I don't understand how you could be a wrestling fan if you started watching after the Monday Night Wars. WWE 2001-now is like the final seasons of Dexter and Walking Dead where it used to be good and now we're just stuck out of habit.
I don't understand how you could be a wrestling fan if you started watching after the Monday Night Wars. WWE 2001-now is like the final seasons of Dexter and Walking Dead where it used to be good and now we're just stuck out of habit.
I'm still shook at how the guy who drove Dexter into the ground is in charge of not one, but two fucking Marvel shows.Dexter you at least got to watch die and it was hilarious when it finally did
Walking Dead will go on until the creators are sick of counting money
This is why cool guys like me and my best friend Data West and my on-again, off-again friend RBH won the war. We have closure!
I will pick the Big Boss Man for every Avatar Rumble until he wins
"So what about those black people Brother"
Bunch of old men in this thread.
Like me
Big ass pic of a racist and horrible human being.
I will pick the Big Boss Man for every Avatar Rumble until he wins.or I get perm'd
I don't understand how you could be a wrestling fan if you started watching after the Monday Night Wars. WWE 2001-now is like the final seasons of Dexter and Walking Dead where it used to be good and now we're just stuck out of habit.
I was thinking about pickingnext.Greg Gagne
"So what about those black people Brother"
Now I'm getting curious about the Southpaw stuff. I guess I'll watch it when I get back home.
The teaser video was weird in a good way.
Gets boring quick.
Cesaro is the new Austin
Pelvis Wesley........I need this to be a full wrestling show.
And you're the MastodonkeyProfessor Beef is DM if DM was a jabronie.
*Rolls DM up 1,2,3!! And takes his Del Taco at the same time *This is my yard
Has been for 13 years now.
And you're the Mastodon Key