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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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Just thinking the same thing, Red and TJ look pretty good together. Also, i'm sure I say this every time I see him wrestle, but goddamn at Elgin's freakish strength.

*edit, that tiltawhirl ddt was awesome.
How has the WWE not signed Elgin by now? Seems like he's just what they'd want. I'll third the Red Perkins tag team as something that should be full time.
So how are the production values tonight?

I'm visiting my parents' house on their shitty wifi and can't get hooked up with iPPV tonight...frustrating, but for some reason it just doesn't work from here. Probably not ROH's fault--I have the same problems on UFC Facebook fights. :(
So how are the production values tonight?

Proper 16:9 widescreen, 3000kbps stream for the first time - usual minor sound levels issues and a few mistakes with cueing up the on-screen graphics. They've got post-match replays too, which is cool, but haven't quite figured out how to shut the live audio up while the replay is on, lol.

Probably the best ROH iPPV I've seen yet in terms of production, no major problems and it looks great.
So how are the production values tonight?

I'm visiting my parents' house on their shitty wifi and can't get hooked up with iPPV tonight...frustrating, but for some reason it just doesn't work from here. Probably not ROH's fault--I have the same problems on UFC Facebook fights. :(

Production has been pretty good besides a couple of audio issues early with video packages and replays. I'm watching on my google tv and it looks pretty good.
OH SHIT! Ciampa with a disgusting Air Raid Crash on the ring-apron, that looked nasty.

*edit, time limit draw, bah.

Eh, that was a weird ending to a pretty good match. Ciampa leaves with the belt after hitting his Project Ciampa finisher.

Crowd loving that "YES! YES! YES!" chant.


I'm watching Ring Ka King on my 360 through the YouTube app.

Loving it.

I'm watching Episode 9, and the crowd is going absolutely nuts for the main event (Steiner/Magnus/Dutt vs. Hart/Chavo/Morgan).
Super-kick count = 7

Not too bad by Young Bucks standards :p

*edit, the 10th anniversary highlight package during intermission was awesome. Love that Punk vs Colt match, and Kobashi vs Joe.




I'm watching Ring Ka King on my 360 through the YouTube app.

Loving it.

I'm watching Episode 9, and the crowd is going absolutely nuts for the main event (Steiner/Magnus/Dutt vs. Hart/Chavo/Morgan).

The ending of the match is hilarious because of Scott Steiner.
At 12 noon tomorrow on this very Twitter account: a major announcement about CHIKARA's much-anticipated return to iPPV...

Oh heck to the yes!
Holy shit Jacobs back has to be fucked after that ring apron power bomb! Holy shit he did it again!

Then Jacobs does a spear off the apron through a table, this match has been brutal!


I wounder if I emailed ROH really nicely would let me do there posters.

Whoever they got is so damn bad at it. It has to be someones 15 year old son who knows how to do the photoshop.

heck I would do it for free. it would be great to have something like ROH on the CV and maybe a free DVD from time to time.

I worked a couple shows for them as a photographer. No pay, no DVD's, no credit for the photos (used on their website and DVD's). Only really is an outlet to build a portfolio/resume.
Spike to the head!!!!! This match is great

Jacobs has to have broken ribs after that F-Cinq on the chairs. Damn good match KillSteenKill
I've kind of been a casual ROH follower, but what's the story behind this as a main event?

Is there a reason ROH doesn't have it's main title defended every PPV?
I've kind of been a casual ROH follower, but what's the story behind this as a main event?

Basically, Davey and Eddie were a tag team but are now feuding - O'Reilly and Cole were a tag team too, but O'Reilly sided with Davey, who is his trainer, while Eddie then asked Cole to tag with him and challenged Davey & O'Reilly to a match.

candian crowe said:
Is there a reason ROH doesn't have it's main title defended every PPV?

No reason other than the world champ's in this tag match.


I've kind of been a casual ROH follower, but what's the story behind this as a main event?

Is there a reason ROH doesn't have it's main title defended every PPV?

It's basically all about how these four guys used to be training partners and the feud between Eddie and Davey split them all up. Future Shock tried to stay neutral, but I think it started with Richards taking O'Reilly as his partner and forming the New American Wolves or something like that.
Good main event. Could have been about 15 minutes shorter I thought some parts dragged. Overall though it was very athletic and entertaining.
That was a GREAT finish to a match that dragged slightly in the middle - awesome tornado DDT off the apron through a table and then a good submission sequence, followed by the surprise finish with Cole getting the pin on the World Champ. Good match overall, fun stuff.
Good return to form after Final Battle, no real flat moments on the show other than maybe Bennett vs Homicide, which didn't really get long enough to outstay it's welcome. Really liked the tag title match, Steen vs Jacobs and the main event, even if it was a tad too long at just under 40 minutes. Cole in particular started showing some fatigue towards the end, botching a few spots slightly, but other than that it was pretty good and told a good story.

But yeah, it's all about Steen - this is another awesome ROH storyline he's the centre of for the 3rd year running and I can't wait to see him beat Davey for the belt.


Yup! Why can't they have an awesome promo like this for Rock vs Cena?

cause it's Cena vs. The Rock. It's doesn't deserve a promo as good as that. It won't even have a promo this year, it'll just play the whole "history of the rock" and "History of Cena" simultaneously and you'll have to decide.
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