell did they stop doing them as of WM26?!
Must have required some damn fast work on the part of the production team to put them together so quickly and I appreciated it greatly.

They actually did highlight reels for both WM 26 and 27, but they only show them for the live audience at TV tapings or PPVs. Prior to WM 27, they showed the highlight reel for WM 26 to the live audience.
I just had a horrable idea.

Team Ace beats team tag team match at mania.

Then Triple H announces he is retiring from in ring action after beating taker and is taking over the Raw GM spot the night after mania.

Laurinaitis now Smackdown only.
Team Ace beats team tag team match at mania.

Then Triple H announces he is retiring from in ring action after beating taker and is taking over the Raw GM spot the night after mania.

Laurinaitis now Smackdown only.

Oh god, that IS horrible...which means it's probably going to happen.

What happens to Teddy Long though, playa? Back to refereeing?
They actually did highlight reels for both WM 26 and 27, but they only show them for the live audience at TV tapings or PPVs. Prior to WM 27, they showed the highlight reel for WM 26 to the live audience.

Well now i'm just disappointed, why do they deny me this when I pay for their events?!
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