And has an amateur wrestling background!macey estrella is a marine core sergeant veteran
hearty eyes
And has an amateur wrestling background!macey estrella is a marine core sergeant veteran
hearty eyes
I'm 35 turning 36 in 3 months. All you are a bunch of young bucks. You never shook my hand!
Seph, I'm 20 today. Where's my present aka title match?
Same age here too
We are some old farts!
Seph, I'm 20 today. Where's my present aka title match?
You realize there are more full time stars on the card than part time this year, right? Even if you don't count the women and count Jericho as part time.
I'm like 10 or something
Did you guys already talk about WrestleMania X8 happening 15 years ago today?
Art you proud of me now?
If Hogan had faced the hard-cam, Rock wouldn't have kicked out.
Seph, I'm 20 today. Where's my present aka title match?
Juice - Go to MMA - Win - Go on hiatus - Juice - Return to MMA - Win - Go to WWE - Get instant title shot
You can keep juicing because you are a parttimer now.
Taker's face screams he's mad they didn't protect the fucking business.
Deadline said:Richard Dormer (Game of Thrones, Fortitude) has been cast as the lead in Rellik, a BBC and Cinemax thriller limited series. Also cast is Jodi Balfour (The Crown, Quarry). Written by Harry and Jack Williams (The Missing, Liar) Rellik (killer spelled backwards) tells the story of a serial killer in reverse. The perpetrator is caught before the drama moves backwards in time to the very beginning the crime itself. The search for the killer provides the backbone of the story but the damaged and disfigured Met detective Gabriel Markham (Dormer) is at its center.
Can't believe they'd call Taker that. On his birthday!
Jerk. I literally thought this was a real sequence the first 3 times.. lol
Young assSeph, I'm 20 today. Where's my present aka title match?
Damn, 3 of my best friends have birthdays today apparently! Wonderful
Hope you're having an excellent day <3
This needs to be used more often in this thread.
This needs to be used more often in this thread.
Fortunately it won't be for my birthday for a while. 37 in January, part-time and still carrying my own damn bagsso none of you young'uns can shit in them.
Even though it is a match 3 game, WWE Champions is the best WWE game since All Stars
So, bjork and i are the oldest? Zach are you 40?
How old are you jerks? I'm a babby. (32.)
My favorite user of all tiiiiime, daddeh, is 36?!
How old are you jerks? I'm a babby. (32.)
If my second favorite user of all time 31GhostsIV found something worthwhile in Southpaw then I will, too!
Southpaw mildly amused me or half an hour. Mr Macelroy (sp?) is the goat, not to mention his secret plan. Breeze should just drop his gimmick and become the banker at this point.
Any idea who the Two Surf Dudes were?
Shame it's basically just a KFC ad. I'm sure it would make a good network show though, especially if they put some comedy matches in there.
In other news i'm a ripe 37. I'll never get a push unless I go full DDP.
*rolls up Bronx 1,2,3!!*Seph, I'm 20 today. Where's my present aka title match?
why are you watching a kids show at 35+?
How else will I lure children into my van?